Men Kill 21 Women in June

According to the data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male violence left at least 21 women dead; 9 women and teenager girls raped; 18 women to forced prostitution; 25 women injured; 16 women and teenager girls sexually harassed and 2 female lawyers threatened in June 2015.
In the first six months of 2015, men killed 141 women, raped 58 women, forced 121 women to prostitution, injured 193 women and sexually harassed 145 women.
Men killed 21 women and 6 children and 4 men near them in June 2015.
* Two men stabbed their wives while they were asleep. One of the perpetrators said he killed his wife since she didn’t bring a glass of water to him.
* One of the perpetrators who beat his previous wife to death but went unpunished gave himself over to the police.
* A man killed his wife and four relatives. He had threatened the family before but any precaution wasn’t taken.
38% of women were killed by their husbands, 14% of them were killed by their daughters’ partners; Perpetrators were identified as follows: husband (9), religiously-wed husband (1), relative (3), son-in-law (2), acquaintance (1), lover (2), neighbor (1), son (1) and stranger (1).
57% of murders were committed with firearms.
Killing methods were the following: Pistol (6), rifle (6), knife (7) and strangling (2).
Following the incidents, 33% of the murderers surrendered.
A woman was killed due to divorce claim.
Murder cases were reported in the following cities: Adana, Adıyaman, Ankara, Antalya (2), Antep, Balıkesir, Bolu, Bursa (2), Çorum, Hatay, Karaman (2), Kocaeli, Malatya (2), Manisa and Muğla (3).
In January, In January, men raped 9 women. 18 women were also forced to prostitution.
* 78% of the women were raped by acquaintances.
* In Antalya province, a public official tried to rape a women in her home.
* A man forced his wife to prostitution.
Rape perpetrators were identified as lover (3), father (1), friend (2), employer (1), public official (1) and strangers (2).
44% of the rape venues were apartments. Rape venue were listed as apartment (4), workplace (1), street (1) and woods (2). A rape venue wasn’t included on the media.
14 men were arrested for raping.
Rape cases were reported in the following cities: Ankara, Antalya, Balıkesir, Bolu, Bursa, Kocaeli, Sakarya, Samsun and Sinop.
In provinces like Adana (2), Bursa (14) and Denizli (2), 20 men were arrested for forcing women to prostitution and 27 men were released under probation and judicial control decision.
In June, men battered 25 women.
12% of women were subjected to male violence and severely injured by lethal weapons due to divorce claim or breaking up.
* A man severely injured his wife who made a complaint 20 times about him by knife. Perpetrator went to his wife’s apartment and cut off the electricity in spite of temporary debarment.
* A man quarreled with his girlfriend and tortured her cat.
* A woman was battered after she wanted to take her child who was tortured by father to hospital.
* A man who stabbed his mother battered his wife with chain.
* A man battered his wife after she attended a social organization related to teenager girls in order to make them read and write instead of marrying at a very early age.
* After a woman was battered severely by her husband she settled down in a women’s shelter. However, Mayor “reunited” them and now the woman lives on the streets.
48% of the women were battered by their husbands.
Violence perpetrators were identified as husband (11), religiously-wed husband (1), separated husband (3), son (2), son-in-law (2), father (1), male relative (1), Mayor (1), neighbor (1), lover (1) and stranger (1).
28% of male violence cases occurred in the form of heavy wounding with knife or firearms.
Violence methods included battery (17), knife (3), chipping hatchet (1), rifle (1) and torture (2). A woman was kidnapped.
12% of male violence cases occurred in spite of complaints made by women and temporary debarment.
Battery/Assault cases were reported in the following cities in June: Adana (3), Adıyaman (2), Aksaray, Bingöl, Bolu, Çorum (2), Erzurum, İstanbul (5), İzmir (2), Karaman, Kocaeli (2), Maraş, Muğla (2) and Van.
In June, 16 sexual harassment cases appeared on the media across Turkey. Also, two female lawyers were threatened by perpetrators of the cases they ruled.
* Two harassers were teachers and two other ones were policemen.
* A police officer who works as children police in Diyarbakır province sexually harassed a teenager girl who came to him to complain about a truck driver who harassed her. Police officer is still on duty.
28% of the harassment cases were physical abuse while other 28% of them were occurred as exhibitionism. 7 women were physically abused while a women was verbally abused. 7 women were exposed to exhibitionist on the street while a woman was peeped in a shopping mall.
44% of the harassers were strangers.
Harassment perpetrators were identified as thief (1), police officer (1), a neighbor who is a police (1), teacher (2) and strangers (11).
40% of the Harassment cases occurred on the street.
Harassment venues were as follows: street (10), school (2), apartment (2), shopping mall (1) and police station (1).
Sexual harassment incidents were reported in the following cities: Adana, Balıkesir (3), Diyarbakır, Düzce, Edirne (6), Muğla, Ordu, Samsun and Zonguldak.
Two female lawyers were threatened in Mersin and Bursa provinces.
Regional distribution
In June 2015, 91 cases of male violence, murder, attempted murder, harassment, sexual violence, rape and battery were reported.
Incidents were distributed according to regions as follows: Marmara (43%), Aegean (12%), Mediterranean (14%), Black Sea (13%), Eastern-Anatolia (5%), Central Anatolia (7%) and South-Eastern Anatolia (5%). (ÇT/BD)
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