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Turkish Army Bombs Zergele Village in Northern Iraq
Turkish Armed Forces bombed Zergele Village in northern Iraq. 10 civilians died while at least 15 people are wounded. KCK, DTK and Masoud Barzani reacted to the bombing.
3 August 2015
Number of Detainees Reaches 1302 in 5 Days
According to Prime Ministry Coordination Center, 1302 people have been detained in 39 cities during police operations for five days. Detainees in Ankara have been released.
29 July 2015
1050 Detentions in 4 Days in 34 Cities
According to Prime Ministry, 1050 people were detained in 34 cities during police operations against three illegal organizations. It was stated that operations would continue.
28 July 2015
A Farewell to The Dead of Suruç Explosion
Funeral ceremonies are performed in Hatay, Muş, Diyarbakır, Suruç, Kızıltepe, Trabzon, Dersim, Van, Elazığ, Yüksekova and İstanbul provinces of Turkey for the dead of Suruç Explosion.
22 July 2015
Child Abuse Increases 697% in Five Years
CHP Vice President Sezgin Tanrıkulu drew attention to child abuse which increased enormously for five years and requested parliamentary research related to the subject.
21 July 2015
March and Press Statements Banned in Urfa, in South-Eastern Turkey
Governorship of Urfa announced all kinds of marching, meeting and press statements have been cancelled in the city and districts after Suruç Explosion.
21 July 2015
Explosion in Southeast of Turkey
It's stated that many people died or were injured due to bombing attack in Southeast of Turkey. Explosion occurred during the press statement of Socialists Youth before going Kobani. 33 dead and 76 injured according to Ministry of the Interior.
20 July 2015
1250-Hectare Fire in Southern and Southeastern Turkey
1250-hectare forestland fired in Kulp district of Diyarbakır province and Mersin province in South of Turkey.
20 July 2015
What Will Happen to Artillery Barracks Projects?
State Council terminated cancellation decision related to Artillery Barracks Project in Gezi Park. Now, either local court resists or another verdict is to be expected.
15 July 2015
Nilay Vardar
Uproar in front of Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions
An uproar broke out between dismissed Oya Baydak, her supporters from Revolutionary Workers’ Movement and members of General Service Workers.
13 July 2015
Operation Made against ISIS in İstanbul
In İstanbul, police made an operation in the morning and detained 30 people who are alleging members of ISIS.
10 July 2015
People and Gendarmerie Come Face to Face in Artvin
In Artvin province, people on duty since June 20, came face to face with gendarmerie due to a disagreement related to mining works in the region. Both parties are still waiting.
9 July 2015
Syrian Crisis Triggers Child Labor
More than three quarters of Syrian families’ children are working in order to contribute family budget.
6 July 2015
Republican People’s Party’s Deputies Demand Research about Romani People
CHP deputies Sezgin Tanrıkulu and Özcan Purçu stated a comprehensive research was necessary for Romani people who were ‘isolated from the society’.
6 July 2015
15 Seasonal Workers Die, Death Toll Reaches 227 in 6 Months
15 laborers were killed in a traffic accident in Manisa province of Turkey. In the first half of 2015, 227 workers died on the road while 168 laborers who were working in the fields died.
6 July 2015
Ephesus Ancient City Joins UNESCO's World Heritage List
Ephesus Ancient City in İzmir,Turkey joined UNESCO's World Heritage List after Diyarbakır Fortress and Hevsel Gardens.
6 July 2015
"Will Our Animals Hitchhike?
People in Fırtına Valley of Black Sea Region gathered and responded to Green Road Project.
3 July 2015
Nilay Vardar
Activists Attacked by Unknown Perpetrators after Pride Parade
After attending Pride Parade, activists were attacked by unidentified persons in Tophane district of Istanbul. Four protesters were taken to hospital while an activist’s nose was broken. Witnesses said attackers shouted “You can’t escape, traitors!”
29 June 2015
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
News Website Fined 5,250 Turkish Lira for Insulting Female Unionist
News Website was fined 5,250 Turkish Lira for insulting Unionist Banu Aşçı by publishing her photo titled “The sexiest unionist” on May Day.
25 June 2015
Ayça Söylemez
Thousands March against Transphobia: We Need a Law
6th Trans Pride March took place along İstiklal Avenue with slogans “We need a law” on Sunday.
23 June 2015
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
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Former President Süleyman Demirel Laid to Rest with State Ceremony
9th President Süleyman Demirel’s body was taken to Isparta, his hometown, after the state ceremony was held in Ankara.
19 June 2015
PM Davutoğlu: We’ll Do Anything for Coalition
PM Davutoğlu answered the questions of journalists in a TV program and said “We’ll do anything for coalition. It’s our priority.”
18 June 2015
National Mourning Declared for Süleyman Demirel
PM Ahmet Davutoğlu declared national mourning for three days for the deceased 9th President of Republic of Turkey, Süleyman Demirel.
17 June 2015
Süleyman Demirel Dies at the Age of 90
Süleyman Demirel who was prime minister seven times between 1965 and 1993 and president from 1993 to 2000 died.
17 June 2015
Chamber of Architects Sued for “Sold inch by inch” Case
After Bülent Arınç said Melih Gökçek sold Ankara inch by inch, Tezcan Karakuş, Ankara Branch Chairperson of Chamber of Architects who criticized Gökçek was sued.
16 June 2015
Police who Pepper Sprayed Woman in Red Plants 600 Trees
The police who pepper sprayed academician Ceyda Sungur aka woman in red at close range was convicted to plant 600 trees.
10 June 2015
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Sit-in against Dismissal in TOFAŞ
Workers staged sit-in against dismissal of two workers due to previous month’s strike in automotive company,TOFAŞ, of Bursa province.
9 June 2015
Only Two Disabled Deputies in Parliament
There are at least 9 million disabled people in Turkey. However, there are only two disabled female deputies in parliament.
8 June 2015
Water Resources Diminish, Air’s Polluted, Creatures Become Extinct
WWF pointed out that growing cities, climate change, increasing consumption, transportation and industrial activities not only affect humans but also species.
5 June 2015
Agreement Made in Ford Otosan
Employers and employee made an agreement in Ford Otosan in Kocaeli and Eskişehir provinces. Workers went back to work.
4 June 2015
Erdoğan Files an Individual Criminal Complaint against Can Dündar
The President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan filed an individual criminal complaint against journalist, Can Dündar.
2 June 2015
80.000 Signs Collected Against Hunting Tourism
80.000 Signs have been collected against hunting of bear, rupicapra rupicapra ornate and chevrotain in Turkey.
2 June 2015