Erdoğan: Greenpeace Activists Have Always Been Trouble in Black Sea

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President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has spoken at Electric Power Plants Mass Opening Ceremonies organized in Beştepe Cultural and Congress Center.
Erdoğan said they’ve started preparations for a third nuclear power plant after Mersin and Sinop.
“The West would have plunged into darkness if not coal and nuclear power plants”
Some highlights from Erdoğan’s speech are the following:
“The vast majority of coal and nuclear power plants, which environmentalists criticize most severely, are in western countries. The West would have plunged into darkness if not coal and nuclear power plants.
“There are still actively operating 450 nuclear power plants in the world. There are countries such as the US, Germany, France at the top among the 30 countries.
“Why don’t they take it to the street in western countries which use coal and nuclear energy the most? Why don’t these campaigns take place there? Because concerns of those who finance these campaigns from the backstage are different”.
“Greenpeace activists have always been trouble in the Black Sea"
“Energy investments require significant resources. Turkey has to have a word in construction of these facilities while it gravitates towards renewable energy. Otherwise, we’ll have to allocate significant resources to abroad for these works.
“We are trying to establish a system based on technology transfer as much as possible in nuclear power plants. We almost revolutionized in hydroelectricity power plants and confronted serious obstacles in this matter as well; [they were] the Greenpeace activists. They have always been a trouble in our Black Sea”. (BK/TK)