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Court Rules for Examination at Scene of Incident 6 Years After Incident
In the case of Berkin Elvan, who died after being shot with a tear gas canister during Gezi Park protests in 2013, the court has ruled that an examination shall be conducted at the scene of incident. Defendant police officer has not been arrested again.
27 February 2019
First Dissenting Opinion of Acquittal Against a Verdict of Conviction
While 4 academics have been sentenced to 15 months in prison, one academic has been given a prison sentence of 1 year, 10 months, for whom a judge member to the court board has expressed a dissenting opinion, stating "He should have been acquitted.”
27 February 2019
Tansu Pişkin
'Physicians Always Defend Demand for Peace'
İstanbul Medical Chamber Chair Dr. Saip has said, "We are with our colleagues who are being tried because their words are in favor of peace," in a press statement in support of the Academics for Peace.
27 February 2019
Hikmet Adal
Indictment of Writer Başkaya: Thinking is a Biological Act, Spreading it Can be Banned
The indictment that charges Fikret Başkaya with "terror propaganda" says that "thinking is a biological act, but the expression and spreading of thought can be banned," and "There is no doubt about Kurdish citizens' rights and freedoms."
26 February 2019
Writer Fikret Başkaya Sued for ‘Terror Propaganda’
Writer and former academic Fikret Başkaya has been charged with "propagandizing for a terrorist organization" for his article titled "The Real Terror is the State Terror" which was published on the Free University.
25 February 2019
Istanbul Armenian Church Walls Vandalized
Unknown perpetrators have vandalized the Surp Hreshdagabet Armenian Church in Balat, with graffiti saying, "You are finish". Minority Foundations Representative Moris Levi has condemned the "act of hate crime," said they filed a complaint.
25 February 2019
Disciplinary Punishment for Former CHP MP Eren Erdem Due to Hunger Strike
Main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) former MP and current Party Assembly member Eren Erdem has been given a disciplinary punishment by the administration of Silivri Prison. Erdem will be prohibited from all sport activities for a month.
25 February 2019
Journalist Zehra Doğan Released: Sise Bingöl Says ‘I Will Stand Upright on My Feet’
Journalist and painter Zehra Doğan has been released from prison: “Children were calling after me, saying ‘Zehra, Zehra, draw us the pictures of trees and birds.’ Sise Bingöl cried a lot. I will never forget them. I will keep on writing and talking about them.”
25 February 2019
Evrim Kepenek
Fruit and Vegetable Prices Change Every Day in Prisons
Inmate Murat Kaymaz has sent a letter to bianet, saying that fruit and vegetable prices in the prison are constantly being changed and their orders are canceled because they are "out of stock."
22 February 2019
Ayça Söylemez
EU: Gezi Park Indictment Creates a Climate of Fear
"The indictments announced yesterday against Osman Kavala and 15 others raise questions as to the adherence of the Turkish judiciary to international and European standards," said the EU Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
22 February 2019
28 Academics Sentenced to a Total of 59 Years, 2 Months, 5 Days in Prison
13 academics have been sentenced to 1 year, 10 months, 5 days in prison, 14 have been sentenced to 2 years and 3 months. The announcement of the verdict was not deferred for those who were sentenced to more than 2 years.
22 February 2019
Hikmet Adal,Tansu Pişkin
Amnesty International: Osman Kavala and Yiğit Aksakoğlu Must be Released
In a statement regarding the indictment on the 16 rights defenders for the Gezi Park protests, the Amnesty International has said, "It should be the police violence against peaceful protestors that should be examined by the courts, not these 16 civil society figures."
21 February 2019
Justice for Everyone and Every Language
A demand for justice in Armenian, Laz language, Kurdish, Zazaki, Georgian, Adyghean, Greek, Pontus Greek, Ladino, Assyrian and Turkish...
21 February 2019
Hikmet Adal
ECtHR Ruling: Turkey Violated Six Articles in One Case
Concluding Ruşen Bayar's application, the ECtHR has ruled that Turkey violated six articles of the ECHR, including the rights to freedom, security and a fair trial.
20 February 2019
Ayça Söylemez
Demirtaş Sends Letter to European Parliament and PACE
In his letter, HDP's imprisoned former Chair Demirtaş has drawn attention to Leyla Güven, who has been on a hunger strike for 104 days, and other 320 hunger strikers in prisons.
19 February 2019
'Let's Give an Ear to Demands of Rights, Lawfulness, Justice'
The Citizens' Initiative and Union for Democracy (DİB) have made a statement on the 100th day of HDP MP Leyla Güven's hunger strike. They have said that protecting the hunger strikers' lives are on the state's responsibility and that a dialog should urgently be established.
