Men Kill 22 Women in August

According to the data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male violence left 22 women dead; 20 women and teenage girls raped; 20 women to forced prostitution; 37 women injured; 6 women and teenage girls sexually harassed in July 2015.
In the first eight months of 2015, men killed 182 women, raped 90 women, forced 142 women to prostitution, injured 266 women and sexually harassed 161 women.
Men killed 22 women in August. Two of them were killed while trying to prevent femicide in family. A woman was killed by a sledgehammer while resisting to her rapist.
A woman was killed even though her husband had restraining order.
Moreover, two women were murdered in Diyarbakır province, in southeastern Turkey but their perpetrators couldn't be found. ıt was claimed that a teenager (16) in Konya province in central Turkey committed suicide after she was beaten by her husband. She had been forced into marriage. A woman in Kocaeli province, in Marmara region, was found dead. Perpetrators of Cansu Kaya were found in August. |
54.5% of the women were killed by their ex and new partners (husband, ex-husband, lover, ex-lover, fiancé and ex-fiancé): Perpetrators were identified as follows: relatives (2), acquaintance (2), unidentified person (1), son-in-law (1), ex-fiancé (1), ex-lover (1), colleague (1), brother (1), father-in-law (1), husband (8), fiancé (1), son (1) and lover (1).
59% of murders were committed with firearms: Killing methods were the following: pistol (8), pump rifle (4), shotgun (1), knife (7) and sharp object (2).
5 men committed suicide after murdering.
The murderers were aged between 17 to 69 years old; while female victims' ages differed from 18 to 77 in August.
Murder cases were reported in the following cities: Adana, Ankara (2), Antalya, Aydın, Balıkesir, Diyarbakır (3), Erzurum, Eskişehir, Giresun, İstanbul (2), İzmir, Kırşehir, Kocaeli, Manisa, Muğla, Samsun, Sivas and Urfa.
In August, men raped 20 women and teenage girls; 20 women were forced to prostitution.
2 of 20 rape victims were Syrian refugees, one of them was disabled and two of them were tourists.
75 of women were raped by acquaintances.
A man raped her ex-wife’s home mate and made her ex-wife listen to the raping voices on the phone.
One of the rapists said in a police station “I raped her since she was a foreigner. She was prettier than my wife so she attracted me,” while another one said to the journalists “Hey, take my photo! A nice one, a handsome one.”
15% of the rapists threatened women with firearms and/or sharp objects.
15% of the rapists were released after their testimony had been taken; 35 of them were arrested; other rape cases didn’t take place on the media.
Perpetrators were identified as follows: acquaintance (3), father (1), ex-husband (1), men from social networks (2), colleague (1), brother-in-law (1), neighbor (1), lover (1), chauffeur (1), friends (3) and stranger (1).
35% of the rape cases took place in apartments. Rape venues were listed as apartments (10), workplace (2), market (1), woods (2), hotel (1), street (1) and dormitory (1).
Rape cases were reported in the following cities: Adana (3), Antalya (2), Aydın, Bolu, Bursa (2), İstanbul (3), İzmir (4), Manisa and Samsun (3).
In August, men battered 37 women.
Two women got gravely wounded since they wanted to divorce. A Syrian refugee was stabbed by her husband. Another woman was stabbed even though she filed a claim against her husband.
A man battered four family members since his daughter wanted to go to university. He said “Go and join Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) instead of learning,” and he was released. Battered women weren’t out under protection.
46% of women were battered by their partners while 24% of women were battered by their relatives: Perpetrators were identified as follows: husband (16), ex-husbands (3), lover (1), relative (5), father (3), friend (2), brother (1), father-in-law (1), daughter’s ex-fiancé (1), daughter’s ex-lover (1), neighbor (1), customer (1), lover (1) and stranger (1).
In August 27% of women were battered by knives, 13.5 % of women were battered by firearms: 21 women were battered. 10 women were stabbed. 5 women were battered by pistol. A woman was strangled
The perpetrators were aged between 30 and 75, while female victims' ages differed from 17 to 45 in August.
Battery/Assault cases were reported in the following cities in August: Adana, Afyon, Aksaray (5), Antep, Bolu (2), Çorum, Diyarbakır (5), Edirne, Erzurum, Eskişehir, İzmir (2), Kocaeli (4), Konya, Kütahya, Mersin, Muğla, Sakarya, Samsun (2), Trabzon (3) and Zonguldak (2).
In August 6 women and teenage girls were sexually harassed.
66% of women and teenage girls were raped by strangers. 5 of 6 harassment cases were sexual harassments while one of them was threatening.
Three women were harassed in the street while another woman was raped in her house. A teenage girl was raped in an apartment entrance. A man threatened his wife with death.
The perpetrators were aged between 27 and 35, while female victims' ages differed from 12 to 51 in August.
Sexual harassment incidents were reported in the following cities in August: Nevşehir (3), Manisa, Tekirdağ and Niğde.
Regional distribution
In August 2015, 105 cases of male violence, murder, attempted murder, harassment, sexual violence, rape and battery were reported.
Incidents were distributed according to regions as follows: Marmara (32%), Aegean (15%), Mediterranean (10.5%), Black Sea (15%), Eastern-Anatolia (2%), Central Anatolia (15%) and South-Eastern Anatolia (9.5%).
Male violence cases from South-Eastern Anatolia increased. It corresponded to 2,5% of the total number in July. (ÇT/BD)
* bianet's tally doesn't include all femicide cases, it only includes women who were murdered by men and it also doesn't include violence cases which aren't a part of social gender. We don't include the numbers of unidentified murders and crimes which were committed by mentally ill persons. Child sexual abuse cases aren't included here since it requires another media monitoring study. Women who were forced into prostitution are included in Rape category. |
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