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state of emergency
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HRW: State of Emergency Being Normalized in Turkey
The Human Rights Watch has stated that the bill prescribing State of Emergency practices to be in effect for three more years “ends rule of law”.
23 July 2018
State of Emergency Comes to an End
The State of Emergency, which was declared on July 21, 2016 and extended for seven times, has come to an end.
19 July 2018
Freedom House Director: Turkey Guilty of Violating Freedom of Expression for Years
Nate Schenkkan, the Director for Special Research at Freedom House, has spoken to bianet about the six-month period after the organization categorized Turkey as a “not-free country.”
17 July 2018
Pınar Tarcan
2 Years of July 15 Coup Attempt with Figures, Reports
We have compiled the arrests, detentions, discharges and their reflections in the international reports since the coup attempt on July 15, 2016.
16 July 2018
18 Peace Academics Discharged by Decree No. 701
One of the Academics for Peace members is from Batman University, one from Mersin University, four from Abant İzzet Baysal University and 12 from İzmir Dokuz Eylül University.
9 July 2018
AKP Group Deputy Chair: ‘State of Emergency Will Have Been Lifted on July 18’
AKP Group Deputy Chair Elitaş has said, “We believe that the State of Emergency will have been lifted at July 18 night”. The State of Emergency was declared on July 21, 2016.
3 July 2018
Erdoğan: ‘Our First Task Will be to End State of Emergency’
President and AKP Chair Erdoğan has said, “In case I continue after June 24, our first task will be end the State of Emergency if god permits”.
14 June 2018
HRW: Climate of Fear Created by Targeting Academics
“The Turkish government’s crackdown is targeting academics and damaging its universities”, said Hugh Williamson, Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch.
15 May 2018
UN: ‘State of Emergency Must Be Lifted for Credible Elections’
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Hussein has said, “Long-term restrictions on ‘freedoms of expression, assembly and association’ are incompatible with the holding of “credible elections”.
10 May 2018
Ankara Governorship Shortens METU Spring Festival
32nd International Spring Festival of the Middle East Technical University will be held this year on a single day due to a ban imposed by the Ankara Governorship.
23 April 2018
State of Emergency Extended for 7th Time
State of Emergency has been extended for another three months. Snap election will be held under State of Emergency conditions.
19 April 2018
Police Prevent CHP’s Sit-in Protest of State of Emergency
CHP’s attempt to stage sit-in protest at Taksim Square on the anniversary of referendum has been prevented by police. The protest has been staged in front of French Embassy.
16 April 2018
Tansu Pişkin
Sit-in Protest by CHP Against State of Emergency
CHP has announced that it will stage sit-in protests against the State of Emergency in all city centers around Turkey on April 16, the anniversary of constitutional amendment referendum.
13 April 2018
Proposal to Extend State of Emergency for 7th Time on Parliamentary Agenda on Wednesday
Proposal to extend the State of Emergency, which has been in effect since July 21, 2016, will come to the parliamentary agenda on April 18, Wednesday.
13 April 2018
Government Spokesperson: State of Emergency Should be Extended
Vice PM and Government Spokesperson Bozdağ has said, “The need for extending the State of Emergency is obvious”. The State of Emergency was extended for the sixth time on January 19.
5 April 2018
Journalism Organizations Denounce Operation Against Özgürlükçü Demokrasi
Journalists’ Union of Turkey, DİSK Press-Labor, Free Journalists’ Initiative and Mezopotamya Women Journalists’ Platform have denounced the operation launched against Özgürlükçü Demokrasi newspaper.
28 March 2018
UN Calls to Turkey: End State of Emergency
The UN issued a statement today, emphasizing that the State of Emergency in Turkey leads to massive and serious human rights violations, and made a call to Turkey to end State of Emergency.
20 March 2018
Police Intervention in March 8 Demonstration in Ankara
Stating that Ankara Governorship doesn’t allow the demonstration due to State of Emergency, police intervened in the women who rallied in front of Çankaya Municipality. The 18 detained women were fined and then released.
5 March 2018
Demonstration Ban in Antep, Hakkari
“Demonstration and protests such as sit-in protest, distributing leaflets, hunger strike have been banned” in the whole Hakkari province, and Şahinbey, Şehitkâmil and Oğuzeli districts in Antep.
2 February 2018
State of Emergency Extended for 6th Time
The State of Emergency that has been lasting for 18 months has been extended again for three more months in the voting held at the parliament.
19 January 2018
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Bozdağ: State of Emergency to be Extended for 3 More Months
Deputy PM Bozdağ has stated that “the mandate concerning the state of emergency being extended for three more months has been sent to the speakership of parliament”. As to Afrin, “We will do anything to remove the threats”, Bozdağ said.
18 January 2018
State of Emergency to be Extended for 6th Time
Government Spokesperson Bozdağ has announced that the State of Emergency will be extended once again. This will be the sixth extension of the State of Emergency.
9 January 2018
‘Freedoms Restricted, Rights Defenders Targeted’
Büyükada trial and murdered nature defenders Aysin Büyüknohutçu and Ali Ulvi Büyüknohutçu were included in the “Human Rights Defenders at Risk in 2017” released by Front Line Defenders.
8 January 2018
New Statutory Decree Stirs Criticism From Bar Associations
12 bar associations have issued a joint statement criticizing the new Statutory Decree No. 696 issued under the State of Emergency and noted that the decree included many regulations that had no relevance to the State of Emergency.
26 December 2017
2 New Statutory Decrees Issued, 2,756 People Discharged, 17 Institutions Closed
Two new statutory decrees were issued on Sunday under the State of Emergency. 2,756 public personnel have been discharged, 17 institutions including 7 associations and 7 foundations have been closed.
25 December 2017
Anti-State of Emergency Rally Banned in İzmir Under State of Emergency Law
The “Not State of Emergency, Emergency Democracy Rally” organized by trade associations and unions has been banned by İzmir Governorship under regulations of the State of Emergency.
15 December 2017
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Requirement of Permission Document for Public Servants to Travel Abroad, Lifted
The provision introduced in the State of Emergency that required the public servants to provide a permission notice from the institutions they work for, in case they wanted to travel abroad, has been lifted.
15 November 2017
Discharged Teacher Onay Arrested Over ‘I Want My Job Back’ Protest
Teacher Nazife Onay, who was discharged from her position through a statutory decree and protested to “get back her job”, has been arrested for the second time.
30 October 2017
ECtHR Rejects Application of Academics For Peace
Referring to the State of Emergency Commission, the European Court of Human Rights has rejected the application of the Academics for Peace who were discharged through statutory decrees and claimed violation of their freedom of expression.
23 October 2017
Tansu Pişkin
Trials of Özgür Gündem Editors-in-Chief on Watch
Investigations have been launched into 50 of the 56 Editors-in-Chief on Watch who have participated in the campaign “Editors-in-Chief on Watch” of the now closed Özgür Gündem daily.
23 October 2017
Elif Akgül
State of Emergency Extended for 5th Time
Council of Ministers Spokesperson Bozdağ has announced that the State of Emergency has been extended for three more months. Turkey has been in State of Emergency since July 21, 2016.
17 October 2017
National Security Council Recommends to Extend State of Emergency, Close Airspace to KRG
The National Security Council holding a meeting today, recommended that the State of Emergency be extended for three months, Turkey’s airspace be closed to Kurdistan Regional Government and İbrahim Halil Border Gate be handed over to Iraq.
16 October 2017