Men Kill 13 Women in February

According to data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male perpetrators left 13 women dead, 5 raped, 46 battered and 3 harassed in February 2014.
In 2014, male perpetrators killed 36 women, raped 11 women, assaulted 91 women and harassed 10 women.
In February, men killed 13 women, 2 children and 1 man in 7 cities across Turkey.
Two men committed suicide after the incident.
15 percent of women were slain for seeking divorce.
One male perpetrator killed his wife and her family (mother and father) despite a court restraint order. Another man who previously killed his first wife and served 8 years before his release, murdered his second wife with an axe.
While 31 percent of women were slain by their husbands, 23 percent were killed by their lovers. Other murder perpetrator men were identified as father-in-law (1), ex-spouse (1), ex-son-in-law (1), fiancee (1), 3 thieves who broken into her apartment (1), man who is in dispute with her husband (1), husband (4), and lover (3).
69 percent of murders were perpetrated by guns. Murders were committed by the following methods: pistol (3), rifle (5), shotgun (1), axe (1), knife (1), by strangling (1) and beating (1).
The murderers were aged between 24 to 78 years old; while female victims' ages differed from 18 to 75 in February 2014.
Murder cases were reported in the following cities: Antep (3), Batman, İstanbul (2), İzmir (2), Mersin (2), Yozgat and Zonguldak (2).
In February, only 5 rape cases were covered by the media.
Rape venues were listed as follows: on the street (2), apartment (2), refugee camp (1).
40 percent of rapists were acquaintances to women. Rapists were identified as stranger (3), spouse (1) and friend (1).
The rape suspects were aged between 22 to 45 years old; while female victims' ages differed from 13 to 31 in February 2014.
Rape cases have been reported from the following cities: İstanbul (3), Samsun and Urfa.
In February, men battered 46 women in 17 cities across Turkey. One man reportedly committed suicide after gravely wounding his ex-wife by gunfire.
21.7 percent of women have been subjected to assault for seeking divorce. It also turned out that 3 women have been subjected to violence despite court restraint orders.
While 65 percent of women were subjected to violence by their husbands, 13 percent suffered from their ex-husbands.
Other violence perpetrators included ex-lovers, lovers, sons, fathers and ex-sons-in-law.
Violence methods included battery (72 percent), knife (11 percent) guns (9 percent), setting on fire (1) and throw acid (1). Other methods included crushing over with a car, arson and throwing acid straight to face.
While violence perpetrators were aged between 27 and 60, violence victims were aged between 25 and 51.
Violence cases were reported in the following cities: Adana (7), Aydın, Çorum (3), Düzce, Isparta, İstanbul (3), Kayseri (3), Kocaeli (11), Konya, Muğla (4), Osmaniye (2), Samsun, Tekirdağ, Tokat (2), Trabzon, Urfa (2) and Zonguldak (2).
In February, only 3 harassment cases appeared on the media from Adana, Antalya and İstanbul.
While all cases took place on the street, one teenager girl has been harassed by her landlord and other by a stranger. Another woman has been wounded while running away from her stalking ex-husband.
Harassment perpetrators were aged between 35 and 58.
Retaliation to male violence
In February, three retaliation to male violence cases were reported in three cities. While one suspect was arrested, other were released pending a trial.
In Bursa, a 16 year-old boy murdered his father with a knife, saying that he was beating his mother.
In Nevşehir, a woman assaulted her harasser with a rifle.
In Samsun, a woman assaulted her violent husband with a knife.
Regional distribution
In February 2014, 67 cases of violence against women, murder, attempted murder, harassment, rape, injury and child abuse were reported across 23 provinces across Turkey.
Marmara region marked as the most violent region.
79 incidents were distributed according to regions as follows: Marmara (21), Aegean (7), Mediterranean (14), Black Sea (13), Eastern-Anatolia (0), Central Anatolia (5) and South-Eastern Anatolia (7). (ÇT/BM)