Solidarity Letter from EP for Journalist Şahin Alpay
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As part of a campaign launched by the Reporters Without Borders (RSF), a group of parliamentarian in the European Parliament have sent a letter for journalist Şahin Alpay, who has been in prison for 328 days.
The European People’s Party (EPP) Group Chair Manfred Weber wrote in the letter “I cannot get used to the idea that a neighbouring country ofthe European Union, a country which wants to join the European Union, is the world's biggest prison for media personnel.
“I am writing this letter to you Mr Alpay, and to all your colleagues who are also in jail, just for doing their job. I am writing to you to tell you that we will never get used to the idea that you are in prison”.
Letter from four other EP groups
Again as part of the RSF’s campaign, the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), Geens-EFA, European Left Nordic Green Left (GUE-NGL) and Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe had written to Kadri Gürsel, Nazlı Ilıcak, Musa Kart and Ahmet Şık who have been imprisoned for months.
The trial is on September 18
The trial in which 30 people including former closed Zaman newspaper wirters Şahin Alpay, Mümtazer Türköne and Ali Bulaç have been tried will start to be held on September 18. (EÖ/EA/TK)