Male Violence February 2014

According to data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male perpetrators left 13 women dead, 5 raped, 46 battered and 3 harassed in February 2014.
In 2014, male perpetrators killed 36 women, raped 11 women, assaulted 91 women and harassed 10 women.
1 February
* In Antep province, R.K. murdered his wife Tülay Kahraman with a pistol. It was claimed that R.K. committed his deed for prostitution allegations. Police captured R.K.
* In Antep province, A.K. murdered his lover Rahşan Çetin (34) by cutting her throat. Following the incident, A.K. was detained and ordered to submit his statement. He was later on arrested.
* In Muğla province, A.Y. (27) battered his ex-lover N.Y. (25) for dumping him. Detained by the police, A.Y. was released later on.
* In Urfa province, T.G. battered his wife V.G. In her complaint statement, V.G. said that her husband constantly battered her.
* In Urfa province, C.Ş. battered his wife Ş.Ş. While Ş.Ş. was hospitalized after the incident, authorities launched an investigation against C.Ş. for battery allegations.
2 February
* In Adana province, M.S. allegedly continued to harass his ex-wife K.Ş. even after their divorce. Upon K.Ş.’s complaint, prosecutors launched a case against M.S. While M.S. continued to chase his wife even after the hearings, K.Ş. ended up in the middle of a highway. Police detained M.S.
3 February
* In İstanbul province, S.T. split acid on the face of his divorce-seeking wife Ö.T. (23). While Ö.T. suffered from second grade burns, S.T. ran away after the incident.
* In Muğla province, university student A.Y. (27) battered his ex-lover N.Y. (25) after an argument concerning their breakup. Detained by the police, A.Y. was later on released.
* In Tokat province, U.A. (29) drove over his officially divorced but still partner P.D. (27) and her mother E.D. He also battered P.D. E.D. had broken bones. P.D., 7 months pregnant, was slightly injured. U.A., on the other hand, ran away.
4 February
* In Batman province, A.K.D. (56) murdered his wife Güle Algan (42) by attacking with an axe. Following the incident, he abandoned her body on the side of highway. Captured by the police, A.K.D. reportedly married three times while his first wife ran away due to domestic violence. It turned out that A.K.D. murdered his second wife Bedriye Yeşil in 2003 and remained in prison for 8 years until a parole.
* In Trabzon province, A.A. (33) battered his wie S.A. (25) in her office after an argument broke out.
5 February
* In Adana province, A.Y. (52) set his ex-wife S.D. (48) on fire after throwing gasoline. It turned out that S.D. took a divorce three years ago for domestic violence complaints. While A.Y. continued to harass and threat S.D., A.Y. also put her apartment on fire, thinking that she was there.
* In Kayseri province, M.Ç. battered his mother A.Ç. and her mother E.Ç. Authorities launched an investigation against E.Ç.
* In İstanbul province, A.K. (35) battered his wife M.K. (33). While A.K., he was put under custody.
* In Kocaeli’nde M.U. battered his wife N.U. While N.U. was hospitalized, M.U. was released after his statement.
6 February
* In Kocaeli’nde K.U. battered his wife Ş.U. While Ş.U. was slightly injured and hospitalized, police released K.U. after his statement.
* In Adana province, B.T. (44) battered his wife N.T. (41). Following the incident, N.T. was hospitalized. Police is still seeking B.T.
7 February
* In Tokat province, Ali Elik (32) murdered his divorce-seeking and separated wife H.E. (25) with a pistol. Following the incident, A.E. committed suicide.
* In Adana province, İ.K. (41) threatened his wife A.K. (34) with a shotgun. While police intervened, İ.K. was detained.
* In Adana province, S.İ. battered his ex-lover G.E. It turned out that authorities issued a restraint order against S.İ. for battering G.E. An investigation has been launched.
8 February
* In Urfa province, A.E. (29) raped H.Ş. (31) in a refugee camp for Syrians. Upon H.Ş.’s complaint, A.E. was detained. While he pleaded guilty to the gendarmerie, H.Ş. has been placed back to the camp after routine health controls.
* In Muğla province, M.T. (49) assaulted his ex-wife E.T. (43) and her lover N.A. (41) with a pistol, leaving them severely injured. Following the incident, he committed suicide. It turned out that E.T. divorced M.T. due to domestic violence complaints and stayed in a women’s shelter for 6 months in addition to a court restraint order. It was also claimed that E.T. paid 40,000 liras to rid of her ex-husband’s threats.
* In Kocaeli province, M.K. battered his wife B.K. While B.K. was hospitalized, M.K. was released after his statement.
