RTÜK Member: TRT Gives Place AKP Far More than HDP

Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) member Ersin Öngel shared the time given by Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) for political parties via his twitter account.
Öngel wrote that TRT broadcasted live the President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for 29 hours, Justice and Development Party 30 hours, Republican People’s Party (CHP) 5 hours, Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) 1 hour and 10 minutes and Peoples’ Democratic Party only for 18 minutes in 25 days.
Ersin Öngel shared 12 TV channels including TRT gave place to Erdoğan for 138 hours, AKP for 238 hours, CHP for 36 hours, MHP for 21 hours and HDP for 6 hours in 25 days.
The injustice had been criticized before
The injustice about giving less place to political parties on public media institutions had been discussed and criticized by Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) before. OSCE stated media was subjective against the political candidates, Erdoğan was using his position and the media took side of former PM Erdoğan.
TRT General Director Şenol Göka explained in 2014 that TRT News broadcasted PM Ahmet Davutoğlu for 135 hours while it gave place to CHP, MHP and HDP for 39 hours in total. (EA/BD)
Click here to read the article in Turkish
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