Mersin Ironsmiths Protest War on Iraq
The protest, led by the Mersin Chamber of Ironsmiths, began in front of the administrational building of the Mersin Mersin Organized Industrial Area.
Sabit Yelkovan, head of the Chamber of Ironsmiths, said they all suffered after the 1991 Gulf Crisis. "The economy was disturbed, production halted, and unemployment increased," said Yelkovan. "We have been suffering for the last 12 years because of that. We don't want a new war and new sufferings," he said.
After the press statement, the tradesmen tied back ribbons on their cars. They shut their workplaces to symbolize that they "can't make their living," and protested a possible war in Iraq.
45,000 workplaces were closed down in 12 years
According to Mersin Mersin Chamber of Ironsmiths, 150 workplaces in the Industrial Area, were closed down during the years 2001-2002. In the overall Mersin province a total of 500 workplaces were closed down during the same period.
The number of members of Chamber of Ironsmiths too dropped down to 2,500 from an earlier 3,000 after the closures. During the last two years, 15,800 workplaces were shut down. Since 1991 the number of closed workplaces in the province totals 45,000. (BB/NK/EA/NM)