Those Detained in Özgür Radyo Raid Released

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Those taken into custody yesterday in police raid on Özgür Radyo which was closed through a prime ministerial-enactment were released today (October 5).
Police from Security Department and Financial Department raided Özgür Radyo office yesterday. The broadcast of the radio was shut down following the raid.
According to Etkin News Agency (ETHA), employees of the radio Ali Sönmez Kayar, Can Karakulak, Arda Ateş, Zeynep Derya Yıldız, Arzu Demir, Sinan Gerçek, Semra Çelebi, ETHA Director Önder Öner, ETHA reporter Ezgi Özer, Atılım Editor-in-Chief Deniz Bakır, ESP (Socialist Party of the Oppressed Central Executive Board member Sedat Şenoğlu, HDK (People’s Democratic Congress) General Assembly member Ahmet Ayva, JINHA reporter Öykü Dilara Keskin, radio employer Nevcihan Budak, a radio listener Ekin Saygılı, another radio listener whose name was unknown as well as other people who gathered outside the building in solidarity with Özgür Radyo including ETHA reporter Pınar Gayıp, and Socialist Youth Association (SGD) member Özge Doğan had been taken into custody.
The detainees were released after giving testimony in the police station and health controls in Haseki Research and Training Hospital. HDK General Assembly member Ahmet Ayva was brought to Rıhtım Police Station in İstanbul’s Kadıköy district due to another investigation launched into him.
Özgür Radyo 20 years old
Broadcasting from İstanbul’s Kadıköy district since 1995 via frequency 95.1, Özgür Radyo celebrated its 20th anniversary this year.
With the approval of the penalties imposed by the Radio and Television Supreme Board (RTÜK), It remained shut down for around four years. However, it continued its broadcast as “Özgür Gazete” on Internet.
It became one of the first radio channels broadcasting on Internet at the beginning of 2000s.
TV and radio channels are being shut down
Base of the decision is the decree no. 668 enacted right after the declaration of the OHAL.
Causing the shutting down of three news agencies, 16 TV and 23 radio channels, the decree enables new shutting downs by Minister approval.
Over 10 TV and radio channels were removed from TÜRKSAT, the national satellite, and that their broadcastings were shut down on September 28.
Yön Radio’s broadcasting was cut off on September 29 and İMC TV’s broadcasting was shut down on September 30. Access to the websites of Özgür Radio, İMC TV and Hayatın Sesi were blocked.
Med Nûçe TV’s broadcast through France-based Eutelsat satellite was shut down on October 3.
Regie rooms of İMC TV and Hayatın Sesi TV were sealed on October 4. (NV/DG)