Former President Süleyman Demirel Laid to Rest with State Ceremony

* Photo Credit: Emin Sansar, Aykut Ünlüpınar, Mehmet Ali Özcan / AA
The body of 9th President Süleyman Demirel was taken to Isparta, his hometown, after the state ceremony was held in Ankara.
Former Speaker of the Parliament, Hikmet Çetin, said in the official ceremony:”Süleyman Demirel who put his stamp on second half of 20th century was a prominent figure of politics. He never made concessions of democracy and state of law.”
Süleyman Demirel’s portrait photography, his medals and badges were escorted by military cortege.
Some of the politic figures who took part in the ceremony were the President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, Republican People’s Party (CHP) Leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, 11th President Abdullah Gül, Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Leader Devlet Bahçeli, former PM Tansu Çiller, former CHP Leader Deniz Baykal and 8th President Turgut Özal’s son Ahmet Özal.
After the state ceremony, body of Demirel was sent to Isparta, his hometown, by plane to be buried in his mausoleum. (AS/BD)
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