Dont Remain an Onlooker to War
People started to fill the Beyazit Square at 1:00 p.m. right before a press statement was made. Police took extra security measures. "We don't want a war government, " "No to war, don't let the children die," "No to war, peace now," chanted a 10,000 strong crowd.
"Allah u Ekber", "Long Live Anarchy"
Protesters from every section of the society attended the demonstration. "Allah u Ekber," chanted the Islamists while "Long live anarchy," chanted another group.
The Islamists called for a "global intifada," while the anarchists said, "capitalism kills in war and in peace."
During the press statement, which ended up being a rally, a group of demonstrators from the Liberal Democratic Party (ODP) had a brawl with the police. The fight was prevented before growing big. Another group of demonstrators from the pro-Kurdish Democratic People's Party (DEHAP) protested the prison conditions of imprisoned Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan and chanted slogans in support of him.
Wouldn't they ask!
Sami Evren, head of the Confederation of Unions of Public Workers (KESK) read a press statement on behalf of the "No to War in Iraq Coordination." Evren called on the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government not to support the war and said:
"Wouldn't they ask you how you made this decision in a country where 90 percent of the people are against war?"
Demanding bases and ports from Turkey is the U.S.' first step in extending its hegemony in the Middle East, said the anti-war activists at the demonstration. "We will not let this happen," they said.
At the end of the press statement, Evren listed the demands by anti-war activists:
* We don't want Turkey to allow the use of its bases, ports, overland and air routes. The government should announce to public all secret agreements it has made with the U.S. and cancel them. Turkey should cancel all military cooperation and weapons contracts with Israel. We want the government to have a budged for education and health and not for war.
The communiqué: Don't remain an onlooker
The demonstrators dispersed peacefully after a two-hour rally and left leaflets of communiqués behind them. We picked up many and put together what they all said:
"You cannot stand against imperialist war if you don't stand against imperialism," said a communiqué by the Revolutionary Action magazine.
"The U.S. troops should leave Turkey and Turkey should leave the NATO," read a communiqué by the Socialist Platform of the Oppressed.
"Let's not remain silent, because remaining silent is approving the war," wrote the Call for a New World magazine. The communiqué by the No to War in Iraq Coordination listed things that should be done during this period: "Don't remain an onlooker at your home. Come down to the streets. And don't come alone, bring along your family, neighbors, friends. Because if you are not here, we are incomplete. And don't throw this communiqué away." (BB/NK/EA/NM)