bianet Submits Istanbul Convention Shadow Report to GREVIO

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Turkey has entered the first evaluation phase concerning the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, otherwise known as the Istanbul Convention since it was opened to signature in İstanbul.
Within this scope the state has submitted its first report as to how much the state has implemented the convention to the GREVIO (Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence).
Meanwhile the NGOs submitted their own Shadow Report which includes their own evaluations and solution offers as to how much the state adheres to the agreement.
bianet was also among the institutions which submitted a shadow report to the GREVIO. Since there is no official data concerning male violence and femicide in Turkey, bianet which has been preparing Male Violence Monitoring Report since 2009 prepared a report based on bianet’s tallies and news archive. The report was penned by Nisan Kuyucu, who was discharged from Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences.
The data included in this report was published on bianet in a series titled “What Does Istanbul Convention Say? What Does State Do?”
Click here to read the report in Turkish and English