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Human Rights Defenders Detained in Büyükada
Human rights advocates from various human rights organizations holding a training meeting in Büyükada on protection of human rights advocates were detained yesterday.
6 July 2017
Private Security Batters Teacher Staging Protest in Front of Education Ministry
Discharged teacher Onay has attempted to stage a protest with a banner reading “May Nuriye, Semih be reinstated to their jobs”, has been battered and detained by private security guards.
5 July 2017
Ankara Bans Press Statements, Slogans, Demonstrations for Gülmen, Özakça on Hunger Strike
Ankara Governorship has put a ban on singing anthems and songs loudly as well as chanting slogans and making demonstration and press statements on Yüksel Street and the surrounding area where the protests and demonstrations continue against dismissals through statutory decrees and in solidarity with Özakça and Gülmen on hunger strike.
5 July 2017
Attack in Şırnak Kills 2 Workers
Two soldiers have lost their lives and four others have been injured in an attack carried out by members of PKK in Şırnak’s Uludere district during road construction works in Ortasu-Beyaztepe region.
4 July 2017
14 People Detained for ‘Propagandizing for Terror Groups’ on Social Media
14 people including ÖDP and June Movement administrator Kılıç and Çakır from Community Centres have been detained in a house raid on charges of “Insulting the president” and “propagandizing for five illegal organizations”.
30 June 2017
Academic Yılmaz Releases Paper of Presentation Cancelled by Koç University
Academic Yılmaz has released the paper which led her to be disinvited from presenting at a workshop to be held at Koc University on July 20-21.
29 June 2017
12 Peace Declaration Signatory Academics Discharged from Dokuz Eylül University
12 academics, who faced investigation for signing peace declaration, have been discharged from Dokuz Eylül University.
29 June 2017
Notes from 14th Day of Justice March
Socialist International Secretary General Luis Ayala, ÖDP Chair Alper Taş and HTKP Chair Erkan Baş participated in the Justice March on its 14th day.
29 June 2017
Demirtaş Asks Gülmen, Özakça to End Hunger Strike
HDP Co-Chair Demirtaş has written a letter from prison for Gülmen and Özakça, asking them to end the hunger strike.
28 June 2017
Interior Minister Threatens 111 Figures Who Signed Petition for Gülmen, Özakça
Interior Minister Soylu has threatened 111 artists, activists and writers, who placed a petition on four newspapers on 111th day of the hunger strikes, and the newspapers that published it: “Do you realized what you signed? And what about those who publish it to encourage terror groups?”
28 June 2017
Fertilizer Unloaded in Front of Justice March Camp in Düzce
Fertilizer has been unloaded by a truck on the road in front of the camping area where those who join the Justice March in Düzce. Fire squad has cleaned the street following the reactions, the perpetrator is yet to be found.
28 June 2017
Call From 111 Figures for Gülmen, Özakça
111 figures including Ayşe Kulin, Ahmet Ümit, Ferzan Özpetek, Hayko Çepkin, Murathan Mungan, Müjde Ar, Sıla Gençoğlu, Zuhal Olcay have signed the petition in support of Gülmen and Özakça.
27 June 2017
Council of Europe Calls for Release of Gülmen, Özakça
Secretary General of the Council of Europe Jagland has stated that he will call PM Yıldırım and ask him for release of Gülmen and Özakça who have been on hunger strike for 111 days.
27 June 2017
Manisa Brigadier Commander Discharged Following Food Poisoning
Following hundreds of soldiers being poisoned by food in Manisa, Brigadier Commander Colonel Şevki Güven has been relieved of duty.
23 June 2017
Solidarity Letter from EP for Journalist Şahin Alpay
The European People’s Party in the EP has penned a letter to act in solidarity with Şahin Alpay, who has been in prison for 11 years. The other four groups had written to Kadri Gürsel, Nazlı Ilıcak, Musa Kart and Ahmet Şık in the past.
