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Sivas Massacre: Opposition demands facing the past, opening of 'Museum of Shame'
While CHP and HDP deputies have submitted motions and law proposals about the 1993 massacre, an AKP member of the Sivas municipal council has filed a criminal complaint who define the incident as "massacre."
2 July 2020
HDP's 'Democracy March': How did AKP, MHP react?
The ruling alliance has accused the HDP of "doing what the PKK says."
16 June 2020
Hazardous chemicals do not have an ideology
The Parliamentary inquiry submitted by the İYİ Party about the use of pesticides in agricultural production has been rejected by the votes of ruling AKP and MHP MPs. I wonder which justification put forward in the inquiry was found improper.
16 June 2020
Bülent Şık
Opposition Challenges the AKP-MHP Coalition's Covert Amnesty for Ordinary Crimes
Alongside discriminating against political dissidents, the bill entitles intelligence services take inmates out of prison for further interrogation, posing them to the risk of possible torture and mistreatment.
15 April 2020
Ertuğrul Kürkçü
MHP: If Turkey Withdraws from Idlib, It will Lose Hatay
"The existence of Russia and Iran in Syria is illegitimate and it is absolutely against the international law," according to the ruling AKP's ally.
3 March 2020
MHP Chair: Turkey Should Review Relations with Russia
In the wake of the attacks in Syria that claimed the lives of 12 soldiers, Devlet Bahçeli, an ally of President Erdoğan, has said, "Turkish nation should plan to enter Damascus."
11 February 2020
Parliament Condemns US Peace Plan for Middle East
All the five parties that have a group in the parliament have signed a joint declaration that condemns the US President's plan "which ignores fundamental rights and freedoms of Palestinians."
30 January 2020
Parliamentary Inquiry into Forest Fires Rejected by AKP and MHP
The Parliamentary inquiry submitted by 26 CHP MPs into forest fires has been rejected by AKP and MHP MPs. In their inquiry, MPs reminded the Speaker’s Office that 50 thousand football fields’ worth of forestland has been razed in the last 5 years.
30 October 2019
MHP Celebrates, CHP Questions Syria Deal with US
While Erdoğan's ally Bahçeli has congratulated him on the agreement, the main opposition leader Kılıçdaroğlu has said, "We don't know what we gave in return."
18 October 2019
MHP Chair Bahçeli Appoints Committee to 'Investigate Relations Between CHP, HDP'
Bahçeli has said that immunity of CHP Chair Kılıçdaroğlu should be removed.
4 October 2019
Bahçeli Calls Offshoot İYİ Party for Reunification, It Replies ‘There is Election in November’
MHP Chair Bahçeli, an ally of Erdoğan, has called the İYİ Party to reunite with them. In response, the party shared a video that shows its leader bursting into laughter.
2 August 2019
Supreme Election Council to Rule on Objections Against Local Elections in İstanbul This Week
Currently evaluating the supplementary petition of the ruling AKP, Supreme Election Council (YSK) is expected to announce its ruling regarding the extraordinary objections raised by the AKP and MHP against local elections in İstanbul on May 3 the latest.
29 April 2019
Parliamentary Inquiry into Hrant Dink Murder Rejected
The parliamentary inquiry submitted by HDP MP Paylan, who has demanded that a parliamentary investigation be launched into Hrant Dink murder, which cannot be solved for 12 years, has been rejected by the votes of AKP and MHP MPs.
18 January 2019
MHP Chair Bahçeli Tweets, MHP Members Gather In Front of Akşener’s House
In the wake of tweets posted by MHP Chair Devlet Bahçeli, a group of MHP members have gathered in front of İYİ Party Chair Meral Akşener’s house and chanted slogans.
5 October 2018
Alliance for the Public*: Fascistic, Amorphous Right-wing Politics
Does Alliance for the Public signify the melting of Turkism that originate from the MHP’s, and thus Türkeş’s line. Or can we say that just the opposite is taking place - that this alliance is turning the AKP into Turkism? What kind of a Turkey might emerge in case this alliance gains victory in June 24 elections.
