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Article 159 Remains Always a Serious Threat
The public prosecutor claims a prison term of up to six years against Özgüden and Karaca, for the articles that they had written to the review Türkiyede ve Avrupada Yazin. Editor Sert risks a heavy fine for having published these articles.
24 June 2003
They Respond to Peoples Grief with Guns
Elci, a housewife in Bingol cannot understand the polices harsh reaction toward the people. The people could even revolt. Do they have to respond with guns? she asked.
5 May 2003
Hamza Aktan
Anti-War Protests over The Weekend
Peace activists took to the streets in Istanbul, Ankara, Adana, Samsun, Sanliurfa, Van, Bartin, Nigde...Flying balloons in the air, sending letters to the United Nations, hanging a banner on historic Galata Tower.
18 April 2003
Blood Donation Campaign for Iraqi Civilians
Nilufer district mayor Bozbey launches blood donation campaign for Iraqi war victims. Local representatives from various political parties join the campaign.
18 April 2003
Ahmet Akhan
Kurultay Katılımcıları
Kurultaya Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Balıkesir, Batman, Bursa, Çanakkale, Diyarbakır, İstanbul, İzmir, İzmit, Mardin ve Mersinden 53 kadın grubu katıldı.
9 April 2003
Boycott US and British Goods
Municipal and Public Service Workers Union has called for boycott of US and British goods. Unions chair Cinar called for not consuming goods such as Coca Cola, Sprite, BP.
3 April 2003
A Candlelit Peace Cry from Mis Sokak
Turkali sings Hiroshima, a cry against the war in the silence of the candles. In Ankara, Izmir, Bodrum and Assos... New Zealand to New York, Montreal, Paris, Manila, Santiago and everwhere. At 19:00, they all demanded peace, those on Azores demanded war
24 March 2003
Turn the Lights Off for Peace
The peace activists called on everyone to join the One Minute Darkness fore Peace action. The peace activists will be gathering signatures for peace on Fridays and Mondays.
20 February 2003
Özge Kural
People of Turkey Say No to War!
In February 15, The people, all over the world will protest the US attac on Iraq. The people of Turkey living in New York will join the anti-war demonstration in New York.
6 February 2003
Assembly of the 100s Peace Declaration
Turkey must withstand this war which will bring about dismay, instability and crisis in our country, region and humanity as a whole. we warn all authorized bodies and institutions in the world and in Turkey: Let Ankara be the capital of peace!
5 February 2003
Anti-War Activism in Turkey
What will Turkish Government remember as it votes on the war this week? There is ction almost everywhere in the country starting Friday, January 24th: Conscientious Objectors, international peace activists, Assembly of the 100s: A United Declaration.
5 February 2003
Ayşe Gül Altınay
Mersin Ironsmiths Protest War on Iraq
Yelkovan, Chamber of Ironsmiths chair, said production halted and unemployment increased after the Gulf War. The tradesmen at the Mersin Industry Complex closed their workplaces and tied black ribbons on their cars to protest possible U.S. attack.
31 January 2003
Recep Yıldırım
2000 People Came Together for Peace
100 representatives of 20 different professions each, announced their reasons for opposing the war and signed a joint communiqué. Academicians, civil servants, doctors, engineers, workers, lawyers, journalists, businesspeople and, students were among them
28 January 2003
Dont Remain an Onlooker to War
People in Istanbul said No to War, in Beyazit Square, and called on to the government not to support the war. The anti-war activists demanded that the U.S. troops leave the bases and ports in Turkey, and that the budget for its people, not for war.
28 January 2003
Hamza Aktan
60, 000 Cypriots Rallied Against Denktash
Workers, students, civil servants, employers, every one out of three Cypriots were on the streets Tuesday. The universities went on a boycott for the first time; the tradesmen shut down their shops. Waving EU flags, they demand solution by February 28.
15 January 2003
Sami Özuslu
We Cannot Join the EU by Picking Up Garbage
The environmentalists demand that the Spanish-flagged cargo ship loaded with poisonous waste: The EU will demand that we build eradication facilities, not that we accept their waste.
