Proposal to Extend State of Emergency for 7th Time on Parliamentary Agenda on Wednesday

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Declared on July 20, 2016 in the wake of July 15 coup attempt and is due on April 19, the State of Emergency is to be extended for another three months for the 7th time.
The proposal will come to the parliamentary agenda on April 18, Wednesday after the Council of Ministers sign the commission recommendation to be issued in the National Security Council meeting on Monday.
Yazıcı: I think it will continue
On a TV program he participated in, Justice and Development Party (AKP) Deputy Chair Hayati Yazıcı stated that the State of Emergency is almost due and said, “Given the circumstances that we are in, it’s clear that it has to continue. This is a constitutional rights and is implemented when seen necessary. I think it will continue”.
Vice PM Bozdağ also said State of Emergency should be extended
Commenting on the agenda on a TV channel, Vice Prime Minister and Government Spokesperson Bekir Bozdağ had said, "The need for extending the State of Emergency is obvious. The State of Emergency can be extended again if the Grand National Assembly of Turkey approves".
Speaking at his party’s group meeting, Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Devlet Bahçeli also defended that the State of Emergency should continue and said that the State of Emergency “doesn’t end, cannot end, shouldn’t end”. (PT/TK)