Men Killed 10 Women and Raped 16 Women in October

According to data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that the male violence caused 11 deaths and 16 rapes in October. 8 women were wounded in various incidents.
Overall, 36 male violence cases were reported in 22 Turkish cities last month, with Istanbul topping the list. Thus, a total of 137 women were killed by men between January 1 and 31 October 2012. 106 rapes, 195 battery and 117 sexual harassments were reported against women in 2012.
The data revealed that half of the 16 rape victims were teenagers and one adult victim committed suicide following the brutal act.
3 women were murdered after being raped and the most male aggressors were the husbands, the data noted. 5 women previously filed a complaint concerning domestic violence and their husbands received expulsion.
The murderers were aged between 19 to 75 years old; while female victims' ages differed from 29 to 75.
Murder cases against women occurred in the following cities: Adana, Antalya (2), Giresun, İstanbul, Kastamonu, Kocaeli, Malatya, Osmaniye and Zonguldak.
Most of the perpetrators in October were the husbands of slain women. Four women killed by their husbands; one byher husbands from whom she wanted to separate, and one was killed by a man the victim refused. In three cases, the murderers were unknown. In addition, three murders were related with rape.
The data also rated guns as the most frequent instruments of female murders last month in Turkey. Three women were killed by a gun, two were killed by a shotgun and one was killed by a rifle. One woman was stabbed to death. One woman was strangled following the rape while another was woman run over by a car.
Two women were killed after they had submitted a request for protection or a complaint to the prosecutor's office.
The rapists were between 18 to 40 years old while their victims' ages differed from 15 to 46.
Rape cases against women occurred in the following cities: Afyon, Aksaray, Ankara, Antalya (2), Aydın (2), Bursa (2), Erzurum, İstanbul (4), Nevşehir and Uşak.
Most of the rapists in October were unknown by their female victims. Six women were raped by men whom they did not know, two were raped by their neighbours and three were raped by their friends. In addition, one woman was raped by an ex-boyfriend, one was raped by a teacher and another was raped by a future husband from family arranged marriage.
Most rape cases occurred in apartments. Data showed that seven women and one teenager were raped in their apartments, fours were raped under abduction, and five women were raped on the street.
Violence - Injury
Violence perpetrators' ages ranged from 24 to 42 while female victims' ages differed from 27 to 32.
Violence cases against women occurred in the following cities: Adana, Bursa, Isparta, İstanbul, İzmir, Maraş and Muğla (2).
Seven women were treated violently by their husbands; one by their brothers. Three women were beaten in October according to the news. Two women were injured with a knife, one woman with a pistol, and woman with a club. Another woman was tortured.
One man committed suicide in the assumption that he has murdered his wife. Another man, suspected for torturing his wife, vanished after he was released by the police.
Three women had previously filed a request for protection or a complaint to the prosecutor's office.
In October, 5 women were hospitalized while 4 men were arrested due to incidents associated with male violence.
Two harassment cases, taking place in Istanbul and Konya, attracted media coverage last month. Local juridical authorities carried out prosecutions concerning the incidents.
One woman, a hotel maid, was harassed at work. The other harassment victim was asked for sexual intercourse in order to compensate her debts.
Regional distribution
In October, 36 cases of violence against women, murder, attempted murder, harassment, rape, injury and child abuse were reported in 23 provinces. Most of these incidents were registered in the Marmara region and the Mediterranean.
Out of a total of 36 incidents, 11 were reported in the Marmara region; nine in the Mediterranean region; seven in the Aegean region; four in Central Anatolia; three in the Black Sea region and two in Eastern Anatolia.
The most cases were reported for the city of Istanbul. (ÇT)