10 December 2002
Akın Bodur
Being a Woman Publisher in Islamist Country
We have already published one/two Turkish authors this year, naming me authors whose works have no resemblance whatsoever to those of Tekin. I was tempted to say, Oh, yes, you are right. Who wants two oriental dishes in one dinner party!
25 November 2002
Müge Gürsoy Sökmen
24-Hours of Broadcasts
Armenian and Turkish language newspaper AGOS editor in chief Dink believes that the minorities should be excluded by the regulation that authorizes and says that the regulation is antidemocratic. Armenians are preparing to establish a radio station...
25 November 2002
Hamza Aktan
Children Have a Day, But No Rights
21 percent of children work; 62.6 are subjected to violence; there are a million 400 thousand disabled children; children constitute 10 percent of people who are subjected to torture. Cetin from MAZLUM-DER called on the authorities to solve the problems..
21 November 2002
Physicians Discuss AKPs Urgent Action Plan
TTB Deputy Chair Dr. Bakkalcı: AKPs plan is a continuation of the economy program Turkey has been pursuing for the last 20 years, and which resulted in a devastating economic crisis. It is far from solving problems and taking a human approach.
19 November 2002
Recep Yıldırım
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Being Woman Journalist In "Islamist Country"
There exists only one-woman journalist who leads an national daily among scores of Turkeys newspapers. There exists almost no anchorwoman. For the worse you will never see a womans face in the white screen if she is than lets say 40.
12 November 2002
Nadire Mater
Governorship Approves Tunny Fish Farm
Deputy Governor Guler claims that the governorship has looked into the objections for the Tunny fish farm and could not determine a reason for canceling the project.
9 September 2002
Villagers Against Tunny Fish Farm
Tunny fish farms ara replaced at the Kadirga bay, where diving is forbidden. The villagers demand the cancellation of the farm project. They are worried that the fish farms would pollute the sea, harm cultural assets, drive away fish, affect tourism...
6 September 2002
Nadire Mater
Potato Farmers Suffer From Disorganization
The producers who have to sell 3 kilograms potatoes for a cup of tea complains about the chamber of agriculture. The chamber brings seed potatoes to sell, but does not organize the producers. It is no different than a commercial establishment they say.
31 August 2002
Joint Irrigation Project With Syria
Syria and Turkey signed a joint communiqué of projects of regional development, irrigation and agriculture. During a four-day visit, the group from Syria visited dams and irrigation facilities within the region covered by the GAP project.
26 August 2002
Seferis House Transformed to a Hotel
Greek poet Seferis, the recipient of the 1963 Nobel Prize for Literature, was in Urla. The tourists are nowadays very interested in visiting the house where Seferis was born. The restored house is a hotel now.
25 July 2002
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Migration to Turkey and Human Trafficking
Turkey is both a receiving and a transit country. Two factors shape current mobility.The recent political turmoil, civil wars, and clashes in the Middle East, Balkan and Caucasus regions have pushed migrants into the country with the hope of ...
16 July 2002
Nilüfer Narlı
Bianet Launches English News Maillist Service
Our English readers will be daily informed of Bianet English news service. Having provided thousands of Turkish readers maillist news services, Bianet now, starts English news dispatch infollowers mailboxes.
10 July 2002
The Smoking Age is Going Down
According to a study by Selcuk University, the smoking age is going down. The main reason for starting to smoke is the described as the influence of friends. 16 percent of the young people responding to the survey started smoking as a result of a fad.
9 July 2002
Union Fights Against Child Labor
Karabulut, the chair of the Turk-Is Office for the Working Children: The problem of child labor in Turkey can only be solved through an equitable income distribution.
14 June 2002
Özge Gözke
New Source in Black Sea: Growing Kiwis
The kiwi adaptation studies in the eastern Black Sea region, have finally paid off. the total yield of kiwis has reached 200 tons annually. The producers will be provided with 20 thousand kiwi saplings this year.
12 June 2002
Coasts and Inland Waters Under Protection
The Council of State has overturned Supreme Councils verdict to cancel the basis decision regarding the protection of the coasts and the inland waters. CMO that had appealed the Council of State, harshly criticized the Council.
21 May 2002