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2 Soldiers Sentenced to Aggravated Life Imprisonment in Coup Attempt Probe
Erzurum Gendarmerie Regional Command Chief of Staff Murat Koçak and former Operation and Public Security Branch Director Staff Major Murat Yılmaz have been sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment in “FETÖ” investigation as to coup attempt.
5 January 2017
Dog Abandoned by Owner Not Allowed to Get On Ferry
Ferry trips have been delayed due to a dog abandoned by its owner or owners who went to Kadıköy by ferry leaving the dog behind. The dog wanted to get on the next ferry to Kadıköy.
4 January 2017
State of Emergency Extended for 3 More Months
State of Emergency was extended for three more months as of January 19, Thursday.
4 January 2017
Lynch Attempt Against Fashion Designer Barbaros Şansal at Airport
Deported from Northern Cyprus due to post he had shared on the social media, Barbaros Şansal was has been subjected to a lynch attempt after leaving the plane in Atatürk Airport in İstanbul.
3 January 2017
No Permission for Snowperson in Front of HDP Building
Made by party workers in front of HDP Headquarters, snowperson has been demolished twice.
30 December 2016
Saturday Mother Morsümbül Loses Her Life
Of the Saturday Mothers, Hüseyin Morsümbül’s mother Fatma Morsümbül has lost her life.
27 December 2016
Fraternity Fairy Tales in Hatay
As part of Project Fraternity Fairy Tales, the theme will be “Happy Mother-Happy Child” in the Fairy Tale Stage to be established at Hatay Narlıca Support to Life House.
21 December 2016
Diyarbakır Municipality’s Kurdish-Turkish Plate Renewed
On Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality building’s renewed Kurdish and Turkish plate, silhouettes of Grand Mosque, Ten Arches Bridge and Four-Legged Minaret take place. The Amed writing has been removed, T.C. (Republic of Turkey) and Turkish flag included.
21 December 2016
Attacks on EMEP, DİSK, CHP, HDP Following Explosion in Kayseri
Attacks have been carried out against the EMEP, CHP, DİSK, HDP following a bomb attack in Kayseri.
17 December 2016
Stories of People Who Lost Their Lives in Beşiktaş Attack
We are sharing the stories of people who lost their lives in the Beşiktaş attack.
12 December 2016
Place of Beşiktaş Attack Named ‘Martyrs Hill’
In its meeting held this morning (December 12, Beşiktaş Municipality Assembly decided to name the place where the twin bombings took place “Martyrs Hill”.
12 December 2016
10,000 People from Bartın Object to Environmental Plan
Bartın Platform has submitted a petition for the cancellation of a plan made to facilitate construction of Hema Thermal Power Plant in Amasra.
7 December 2016
Penalty on Workplaces Employing ‘Deserter’ Submitted to Jurisdiction
A practice prescribing penalty of up to 2 years in prison for those who employ the ones that don’t do military service for various reasons has been brought to court by conscientious objector Timuçin Kızılay.
6 December 2016
Ekin Karaca
Explosion at Fuel Tanker in İstanbul
One person has died and two others have been wounded in an explosion that occurred as welded to a fuel tanker in a workplace in İstanbul’s Büyükçekmece district.
2 December 2016
Phyllo, ‘Disputed’ Lavash Under UNESCO Protection
Jointly presented by Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Iran, phyllo and lavash have been included in UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List. Armenia had also applied for the lavash.
1 December 2016
Party of European Socialists Delegation Not Permitted to Meet Demirtaş
Not permitted to meet HDP’s arrested Co-Mayor Demirtaş, Party of European Socialists Chair has said arrests are not acceptable.
22 November 2016
Refugees, Migrants Escape From Removal Center in Fire
123 refugees and migrants have escaped from the Removal Center in Kumkapı following the fire which broke out in the center.
21 November 2016
Tenders for Bozcaada Bays Cancelled
Bozcaada Mayor Hakan Can Yılmaz has announced that tenders won’t be initiated for Sulubahçe and Habbele bays.
17 November 2016
Curfew Partially Lifted in Şırnak
The curfew declared on March 14 in Şırnak will not be in effect between 5 a.m and 10 p.m.
14 November 2016
Cat Tombili’s Stolen Statue Put Back on Its Place
Stolen on November 7, the statue of cat Tombili known for its posture of resting its arm on pavement, has been put back on its place.
10 November 2016
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Erdoğan: Greenpeace Activists Have Always Been Trouble in Black Sea
About hydroelectric power plants, President Erdoğan has said “they revolutionized”, they confronted difficulties in this matter and continued, “Greenpeace activists have always been trouble in our Black Sea”.
7 November 2016
“I Even Had Teachers Who Imitated My Tics”
We have talked with Çağdaş İslim, law student with Tourette syndrom about living with tics and last year medical student Bekir Artukoğlu about the medical aspects of the issue.
1 November 2016
Nilay Vardar
22 Regions Declared Special Security Zone in Şırnak
Şırnak Governorship has announced that 22 regions have been declared special security zone in Şırnak for 15 days.
1 November 2016
Explosion in Antalya
An explosion occurred near Antalya Chamber of Commerce and Industry at 8.50 a.m. this morning.
25 October 2016
IMDb Removes Word “Dictator” Once Again From Introduction Text of Movie About Erdoğan
IMDb, a worldwide known online database for movies, television and video games which had called President Erdoğan a “dictator” in the introduction text of “Reis”, a film about the life of Erdoğan has removed the expression once again.
20 October 2016
Operation on House in Ankara, 1 Person Killed
An operation has been launched on the house of an alleged ISIS member in Eryaman district of Ankara. A person aged 24 and claimed to be a member of ISIS has been killed.
19 October 2016
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Refugee Women to Tell Fairy Tales to Children
Refugee women will tell fairy tales from their homelands to children from Turkey and Syria as part of the Kardeş Masallar project in Urfa on October 21.
19 October 2016
Nuclear-Free Future Award Goes to Attorney Cangı
Attorney Arif Ali Cangı has been granted the Nuclear-Free Future Award in the category “Resistance”. For the first time, a person from Turkey has been granted the award.
17 October 2016
Number of Unemployed Rises by 354,000 in July 2016
According to the Turkish Statistical Institute, the year on year number of unemployed has risen by 354,000 among the people older than 15.
17 October 2016
Explosions During Cell House Operations in Antep
Three police have been killed, nine people wounded resulting from a suicide bomber exploding himself during the operation launched against ISIS in Antep. The ISIS member in charge of suicide cells has been killed in the second operation, the Governor said.
17 October 2016
Amasra to File Complaint Against Thermal Power Plant
Amasra residents are getting prepared to bring an action against Environmental Impact Assessment positive report, which was accepted recently, of coal power plant in Amasra.
14 October 2016
Nilay Vardar
Protest in Kadıköy Against ‘Green Road’ Project
Fırtına Initiative has organized a demonstration in Kadıköy against the “Green Road” project and construction works which have been relaunched.
14 October 2016