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nuriye gülmen
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1st Hearing of Gülmen, Özakça Begins Without Defendants, Their Attorneys
The first hearing in the trial of academic Gülmen and teacher Özakça who have been on a hunger strike for 190 days after being dismissed from their positions through a statutory decree, will begin today. Gendarmerie refuses to bring them to the courtroom on the pretext that “[someone] could cause them to escape”
14 September 2017
Beyza Kural
Trial of Gülmen, Özakça on Hunger For 189 Days Begins Tomorrow
The first hearing in the trial of academic Gülmen and teacher Özakça who have been on a hunger strike for 189 days after being dismissed from their positions through a statutory decree, will be held tomorrow. Solidarity and call for support to the trial continue on social media.
13 September 2017
Criminal Complaint by Elvan Over Police Breaking Her Arm
Gülsüm Elvan, taken into custody during a protest in solidarity with the arrested academics Gülmen and Özakça on hunger strike, has filed a criminal complaint over the police breaking her arm while handcuffing her from the back.
22 August 2017
Tansu Pişkin
2 of 11 Beşiktaş Fans Arrested over “Nuriye, Semih Shall Live” Banners Released
Two of the 11 Beşiktaş sports club fans arrested on the charge of “propagandizing for a terrorist organization” for holding banners reading “Nuriye , Semih Shall Live” have been released upon objections by their attorneys.
22 August 2017
10 Beşiktaş Fans Arrested over “Nuriye, Semih Shall Live” Banners
10 Beşiktaş sports club fans have been arrested on the charge of “propagandizing for a terrorist organization” for holding banners reading “Nuriye Semih Shall Live”.
17 August 2017
Police Attack Protest in Solidarity With Özakça, Gülmen on Hunger Strike
Police have attacked protesters in Kadıköy demonstrating in solidarity with academic Gülmen and teacher Özakça who have been in hunger strike for 156 days to be reinstated to their jobs which they lost through a statutory decree.
14 August 2017
43 Rights Advocates Released on Probation
43 rights advocates who were detained during their statement in support of Gülmen and Özakça were released on probation today.
8 August 2017
Rights Advocates Detained During Solidarity Demonstration With Gülmen, Özakça Referred to Court
43 rights advocates who have been taken into custody during a demonstration in solidarity with arrested academic Gülmen and teacher Özakça, who are on hunger strike in prison, have been referred to Court to testify before Prosecutor’s Office.
8 August 2017
Rights Association: Rights Advocates in Custody for 2 Days
43 rights advocates including İHD İstanbul Branch executives, who attempted to stage a demonstration for educators Gülmen and Özakça, who have been on hunger strike, have been in custody for two days.
7 August 2017
ECtHR Rejects Gülmen, Özakça’s Request for Interim Measures For Release
The European Court of Human Rights has rejected the request of Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça that “the Court order the Government to release the applicants” deciding that the “applicants’ detention at the Sincan Hospital did not pose a real and imminent risk of irreparable harm to the life or limb of the applicants”.
3 August 2017
Short Film for Gülmen, Özakça On Hunger Strike
The short film, “She is alive” tells the story of Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça who are on a hunger strike being woken up in prison every night by guardians to check whether they are still alive.
3 August 2017
Ankara Governorship Bans Demonstrations, Activities
Ankara Governorship has banned all activities for a month due to the demonstrations held in protest of arrest of educators Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça.
2 August 2017
Attorneys of Gülmen, Özakça on Hunger Strike Released
2 Attorneys of Gülmen and Özakça who are on a hunger strike have been released after testifying before prosecutor’s office after four days in detention.
28 July 2017
Gülmen, Özakça on Hunger Strike Undergo Medical Examination on ECtHR’s Demand
Gülmen and Özakça who have been on a hunger strike for 141 days demanding reinstatement to their jobs after being discharged through a statutory decree have undergone a medical examination upon demand by the ECtHR.
27 July 2017
Ekin Karaca
2 Lawyers Representing Gülmen, Özakça Remanded in Custody
Two lawyers representing educators Gülmen and Özakça who have been on hunger strike have been detained and taken to Ankara Security Anti-Terror Bureau, and that Gülmen’s sister was detained as well on Yüksel Street and released following her statement.
24 July 2017
Esra Özakça: My Right to Visit My Husband will be Prevented
Yüksel Street protesters Esra Özakça, Acun Karadağ, Nazife Onay, Nazan Bozkurt have been sentenced to house confinement. The verdict was rendered upon prosecutor’s office’s objection to decision of release on probation.
