Everybody Meets In Şişli And March To Taksim

Trade unions from the Revolutionary Confederation of Labor Unions (DİSK), the Confederation of Public Employees Trade Unions (KESK), the Confederation of Labor Unions of Turkey (TÜRK-İŞ), the professional organizations and the political formations decided to meet in Şişli and march to Taksim in one column for May Day celebration, an important concession from their three column march, though the government still insists on its previous position.
According to the program, the May Day participants will meet in Şişli at 10:00 and start marching to Taksim at 11:00.
The labor organizations declared today (April 30) at 18:00 that they will march to Taksim with flowers, they took the necessary precautions and all incidents after this point will be the responsibility of the authorities.
The previous plan was that KESK would come from Şişhane and TÜRK-İŞ from Dolmabahçe.
Tombul: Do not dignify these scare tactics
The head of KESK İsmail Hakkı Tombul whom Bianet interviewed told that “those who wish to participate in May Day celebration should gather in Şişli without fear. We are not going to Taksim to have a quarrel or a violent encounter. We are going there to celebrate May Day in a democratic and peaceful way. About the comments of Istanbul Governor Muammer Güler that they will use violence, he simply said “Do not dignify these scare tactics.”
“Do not use violence against people”
Calling out to the governor Güler and to the police authorities, Tombul said, “rid yourself of the attitude that is antidemocratic and leads to a fertile ground for provocations. Take the necessary precautions and open up Taksim to people. “Do not resort to the shameful act of using violence against people”. (TK)
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