Women Kill 2 Men, Injure 2 Others Inflicting Violence on Them in March

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According to the “Women Look Out For Their Lives” Report of İstanbul Feminist Collective, two women have killed the men who have inflicted violence on/harassed them in March and two women have injured the men who have inflicted violence on/harassed them in March.
The report also includes self-defence cases brought before the court. The woman named D.K. who has killed her husband for self defence who had been inflicting violence on her for 15 years has been acquitted on grounds that the case constituted the conditions of legitimate self-defence.
The collective has also announced that they have issued their last report “Women Look Out For Their Lives” as of this month.
Since we have begun to issue the report “Women Look Out For Their Lives”, we have been trying to collect the stories of women who had to kill/ injure man in order to not get killed, have resisted male violence/ harassment/ rape and not remained silent to the extent that these have been reflected in the media.
“We have collected all the reports who have issued in 2015 and interviews and articles published in the media to a book with the title ‘Don’t let your eyelash fall to ground: Women Look Out For Their Lives’. Our book has been published in March by Güldünya Publications. We already have published the second issue. We are issuing this report which we have continued publishing in the first three years of 2016 for the last time with our book being published.
“While preparing the reports, what we have lacked the most was the stories of women who have not made it to the news on the media, the stories of women who have stood against male dominance and looked out for their lives. Although we could not include those into our report as these are not reflected in the press, we do know that these stories come up everyday.
“While male violence manifests itself in various ways, tens of women are finding out various ways of resistance insistently, through objecting and solidarity. They stay alive and look out for their lives. We will keep on discussing on and finding new ways to look out for our lives”. (ÇT/DG)