13 July 2017
Guardians Check on Gülmen, Özakça: “Are You Dead or Alive”
Waking arrested academic Nuriye Gülmen who is now on the 126th day of her hunger strike from her sleep at night, guardians in prison say” We came to check on you whether you are dead or alive”.
12 July 2017
Ayça Söylemez
Private Security Batters Teacher Staging Protest in Front of Education Ministry
Discharged teacher Onay has attempted to stage a protest with a banner reading “May Nuriye, Semih be reinstated to their jobs”, has been battered and detained by private security guards.
5 July 2017
Ankara Bans Press Statements, Slogans, Demonstrations for Gülmen, Özakça on Hunger Strike
Ankara Governorship has put a ban on singing anthems and songs loudly as well as chanting slogans and making demonstration and press statements on Yüksel Street and the surrounding area where the protests and demonstrations continue against dismissals through statutory decrees and in solidarity with Özakça and Gülmen on hunger strike.
5 July 2017
Demirtaş Asks Gülmen, Özakça to End Hunger Strike
HDP Co-Chair Demirtaş has written a letter from prison for Gülmen and Özakça, asking them to end the hunger strike.
28 June 2017
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Interior Minister Threatens 111 Figures Who Signed Petition for Gülmen, Özakça
Interior Minister Soylu has threatened 111 artists, activists and writers, who placed a petition on four newspapers on 111th day of the hunger strikes, and the newspapers that published it: “Do you realized what you signed? And what about those who publish it to encourage terror groups?”
28 June 2017
Call From 111 Figures for Gülmen, Özakça
111 figures including Ayşe Kulin, Ahmet Ümit, Ferzan Özpetek, Hayko Çepkin, Murathan Mungan, Müjde Ar, Sıla Gençoğlu, Zuhal Olcay have signed the petition in support of Gülmen and Özakça.
27 June 2017
Council of Europe Calls for Release of Gülmen, Özakça
Secretary General of the Council of Europe Jagland has stated that he will call PM Yıldırım and ask him for release of Gülmen and Özakça who have been on hunger strike for 111 days.
27 June 2017
Ankara Bar: Nuriye Gülmen Couldn’t Come to Visiting Due to Her State of Health
Ankara Bar has stated that Özakça is very exhausted and he has difficulty in speaking and that Gülmen couldn’t come to visiting area.
22 June 2017
Gülmen, Özakça on 100th day of Hunger Strike Cannot See Their Own Doctors
Koyuncu from Ankara Chamber of Medicine has expressed concerns about lives of Gülmen and Özakça on the 100th day of their hunger strike and added that the dismissals of academics had negative impacts in the whole society.
16 June 2017
Gülmen, Özakça on 100th Day of Hunger Strike
Academic Gülmen and teacher Özakça are on the 100th day of their hunger strike, which they have gone on to be reinstated to their jobs from which they were discharged through a statutory decree.
16 June 2017
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Urgent Call From UN For Gülmen, Özakça on Hunger Strike
UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has sent an urgent letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça who have been on hunger strike for 99 days.
15 June 2017
Solidarity Message From Writer Saviano For Gülmen, Özakça on Hunger Strike
Roberto Saviano, a writer from Italy has sent a solidarity message for academic Nuriye Gülmen and and teacher Semih Özakça who are on a hunger strike to be reinstated to their jobs.
14 June 2017
‘Detention’ for Also T-Shirts with Imprint Image of Gülmen, Özakça
People who staged protests in support of Gülmen and Özakça on hunger strike were detained; as the protesters were released, prosecutor’s office ordered that the t-shirts with imprint image of Gülmen and Özakça be seized.
6 June 2017
Ayça Söylemez
Support from Margaret Atwood for Gülmen, Özakça
Author Atwood said “Please support all people advocating freedom of expression and democracy in Turkey” in the message she sent in support of Gülmen and Özakça.
31 May 2017
Costa Gavras Expresses Support for Gülmen, Özakça on Hunger Strike
Director Costa Gavras has delivered a message in support of arrested educators Gülmen and Özakça, who are on hunger strike.
30 May 2017
J.M. Coetzee Delivers Message in Support of Gülmen, Özakça on Hunger Strike
Nobel Laureate author J.M. Coetzee has sent a message for Gülmen and Özakça, said that “Turkey needs to return to the rule of law”.
30 May 2017