9 February
* In İstanbul province, Ş.G. brutally murdered his lover Çiçek Mayalo (40) by assaulting with a knife in the throat and belly in a car. After the incident, Ş.Ç. abandoned the body outside the apartment of Çiçek Mayalo’s sister.
* In İstanbul province, M.S. (28) raped his wife N.S. (26) on the night of their wedding. While N.S. filed a complaint the day after, a court arrested M.S.
* In Zonguldak province, M.K. battered his domestic partner Ö.K. (31). While Ö.K. ran away from M.K. and refuged in an intercity bus terminal, she complaint to the police.
10 February
* In Adana province, B.T. battered his divorce-seeking wife N.T. Police detained B.T. after the incident.
* In Konya province, Y.İ. (40) battered his wife H.İ. (35). Upon the woman’s complaint, police arrived to the scene and detained Y.İ. On the other hand, H.İ. was hospitalized.
* In Kocaeli province, T.A. battered his ex-wife M.K. Following the incident, police detained T.A. and released him after his statement.
11 February
* In İstanbul province, C.B. (35) reportedly harassed and threatened his tenant’s daughter B.Y. (17) as her parents filed a complaint against him. The incident resulted in the attempted suicide of B.Y. It turned out that C.B. harassed B.Y. physically, verbally and in written for two years. Upon B.Y.’s complaint, her parents filed a complaint. On the other hand, a court issued a preventive order against C.B. The hearing is set to April 8, 2014.
12 February
* In Aydın province, R.A. (60) assaulted his separated and divorce-seeking wife H.K.A. (48) with a rifle, leaving the woman severely injured. Following the incident, R.A. committed suicide.
* In Çorum province, N.B. assaulted his mother G.B. with a sharp object, leaving the woman injured. While G.B. filed a complaint against her son, police released N.B. after his statement.
13 February
Retaliation to male violence
* In Bursa province, H.B. (16) murdered his mother and violent father U.B. (48) after consuming alcohol. A court arrested H.B.
14 February
* In Tekirdağ province, B.K. battered his ex-wife S.K. (39). While B.K. filed a complaint, police is still seeking S.K.
15 February
* In İstanbul province, K.K. (13) has been raped in an apartment. Following the incident, K.K filed a complaint at a police station, saying that she had been raped by T.Ç. at the age of 11 and forced to prostitution by her sister. It was also claimed that K.K. went through 2 abortions in one year. After her procedures were complete at Children’s Police Department, 9 individuals including the girl’s sister and doctor were summoned to Büyükçekmece Prosecutor’s Office. Following their initial statements, three suspects were ordered to stand trial for arrest. However, they were released pending a trial as K.K. changed her statement in the hearing. The court, on the other hand, ordered to transfer K.K. to a hospital for bone age analysis.
* In Antalya province, H.Ş. (58) sexually harassed H.Y. (16). Upon H.Y.’s complaint, it turned out that police was seeking H.Ş. for harassment charges. A court arrested H.Ş. and sent to a prison.
16 February
* In Mersin province, G.K. (28) murdered a co-resident Sultan Gezici (26) on the street with a rifle. It was claimed that G.K. had an issue with Sultan Gezi’s husband, a convict in prison.
* In Samsun province, M.B. assaulted and threatened his wife S.B. on the street with a razor. M.B. has been detained by the police after attacking those who intervened. Ordered to stand trial in Samsun Court, M.B. has been arrested by a vacation court and sent to prison.
Retaliation to male violence76
* In Nevşehir province, S.G. (33) assaulted E.S. (33) with a rifle, saying that he sexually harassed her. Detained by the police, S.G. has previously filed a complaint against E.S.
17 February
* In İzmir province, M.K. (31) murdered his separated wife Perihan Kostak (24) and his children Süleyman (5) and İbrahim (3) Kostak with a rifle. Following the incident, M.K. committed suicide.
* In Kocaeli province, K.K. battered his wife B.K. after an argument during having dinner.
* In Zonguldak province, İ.T. (44) assaulted his wife G.T. (42). While G.T. was hospitalized, police detained İ.T.
* In Düzce province, Ü.D. assaulted his divorce-seeking wife Ö.D. with a knife several times, leaving her severely injured. While Ö.D. has been hospitalized, Ü.D. ran away after the incident.
* In İstanbul province, S.D. assaulted his ex-wife and children with a pistol during a dinner meeting. While his son S.D. and daughter S.D. have been injured, police detained S.D. The incident left an onlooker injured as well, leaving him hospitalized.
18 February
* In Kocaeli province, M.A.K. assaulted his wife A.K. While A.K. was hospitalized, police released M.A.K. after his testimony.
