Who, Where, How: Femicide Map of Five Years

As November 25 the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women: Over five years; at least 1,134 women murdered; perpetrator of one of every two women murdered was their husband or ex-husband; 235 murders occurred during break up or divorce process.
In Turkey where at least 1,134 women were murdered by men in the years between 2010-2015, there were pretexts such as “having the hair dyed to red”, “buying new dress”, “not cooking potato meatball”, “not passing the salt shaker”, or just “becoming irritated”. The perpetrators are husband, lover, father, son, brother; in short, men that are the closest to women…
kadincinayetleri.org website mapped the femicides over five years between 2010-2015 in Turkey to build a database. It is possible to access news source and categorize femicides according to perpetrators, pretexts, violence or divorce elements in the map which distribution of femicides by provinces and districts can be seen.
kadincinayetleri.org, which has been prepared by data acquired from bianet’s Male Violence Monitoring Report and based on the research conducted by support of Objective Investigative Journalism Program, aims to prevent femicides and contribute to policies that will be formed in this area. The site will be updated every month after data for 2015 are entered.
At least 1,134 women were murdered by men in the years between 2010-2015, of women who were murdered over 5 years;
- Perpetrators of 618 were husband or ex-husband
- Perpetrators of 161 were lover or ex-lover
- Perpetrators of 213 were men in the family (father, son, brother, son-in-law, father-in-law) or male relatives.
There is variety in pretexts men give for murdering women. In the pretext category created by using men’s statements as base, the prominent pretexts are suspicion of being cheated on, denial of request to make up, women seeking break up or divorce, or “honor” or “traditions” …
Violence, break up, appeal
Of 1,134 femicides;
- 217 of them included systematical violence, harassment or threat,
- 141 of them were experienced despite women appealing to an official institution for security reasons,
- 234 of them were committed during a break up or divorce process.
Site of the murder
676 of 1,134 femicides took place at houses belonged to one of the couples or co-owned, 225 femicides took place at public places such as street, park, garden, or forestry. The murders committed in front of women’s workplace or house involve men stalking them which therefore points to planned murders. (CU/HK/TK)
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