23 June 2017
2 Soldiers in Bitlis, 1 Village Guard in Siirt Killed
Two soldiers have lost their lives in Bitlis, one village guard has lost his life in Siirt in clashes that erupted between PKK members.
22 June 2017
Ankara Bar: Nuriye Gülmen Couldn’t Come to Visiting Due to Her State of Health
Ankara Bar has stated that Özakça is very exhausted and he has difficulty in speaking and that Gülmen couldn’t come to visiting area.
22 June 2017
54,400-Euro Compensation for Discrimination Against Djemevi
ECtHR has sentenced Turkey to pay fine of 54,400 Euros to Cem Foundation for “violating freedom of belief by discriminating against djemevis”.
21 June 2017
Ayça Söylemez
9.7% of Syrian Refugees University Graduates
Support to Life has said that “It is clear as a day that the Syrian refugees in our country are not lacking any capacity of producing economic value. There is no reason for Turkey to not turn it into an opportunity”.
20 June 2017
1 Captain Killed in Çukurca
PKK has launched rocket attack on the personnel of 2nd Border Brigadier Commandership in Hakkari’s district of Çukurca; one captain has been killed, six soldiers have been wounded.
20 June 2017
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Gülmen, Özakça on 100th Day of Hunger Strike
Academic Gülmen and teacher Özakça are on the 100th day of their hunger strike, which they have gone on to be reinstated to their jobs from which they were discharged through a statutory decree.
16 June 2017
Curfew Declared in 25 Villages in Diyarbakır
Curfew has been declared in 25 villages and hamlets in Kulp district of Diyarbakır province in southeastern Turkey. Diyarbakır Governorship has announced that the operations carried out in the region would continue.
15 June 2017
Actor Barış Atay Detained
Barış Atay has been detained by the gendarmerie in Dalyan district in Muğla on the ground of a detention warrant issued for him.
15 June 2017
Investigation into Cartoonist Sefer Selvi
An investigation has been launched into Evrensel daily’s cartoonist Sefer Selvi upon “a complaint of a citizen”. Selvi gave a statement as part of the investigation.
14 June 2017
Solidarity Message From Writer Saviano For Gülmen, Özakça on Hunger Strike
Roberto Saviano, a writer from Italy has sent a solidarity message for academic Nuriye Gülmen and and teacher Semih Özakça who are on a hunger strike to be reinstated to their jobs.
14 June 2017
Curfews in 11 Regions in Batman
Batman Governorship has declared indefinite curfews in 11 villages, hamlets and neighborhoods in two districts.
14 June 2017
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ECtHR Orders Fine for Torture After 17 Years
Application of Remziya Daşlık to the ECtHR, who was tortured 17 years ago in Diyarbakır, was concluded today. The court ruled Daşlık, who had already lost her life four years ago, be paid fine.
13 June 2017
Ayça Söylemez
1 Person Killed in Police Operation in Kadıköy
One person has been killed in a police operation launched by Anti-Terror teams in Kadıköy.
13 June 2017
Statement by 14 Human Rights Organizations: Free Amnesty Turkey Chair Kılıç
Human rights organizations have demanded release of the detained Amnesty Turkey Chair Kılıç. The US State Department as well has released a statement, expressing that they monitor the situation.
9 June 2017
Rights Organizations: Free Taner Kılıç
Human rights organizations have demanded that Chair of Amnesty International Turkey, refugee rights defender and attorney Kılıç be released.
7 June 2017
Call by Academics for Peace for Trial in Mersin
Summary judgement for four academics, who were discharged through statutory decree from Mersin University, will be held tomorrow.
7 June 2017
13 People Standing Trial Again upon Being Released Face 2 Aggravated Life Imprisonments
13 people including musician Atilla Taş and journalist Murat Aksoy standing trial charged with “attempting to suspend the constitutional order" and "attempting to overthrow the Government of the Republic of Turkey" are facing two aggravated life imprisonments.
7 June 2017