Before, After Shutting Down of İMC TV With Photos

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A large number of police and Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) officers storming the İMC TV’s building sealed regie room of the channel and cut off the signal.
The Statutory Decree no. 668 regulating shutting down of some media organs and discharges from the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) was enacted on July 28. At first stage, three news agencies, 16 tv and 23 radio channels were shut down. The media organs that have no link with the Fethullah Gülen community started to be shut down by the same decree as of September 28, 2016.
İMC TV staff were awaiting police raid in the building since that date because İMC TV, which started its broadcasting life on May 1, 2011, was removed from TÜRKSAT, the national satellite, on February 26, 2016 and was sustaining its broadcast through Hotbird and Internet.
On September 30, photo reporter Hüseyin Aldemir had captured images of IMC building and workers continuing to practice their profession while waiting for the raid. Also right after the raid, he was in the office of İMC TV and took pictures of what had happened.
Entrance of the building
Here are images of İMC TV before and after the raid.
News room
Regie room
Base of the decision is the decree no. 668 enacted right after the declaration of the OHAL.
Causing the shutting down of three news agencies, 16 TV and 23 radio channels, the decree enables new shutting downs by Minister approval.
Over 10 TV and radio channels were removed from TÜRKSAT, the national satellite, and that their broadcastings were shut down on September 28.
Yön Radio's broadcasting was cut off on September 29 and İMC TV's broadcasting was shut down on September 30. Access to the websites of Özgür Radio, İMC TV and Hayatın Sesi were blocked.
Med Nûçe TV's broadcast through France-based Eutelsat satellite was shut down on October 3.
On October 4, regie rooms of İMC TV and Hayatın Sesi TV were sealed. (HK/HA/TK)
This publication has been produced within the partnership with Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso for the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), co-funded by the European Commission. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of IPS Communication Foundation and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.