Men Kill 10 Women in November

According to data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that 10 women, 4 men and 1 infant were reported murdered, 18 raped, 15 wounded and 9 harassed by men in November.
Istanbul listed as number one in the reporting of male violence cases in November.
Overall this year, male violence left 147 women murdered, 123 raped, 208 wounded and 126 harassed.
10 women, 4 men and 1 infant were reported murdered in November with 1 man committing suicide following the incident. Another perpetrator made a suicide attempt.
Most of the perpetrators in November were the husbands (7) of slain women.
Other murder perpetrators included ex-husband, lover and father. In one case, the murderer had been detained for 3 days for breaching court sentence to stay away from the victim's whereabouts.
The data also rated knives (4) as the most frequent instruments of female murders last month in Turkey. Other murder instruments/methods included pistol (2), rifle (2) and strangling (2).
The murderers were aged between 35 to 70 years old; while female victims' ages differed from 31 to 43.
Female murder cases were reported in the following cities: Aydın, Diyarbakır, Erzincan, Eskişehir, İstanbul (2), İzmir, Mersin, Sakarya and Yozgat.
17 women and 1 young girl were reported raped in November. One female victims stabbed her husband who raped and forced her to involve with his friends. Another woman was reported murdered after being raped by her cousin. One rape victim was transferred to women's shelter while another got pregnant.
Most of the rapists in November were unknown (9) by their female victims. Other rapists included husbands (3), cousin, lover, friend, co-worker and self-claimed religious leader.
Rape cases were reported in the following cities: Adana (2), Bursa (2), Çanakkale, İstanbul (5), İzmir (2), Kocaeli, Sakarya, Şırnak and Zonguldak.
Most rape cases were reported in residential houses (7). Other rape venues included abduction house (4) and on the street (5). One man kept on raping his victim several times by blackmailing rape photos.
The rapists were between 16 to 55 years old while their victims' ages differed from 14 to 35.
Violence against women
13 women and 2 young girls were reported being subjected to male violence in November. One man committed suicide after having wounded his wife and thinking that she was dead. Another woman were forced to marry her rapist.
In November, women suffered from their husbands (9) most in terms of assault. Other perpetrators assaulted women including their ex-lover, mother, daughter and granddaughter. 10 men were reported to beat their wives. One wounded his wife with a pistol and two others with a knife.
Following the violent incidents, one man was arrested, two were ordered to be expelled from their homes and another was sentenced to 3 days of prison for breaching previous court sentence to stay away from the victim's whereabouts.
Violence against women was reported in the following cities: Ankara (2), Batman, Erzurum, İstanbul (3), İzmir, Konya, Samsun, Sivas (2) and Zonguldak.
Violence perpetrators' ages ranged from 23 to 37 while female victims' ages differed from 21 to 60.
Nine harassment cases were reported in Antalya (3), Bolu, İstanbul (4) and Kayseri, resulting with the arrest of three male suspects.
Most harassment cases were reported in residential homes (4). Other cases included on the street (3), during bus ride, and at school.
Most harassment perpetrators were identified as men (3) unknown to their victims. Other perpetrators included male co-worker, neighbor, school teacher, friend's father and fiancé's father.
Harassment perpetrators' ages ranged from 18 to 45 while information concerning female victims' ages were not disclosed. differed from 27 to 32.
Female retaliation to violence
In November, three violence victim women were reported to retaliate their aggressors. Retaliations included shooting with a pistol, beating and arson.
All three women were released. One young boy shot his father who caused his mother to flee to a women's shelter.
Regional distribution
In November, 49 cases of violence against women, murder, attempted murder, harassment, rape, injury and child abuse were reported in 25 provinces. Most of these incidents were reported in the Marmara region.
November's 49 incidents were distributed according to regions as follows: Marmara (21), Central Anatolia (8), Aegean (6), Mediterranean (6), Black Sea (4), Eastern Anatolia (3) and South-Eastern Anatolia (2).
Istanbul listed as number one in the reporting of male violence cases in November. (ÇT)