31 August 2018
Haluk Kalafat
MHP Leader Publishes Names of Opposition Figures
MHP Chair Bahçeli has targeted people, who allegedly “defamed, accused wrongly” MHP, with a full page newspaper advertisement and released a list of names.
26 June 2018
Early Election Call by MHP Chair Bahçeli
Speaking at MHP’s weekly group meeting, MHP Chair Bahçeli has stated, “Under these conditions, it is not possible for Turkey to wait until November 3, 2019. We should go to the polls on August 26.”
17 April 2018
Bahçeli Reacts Against ‘State System’ Statement 3 Days Before Referendum
Reacting against President’s advisor’s article on “state system”, MHP Chair Bahçeli has said, “The president remains silent before this statement. If he approves this, then what can be the decision of the nationalists who are against the state system within two days”.
14 April 2017
Allocation of Broadcast Time on TV: 53h for Erdoğan, 17h for CHP, 33 Min for HDP
A study carried out by the Solidarity for Democracy platform on the visibility of the broadcasts of 17 national channels has demonstrated that in March, HDP was not represented on any live programme and that AKP was the political party which found the greatest coverage in newscast.
23 March 2017
MHP MP Candidate, Aslan Detained on Charge of "Defaming President"
Actor and MHP MP candidate Mehmet Aslan has been taken into custody on charge of “defaming the President”.
17 January 2017
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Security Meeting of Leaders Organized Without HDP
The PM Yıldırım, CHP Leader Kılıçdaroğlu and MHP Leader Bahçeli have come togetjer at the security meeting. Co-chairs of the HDP weren’t invited to the meeting.
22 August 2016
President Erdoğan Retweets Bahçeli
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has retweeted MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli’s tweets saying that he would attend the rally on August 7 in Yenikapı.
4 August 2016
Bahçeli: If AKP Is Ready For Death Penalty, Count Us in Too
The MHP Leader Bahçeli has supported AKP regarding bringing back death penalty. ”We will do what is needed with inner peace. We are ready to discuss death penalty regarding coup and terrorist threat.”
19 July 2016
Opposition Supports Davutoğlu’s Call for Lifting Parliamentary Immunity
CHP, HDP, and MPH have supported PM Davutoğlu’s proposal to “bring 506 summary of proceedings to parliament and lift parliamentary immunities”.
17 March 2016
HDP Accepts Davutoğlu’s Request for Appointment
HDP Deputy Chair İdris Baluken has stated they they would give a positive response to Prime Minister’s request for an appointment which CHP leader Kılıçdaroğlu has already accepted.
23 December 2015
Davutoğlu Asks Opposition Leaders for Appointment
PM Davutoğlu has asked leaders of CHP, MHP, and HDP for appointment to discuss new constitution and reforms.
23 December 2015
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Why were Surveys Mistaken?
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emel Şerife Akça has said that since process lived in past five months in Turkey wasn’t ordinary, it is normal for the surveys to be mistaken about election results.
2 November 2015
Bahçeli: All Our Party Staff at Work
MHP Leader Bahçeli evaluating November 1 election in a written statement hasn’t confirmed speculations of resignation.
2 November 2015
What Do People in Konya and Kayseri Think about Re-election?
AKP is strong in Konya, people are worried rather than excited in Kayseri, both cities’ voters emphasize economic stability.
30 October 2015
Haluk Kalafat
RTÜK Member: TRT Gives Place AKP Far More than HDP
RTÜK member Ersin Öngel drew attention that TRT gave place AKP for 30 hours while it only allowed HDP for 18 minutes in 25 days.
27 October 2015
PM Davutoğlu Explains Why There Won’t be a Coalition
Prime Minister Davutoğlu explained the dichotomy between two political parties and why there wouldn’t be a coalition.
14 August 2015
Nationalist Movement Party’s Deputy Unseated
Group Deputy Chairman of MHP, Yusuf Halaçoğlu, is unseated from his position since he said “If we had supported Republican People’s Party, people would have pushed us too far saying you chose an irreligious party.”
13 July 2015