Male Violence November 2012

According to data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male perpetrators left10 women, 4 men and 7 children dead, 17 women and teenager girls raped, 13 women and 2 teenager girls injured and 9 harassed in November 2012.
Istanbul topped the list for male violence case reports.
In 2012 overall, male perpetrators left 147 women dead, 123 raped, 208 battered and 126 harassed.
1 November
* In Elazığ province, B.D. (25) murdered his brother H.D. (22) with a knife, saying that he was having an affair with his wife. F.D. (18) was forced to marry B.D. as younger brother H.D. (18) did not fulfill his drafting duties. Following the marriage, F.D. and H.D. attempted to run away to Adana several times. While the woman was put in shelter, B.D. ran away.
* In Bursa province, Z.T. raped mentally-disabled S.C. (23). The incident came into service as S.C. got pregnant. A court arrested Z.T.
* In İstanbul province, A.U. raped his lover Ş.K. (17) after putting sleeping pills at his friend’s apartment. Following the incident, A.U. resumed his rapes as he threatened Ş.K. (17) to show her nude photos to her family. While Ş.K. sought sought separation, A.U. threatened to kill her with an electric sawmill. A.U. was detained by the police as she filed a complaint to the police.
* In Şırnak province, D.A., S.A., S.U., F.E. and İ.A. isimli erkekler raped S.İ (14). A court arrested all suspects.
* In Kocaeli province, E.K. (34) raped his daughter-in-law M.K. (15). He was detained by the police after M.K. told her mother the incident.
* In Bolu province, M.K. (44), a barn officer at Abant İzzet Baysal Medical School, sexually harassed S.A., a cleaning worker. M.A. threatened the woman to kill her if she resumed to resist and tell others on the incident. Following the incident, the woman filed a complaint. A court arrest M.A. after retrieving surveillance camera footage.
* In Antalya province, H.B. (35) sexually harassed tourist A.K. after convincing to get her into his bus. H.B. was arrested.
2 November
* In Edremit province, women’s basketball team manager Y.E. and trainer C.Y. resigned after harassment allegations.
* In Kocaeli province, A.E. (55) allegedly presented himself as religious sheik and forced women for sexual intercourse in the name of “putting off a spell”. The incident came to surface following G.T.'s complaint. A.E. was arrested for "sexual assault and fraud”. M.K., another suspect who supposedly introduced the women, was released within judiciary control measures.
3 November
* In İstanbul province, E.S. (36), a previous convict of domestic violence, murdered his wife Sacide Sargık (39), his seven children and brother with a pistol. Following the incident, he also committed suicide. While family members Sevda Sargık (15), Salih Sargık (17), Suzan Sargık (18) and Bayram Sargık (30) died in the crime scene, other members Sacide Sargık (39), Abidin (5), Erhan (8), Ercan (9), Gülcan (14) and Engin Sargık (14) died at the hospital.
* In Sivas province, S.G. filed a complaint to a prosecutor, saying that her husband has battered her for 18 years. Doctors found traces of battery in S.G.’s arms and hands at the hospital.
* In Samsun province, Y.A. (34) battered his divorce-seeking wife H.A. (34). While H.A. filed for divorce, a court issued a 3-month restraint order for Y.A.
* In Bursa province, Ö.D. (35) forced his wife N.D. (25) to have sexual intercourse with his friends in their apartment. The woman reportedly assaulted her husband with a knife. In her testimony, N.D. said a similar had happened previously where she was raped after forcing to swallow sleeping pills. She also added that Ö.D. took her photos during the incident. While a court arrested Ö.D. for “sexual assault”, N.D. was released pending a trial.
4 November
* In Yozgat province, Ş.K. (70) murdered his daughter N.K. (43) with a rifle.
5 November
* In Konya province, U.K. (23) cut the main shoulder vein of his wife L.K. (21). While U.K. took L.K. to a hospital, police detained U.K. as he returned home to take care of children. Hospitalized, the woman said the incident occurred as they were joking.
6 November
* In İzmir province, Z.C. (16) filed a rape complaint against 10 men. Police detined 10 male suspects and a woman who allegedly arranged the meetings for money.
