Thousands March against Transphobia: We Need a Law

This year, 6th Trans Pride Week ended with theme “We need a law”. Thousands marched along İstiklal Avenue against transphobia on Sunday.
Slogans in both Turkish and Kurdish like “Bize Bir Yasa Lazım” (We need a law), “Nerdesin aşkım, buradayım aşkım” (Where are you my love? I’m here my love), “Tayyip kaç kaç kaç, dönmeler geliyor” (Tayyip [the president] run run! Faggots are coming!), "Transfobik devlet, yıkacağız elbet" (transphobic state, we’ll break you down), "Jin, jiyan, azadi" (woman-life-freedom in Kurdish) etc. under the pink-white colors of trans flag.
Tradesmen in İstikal Avenue sold badges “LGBTİ” and “We don’t shut up, we aren’t afraid” written on them.
"Make love out of spite”
When LGBTI people gathered in İstiklal Avenue, the police said they couldn’t allow them to march since other policemen were ready for protests of United June Movement (BHH) in the same avenue.
Organizers of Trans Pride March told they would march like previous years.
After the protests of BHH ended at 17.40, police barricade was opened and the march began. LGBTI people shouted slogans like “Make love out of spite”.
Transsexual inmates and people killed during Gezi Park protests were commemorated
LGBTI people shouted:
“God save us from the evilness of Tayyip “, “Hail the martyrs of Gezi!”, “Break down the presidential palace, build a brothel instead”…
Homosexual municipal officials who attended the march were applauded. Transsexual inmates were remembered.
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) İstanbul deputy Erdal Ateş also marched.
“All colors of the society are here"
LGBTI people made a press statement in İstiklal Avenue and touched upon hate speech in Turkey, society’s prejudices against transsexuals, Justice and Development Party (AKP) deputies targeting transsexuals, femicide and Kobane resistance.
LGBTI people stated:
"We are angry! However, we are strongminded to change our destiny. Call us a bunch of heretics if you want but we are all colors of the society. Socialists, feminists, tree huggers, political parties, public opposition, heterosexuals, our mothers, brothers, sisters, and friends are all here.
"We must wake up. If transsexual women are tortured, you can also be tortured.
"We cry out with thousands of people against transphobia today! We need a law against transvestite murders, alienation, killing and ignoring.” (ÇT/BD)
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