* In Kocaeli province, B.Y. battered his wife N.Y. While police released B.Y. after his statement, N.Y. was hospitalized.
20 February
* In Antep province, E.O. murdered his trans lover Sevda Başar with a rifle. Following the incident, it turned out that E.O. buried Sevda Başar’s body into the backyard and ran away to Serbia. A court issued an arrest warrant for E.O.
* In İzmir province, H.S., O.S., Ç.S. and B.K. murdered Gönül Seferbay (75) as they broke into her apartment. Police captured the suspects.
Retaliation to male violence
* In Samsun province, F.K. (25) assaulted her violent husband F.K. (30) with a knife. While F.K. was slightly injured, a court released the woman pending a trial.
21 February
* In Mersin province, İ.K. (75) murdered his wife Kadife Kurt with a shotgun. Following the incident, İ.K. committed suicide.
* In Kayseri province, E.M. assaulted his wife S.M. by hitting her head with a log.
22 February
* In Zonguldak province, H.G. (43) murdered his separated wife Gülay Güçlücan (39), his mother-in-law Fatime Kayabaşlık (59) and father-in-law Salih Bostancı (64) with a rifle. It turned out that Çaycuma Peace Criminal Court issued a 6-month restraint order against H.G. on January 27. Following the incident, he ran away. Captured by the police four days later, H.G. told police that he burnt his wife’s face so that nobody would look at her.
* In Kocaeli province, İ.A. battered his wife M.A. Police detained İ.A.’s mother A.A. for helping his son. Police also detained İ.A.
23 February
* In Kocaeli province, K.G. battered his wife F.G. Police released K.G. after his statement.
24 February
* In İstanbul province, İ.Ö. (45) raped his friend K.Ç. (19) in a car wash after presenting himself as a lieutenant. Following the incident, İ.Ö. was arrested.
* In Adana province, A.D. assaulted his separate lover Ç.U. as she refused his compromise offer. Ç.U. counter-assaulted A.D. with a knife as he threatened her with death several times. It turned out that Ç.U. filed a complaint against A.D. for four times previously which resulted in a restraint order. Ç.U. was ordered to stand trial.
25 February
* In İstanbul province, K.Y. (78) murdered his daughter-in-law Yankı Özkan Yıldırır (42) on the street with a pistol. Following the incident, K.Y. ran away, but captured later on. It turned out that Yankı Özkan Yıldırır’s mother-in-law had filed a complaint against her husband for domestic violence. “You are giving advice to my wife. You are going in between us. I will kill you,” K.Y. allegedly told her. This lead to the chain of events where Yankı Yıldırır submitted a complaint to a prosecutor. Upon that, the prosecutor issued a restraint order against K.Y. to enter the apartment of Yankı Özkan Yıldırır. It was also claimed that K.Y. previously had a heart surgery and faced psychological issues.
* In Samsun province, police detained F.K. (22), F.T. (23), Z.K. (24) and K.B. (23) for allegedly raping T.K. (14). It turned out that her parent filed for a missing as she disappeared while going to school. The suspect were ordered to stand trial for rape charges.
* In Adana province, M.Y. battered his separated wife D.Y. It turned out that M.Y. was constantly beating his wife. It was further claimed that D.Y. and her two friends assaulted M.Y. Police detained M.Y and his two friends.
* In Osmaniye province, İ.D. (52) assaulted his separated wife T.D. (51), leaving her severely injured. It turned out that she turned down his compromise offer. Police detained İ.D. as he ran away.
* In Kocaeli province, M.Y. battered his wife H.Y. Police released M.Y. after his statement.
26 February
* In Muğla province, a weight-lifting referee battered his wife in a sports facility. He allegedly kept on assaulting his wife even though onlookers intervened.
* In Osmaniye province, İ.D. assaulted his divorce-seeking wife T.D. with a knife after breaking in to her apartment. Ran away after the incident, İ.D. was captured by the police.
* In Çorum province, A.A.K., an Iraq national, assaulted his separated wife R.A.K. It turned out that a court issued a protection order against A.A.K. Following the incident, R.A.K. filed a complaint against her husband.
* In Çorum province, Ü.D. battered his wife Ö.D.
27 February
* In Yozgat province, private security guard M.S. (24) murdered his fiancee Hazal Şimşek (18) with a pistol. Following the incident, M.S. committed suicide.
* In Kocaeli province, S.G. battered his daughter Ö.G.
* In Isparta province, one man assaulted his divorce-seeking wife with a knife.
* In Kocaeli province, H.G. battered his wife Ç.G. Police released H.G. after his statement. (BB/ÇT/BM)