* In Sakarya province, M.S. was arrested by a court for raping a 15 year old teenager girl.
7 November
* In İstanbul province, H.B. (46) murdered his separation-seeking lover Aslıhan Sekendiz (31) with a knife. Arrested by a court, H.B. had previous criminal records on forcing and encouraging sexual intercourse for money.
* In İstanbul province, M.C. has been sexually harassed on the street. While M.C. has filed a complaint, police is still seeking the suspect.
* In İstanbul province, A.D., along with his two friends, battered his ex-lover Ş.B., saying that she got engaged with another man. They reportedly seized her cell phone and money. Using force, he also engraved his initial on her buttocks with a razor. Upon Ş.B.'s complaint, A.D. was arrested. Prosecutors charged A.D. and his two friends with “depriving from freedom, looting and assaulting as a group”. Suspects are facing prison sentences up to 28 years.
* In Sivas province, A.T. (32) assaulted his wife M.T. with a knife. He committed suicide after the incident. While M.T. was briefly hospitalized, A.T. died.
Retaliation to male violence
* In Adana province, E.S. assaulted her husband’s friend A.Ş. on the street with a pistol, saying that he relentlessly harassed her. While A.Ş. was hospitalized, E.S. was released pending a trial.
* In Adana province, F.A. (38) battered A.A. with a machete and baton, saying that he relentlessly harassed her sister sexually. While A.A. was hospitalized, F.A. was released pending a trial.
8 November
* In Adana province, E.E. (15) filed a rape complaint against her lover Y.A. It turned out that she was forced to prostitution for two years. Police detained 9 male and 2 female suspects within an investigation.
9 November
* In Mersin province, F.K. (35) murdered his divorced wife Aslı Yıldırım (34) on the street with a rifle. Police is still seeking F.K.
10 November
* Inİzmir province, Z.K. assaulted T.Y., her daughter and granddaughter who filed a complaint for threat and insult in the courthouse. Police detained Z.K.
11 November
* In Çanakkale province, S.G. (17) and A.A.Ç. (17) raped N.B. (15) who was suffering from psychological imbalance. Two suspects were arrested.
15 November
* In Aydın province, construction worker N.Y. (39) murdered his wife Türkan Yılmaz (35) by strangling her with an electric cable.
* In İstanbul province, Ş.D. (45) was assaulted by her husband and hospitalized.
Retaliation to male violence
* In Samsun province, Ş.D. (20) put the apartment of her lover E.C. (30), saying that he raped her in September. Both suspects were released pending a trial.
16 November
* In İstanbul province, E.T. (35) sexually harassed his neighbor F.P. Upon the woman’s screams for help, neighborhood dwellers attempted to lynch E.T. Detained by the police, E.T. was released pending a trial. Following that, his apartment became target of protest stones. E.T. was detained again as he pointed a gun towards protesting neighbors and released one more time. E.T. reportedly moved to another neighborhood.
* In Batman province, T.Ü. assaulted his wife T.Ü., saying that he didn’t like the tomatoes she bough from the market. "How awful these tomatoes lool like, they are like stones. I can’t even crush them with your head,” he shouted. Police intervened. T.Ü. was released after his testimony.
17 November
* In Sakarya province, S.Y. (22) murdered his domestic violence victim and separation seeking wife Emine Yayla (17) in her mother’s apartment after secretly breaking in through a window. It turned out that she previously filed for protection from Sakarya 2nd Family Court which consequently issued a measure against domestic violence, insult, humiliation. Later on, S.Y. was arrested for three days as he violated the measures.
* In Bursa province, C.G. (33) was arrested for three days within protection measures as he sent a threatening text to his ex-wife N.G.
18 November
* In Diyarbakır province, N.Y. murdered his wife Zuhal Yaman with a knife.
* In İstanbul province, O.Ç. (19) raped F.K. (16) after putting sleeping pills in her drink in a friend’s apartment. Later on, he threatened her with nude photos. F.K. told the incident to her family. O.Ç. and apartment owner friend were arrested.
* In Muğla province, Ş.Y. (42) has been arrested for flashing his sexual organ to his female students.