15 February 2019
Deferred Prison Sentence of 15 Months For One Academic
Dr. Lecturer Mehmet Şiray from the Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts has been sentenced to 1 year and 3 months in prison. The announcement of the verdict has been deferred.
14 February 2019
Tansu Pişkin
Rejecting Medical Intervention, Leyla Güven on Hunger Strike Discharged from Hospital
HDP MP Leyla Güven, who has been on the 98th day of her hunger strike, has been taken to hospital with complaints of chest pain. Her daughter Temizkan has stated that Güven has been taken to intensive care and does not accept medical intervention.
13 February 2019
Deferred Prison Sentence of 15 Months for 3 Academics
Prof. Dr. Tahsin Yeşildere and two academics from Boğaziçi University have been sentenced to 1 year and 3 months in prison on charge of “propagandizing for a terrorist organization.” The announcement of all three verdicts has been suspended.
13 February 2019
Tansu Pişkin
Deferred Prison Sentence of 1 Year, 8 Months for Academic Hanifi Barış
Academic Hanifi Barış, who was previously arrested for two months due to his social media posts, has been sentenced to 1 year, 8 months in prison for “propagandizing for a terrorist organization.” The announcement of the verdict has been deferred.
13 February 2019
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'Visiting A Martyr's Family' Obligation for Academic Sentenced to Prison
Two academics have been sentenced to 1 year and 3 months and one has been sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison in today's hearings. The court has also ruled that academic Gülsün Güvenli shall visit a 'martyr's family'.
12 February 2019
Hikmet Adal
ECtHR Convicts Turkey for ‘Aggravated Life Imprisonment’
The ECtHR has again convicted Turkey in an appeal made against the legal practice stipulating that the convicts who have been sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment shall serve time in prison without a possibility of being released.
12 February 2019
Ayça Söylemez
5 Lawyers on 20th Day of Their Hunger Strike ‘Against Unlawfulness’
It has been 20 days since five arrested lawyers went on a hunger strike in protest against the unlawful practices that they have been subjected to during their judicial process. They will continue their hunger strike until their hearing on March 18.
12 February 2019
Ayça Söylemez
Curfew in Lice
A curfew has been declared in 21 villages and their hamlets in the district of Lice in Turkey’s southeastern province of Diyarbakır on the ground of an operation to be conducted in the region.
12 February 2019
Dilek Dündar: I am Held Hostage Against My Husband
The wife of journalist Can Dündar, Dilek Türker Dündar, who cannot leave Turkey for another country as her passport was seized, has criticized the unlawful practices that she has been subjected to due to the lawsuits filed against her husband.
12 February 2019
Gergerlioğlu: Inmates Writing About Hunger Strikes Given Disciplinary Punishment As Well
Holding a press conference about the violation of rights committed in prisons, HDP MP Gergerlioğlu has stated that prison administrations give disciplinary punishments to both the inmates who have gone on a hunger strike and the ones who write about it.
11 February 2019
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Police Do Not Allow March, HDP MPs Sit-In
The police have not allowed the HDP Co-Chairs and MPs to march on İstiklal Avenue in support of HDP MP Leyla Güven, who has been on a hunger strike for 96 days.
11 February 2019
Hikmet Adal
Three Rights Defenders Visit HDP MP Leyla Güven
Human Rights Association Co-Chair Öztürk Türkdoğan, journalist Ali Bayramoğlu and 78's Initiative Spokesperson Celalettin Can have visited HDP MP Leyla Güven, who is on the 96th day of her hunger strike.
11 February 2019
Adana Governorship Bans Kurdish Theatre Days
The Governorship of Adana has banned the Kurdish Theater Days which was organized by the HDP Adana.
11 February 2019
Bircan Değirmenci
'Monitoring Commission for Hunger Strikes' Founded
Four rights organizations have announced in a press statement that they founded the 'Monitoring Commission for Hunger Strikes': "The feeling of the lack of a solution caused by injustice and unlawfulness will cause the number of hunger strikers to increase."
8 February 2019
Hikmet Adal
‘Householders Unwilling to Rent Out Their Houses to LGBTIs and Migrants’
The Report on Perception of Discrimination has shown that those groups complaining about different types of discrimination have met on a common ground when it comes to perception of discrimination against migrants, Kurds and LGBTIs.
8 February 2019
Forensic Architecture Announces Report on Tahir Elçi Murder
Research agency Forensic Architecture has released its report on lawyer Elçi's murder. Reconstructing the incident in a 3D digital model, the agency has announced that three police officers on the scene are the most likely suspects.
8 February 2019
Ayça Söylemez