Men Kill 24 Women in March

Men killed 214 women and 10 children, raped 167 women and teenager girls/ attempted to rape, used violence against 241 women and teenager girls, harassed 161 women and teenager girls. |
According to data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male perpetrators left 24 women dead, 2 raped, 54 battered and 2 harassed in March 2014.
In 2014, male perpetrators killed 60 women, raped 13 women, assaulted 145 women and harassed 12 women.
In March, men killed 24 women, 4 children and 2 men in 17 cities across Turkey. One of the killed man was the police officer, responsible for court restraint order.
25 percent of women were slain for seeking divorce. 20.8 percent of women were killed despite the court restraint order. Two murders occurred in the court house. 58.3 percent of women were slain by their husbands: 14 women were killed by their husbands. Other murder perpetrator men were identified as male relative (4), son (2), lover (2) and ex-lover (1). One of the murderers were not identified.
45.8 percent of murders were perpetrated by knives and 41.6 percent of them were perpetrated by guns. Murders were committed by the following methods: knife (11), gun (7), rifle (3), by strangling (2) and by beating (1).
4 of the murderers, in other words 16.6 percent of them surrendered after the murders. The murderers were aged between 21 to 76 years old; while female victims' ages differed from 21 to 61in March 2014.
Murder cases were reported in the following cities: Antalya (2), Antep, Batman, Bursa (2), Elazığ, Hatay, Iğdır, İstanbul (4), Kayseri, Konya (2), Maraş, Mardin, Mersin, Muğla (2), Ordu, Sakarya and Van.
In March, only 2 rape cases were covered by the media.
A 20- year old male forced her 16 year-old girlfriend to have sex with him and his friends by blackmailing with their private photographs.
A sex worker was raped by her client.
Rape cases have been reported from the following cities: Bartın and Antalya.
In March, men battered 54 women in 23 cities across Turkey. While 9 percent of women were subjected to violence by their husbands/lovers for seeking divorce or resisting to come together, 5.5 percent of women were subjected to assault excusing honor
A man injured his wife with knife despite a court restraint order. Another man assaulted his wife with a gun half an hour after she demanded protection from police. A man battered his religiously-wed wife. He was released by the court pending a trial for torturing his wife. Another man, a martial arts teacher who educated women for self-defense battered his own wife.
68.5 percent of women were subjected to violence by their husbands. Other male perpetrators included 3 religiously-wed husbands, two fathers, two husbands, two lovers, two ex-son-in-law, a relative, a son-in-law, an ex-lover, a son, the daughter’s lover, a stranger.
24 percent of women were injured with knife, 11 percent of women were assaulted with gun. 63 percent of women were battered, 34 women were battered. Other methods included: knife (13), gun (6), with boiling water (1).
In March, battery cases were reported in the following cities: Adana (4), Adıyaman, Aksaray, Ankara, Antalya (3), Aydın (4), Bilecik, Bursa, Çorum (2), Diyarbakır, Erzurum, Eskişehir (2), İstanbul (3), İzmir (4), Kayseri, Kocaeli (14), Kütahya, Mersin (2), Sakarya (2), Samsun, Tekirdağ (2), Trabzon and Zonguldak.
In March, 2 harassment cases appeared in the media. A man from İzmir province captured women’s private data whom he met on social media. He forced them to give money to him and have sex with him. A man from Samsun province broke into his neighbor’s house and tried to rape her. The woman screamed and the rapist ran away.
Regional Distribution
In March 2014, 82 cases of violence against women, murder, attempted murder, harassment, rape and injury were reported across 35 provinces across Turkey.
82 incidents were distributed according to regions as follows: Marmara (30), Aegean (12), Mediterranean (15), Black Sea (8), Eastern-Anatolia (4), Central Anatolia (0) and South-Eastern Anatolia (5).
Female Suicides
In March three women, used violence by their husbands constantly attempted to suicide. It was 5th suicide attempt of one of the women. The other two women attempted to suicide after their husbands battered them. (ÇT/BD/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.