19 November
* In Ankara province, M.A.G., a police officer at Office for Witness Protection, battered his teacher wife S.G. and threatened her by pointing a gun to her head. The woman filed a complaint to Domestic Violence Prosecution Office, requesting a restraint order and seizure of her husband’s pistol.
* In İstanbul province, İ.A., a vice principal at a public school, sexually harassed student B.K. (16), pretending that he was searching her. Prosecutors charged him with “sexual harassment”. He is facing prison sentence from 3 months up to 3 years.
* In İstanbul province, G.K. (18) attempted to rape P.İ. on the street. The aggressor ran away as the victim made noise by hitting shutters of local shops. A court arrested G.K.
20 November
* In İstanbul province, M.Ç., a police officer, battered his marriage-seeking lover S.N. and seized her car. Upon the woman’s complaint, M.Ç. received a restraint order and S.N. was assigned to ptotection on demand. However, M.Ç.'s co-worker was assigned as protector, an event that revealed the flaws of regulations.
Retaliation to male violence
* In Denizli province, D. A. (15) murdered her father H.A. during his sleep with a rifle as her mother was at a women’s shelter.
22 November
* In İzmir province, O.Ç. murdered his wife H.Ç. after letting his niece B.Ö. (16) rape her. O.Ç. suspected that she was unfaithful to him.
Forced marriage
* In Muğla province, Ö.A. (18) was forced to marry her fiancee T.G. (28) as he raped her. It turned out that the marriage was arranged to free rape convict T.G. In August, Ö.A.’s family locked them up in a room, leaving her raped. Even though she reiterated her determination not to marry her rapist in various interviews, she changed her mind later on and married her rapist in prison. The court panel, on the other hand, ordered the continuation of T.G.'s prison sentence.
* In İstanbul province, B.K., a police unit chief at “Hawks Unit” of Traffic Police Department, raped his co-worker E.C. in a car. He also took her photos for blackmail and assaulted her. B.K. was charged with “sexual assault, assault, insult, blackmail and threat”, facing 10 years and 9 months up to 24 years of prison.
* In Zonguldak province, T.G. (32) raped his domestic violence victim and divorce-seeking wife Ö.G. (29).
* In Erzurum province, Ö.T. assaulted his wife N.T. on the steps of their apartment. While the woman was hospitalized, a court arrested Ö.T.
* In Kayseri province, S.U. (45) sexually harassed Ş.D. (14), a teenager girls who was allegedly “engaged” to his son. S.U. was charged with sexual abuse, facing 8 to 15 years of prison.
24 November
* In İstanbul province, H.A.H. (31) G.Ç. (24) and S.S. (39) raped O.G. (35) after presenting themselves as police officers and abducting her at another apartment.
25 November
* In Erzincan province, senior sergeant E.K. (41) murdered his wife Hülya Kapıcı with a pistol. He also left his 8 year old daughter wounded.
28 November
* In Zonguldak province, M.C.D. (37) battered his wife N.D. despite a restraint order. He was arrested for 3 days for violating the order.
* In Çanakkale province, E.Y. was arrested after the complaint of roughly 60 women for sexual harassment.
29 November
* In Ankara province, A.B. (32) battered his mother H.H. He also murdered his protesting stepfather Kemal Hergüner (61) with a pan.
* In Adana province, 5 men raped N.A. (14) and İ.G. (14) after abducting them to a deserted place. Later on, they forced the girls to prostitution. The day after the incident, they handed the girls to their families, saying that they found them. All suspects were arrested.
30 November
* In Alanya province, N.T. murdered Mehmet Uludağ (18), the lover of his daughter M.T. (16), with a knife.
* In Eskişehir province, M.B. (42) murdered his wife Yeter Bilgen (42) with a knife. Following the incident, he attempted to commit suicide after leaving his 3 year old son to his brother.
* In Antalya province, M.U. sexually harassed two high school students who came to study with his daughter.
* In İstanbul province, Y.Y. raped and battered his wife T.Y. The woman was put in a shelter along with her infant. A vacation court released the defendant husband, saying that assault and rape reports were not yet submitted. While the woman filed for divorce, Y.Y. was charged with assault and sexual assault, facing 9 to 17 years of prison. (BK/ÇT/BM)
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.
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