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'Court of Appeal's Acquittal Verdict Can Establish a Precedent for Academics for Peace'
İHD member Pişkin has been acquitted of terrorist propaganda by the court of appeal in a case that he was previously sentenced to 30 months in prison. Pişkin's attorney has said the verdict can establish a precedent for the Academics of Peace.
14 March 2019
Ayça Söylemez
Two Defendants Released, Former Governor and Intelligence Officers to Testify
Announcing its interim judgment, the court has ruled for the release of Muharram Demirkale and Ercan Gün. Former Governor of İstanbul Muammer Güler and 11 officials will testify in the next hearings.
14 March 2019
Hikmet Adal
15-Month Deferred Prison Sentence for two Academics
Two courts have sentenced two academics to 15 months in prison for the same charge, deferred the announcement of the verdicts.
14 March 2019
Tansu Pişkin
From Didem Soydan to Saturday Mothers: I Apologize to You on Their Behalf
After a verdict of non-prosecution was given for the investigation launched against model Soydan due to her social media posts about Saturday Mothers/People, she has said, “If they made you sad with these news, I apologize to you on their behalf.”
13 March 2019
18-Month Prison Sentence for 1 Academic, Rejection of Venue for 9 Academics
Academic Feryal Delfin Saygılıgil from Arel University has been sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison for “propagandizing for a terrorist organization.” The court has ruled that the pronouncement of the verdict shall be suspended.
13 March 2019
Hikmet Adal
Constitutional Court: ‘Murderer Police’ Slogan is Disturbing Criticism, Not Personal Insult
The Constitutional Court has ruled that three university students who chanted the slogan “Murderer police will be brought to account” while being taken into custody uttered these remarks with the intention of criticism, not personal insult.
13 March 2019
Ayça Söylemez
Deferred Prison Sentence of 15 Months for 3 Academics, 18 Months for 1 Academic
While Takanay, Bartu Candan and Korkmaz have been sentenced to 15 months in prison, Erden has been sentenced to 18 months. The sentence of Takanay has been deferred on 2-year probation. The announcement of other verdicts has been suspended.
13 March 2019
Tansu Pişkin
'Hunger-Striking Prisoners' Rights are Violated'
HDP MP Ayşe Başaran has made a statement on the hunger strikes in prisons, saying that the inmates are having difficulties accessing vitamin B.
12 March 2019
Berkin Elvan Commemorated in 5th Year of His Death
Berkin Elvan, who was shot with a tear gas canister during Gezi Resistance and lost his life at the age of 15 on March 11, 2014, has been commemorated at his grave in the Feriköy Cemetery in İstanbul.
11 March 2019
'Gezi is This Land's Hope for Equality, Freedom And Justice'
The Taksim Solidarity has held a press conference on the 657-page Gezi Park indictment that charges rights defenders with life imprisonment.
11 March 2019
Hikmet Adal
Fate of Confiscated Digital Devices on Parliamentary Agenda
HDP Van MP Muazzez Orhan has submitted a parliamentary question regarding the digital materials which were confiscated from the detained and which have either not been returned to their owners or have been returned after a long period of time.
11 March 2019
Deferred Prison Sentence of 1 Year, 3 Months for One Academic
Having the first hearing at the 30th Heavy Penal Court, Y.Ö. has been sentenced to 15 months in prison. The announcement of the verdict has been deferred. At the 33rd Heavy Penal Court, a verdict of rejection of venue has been given for 13 academics.
8 March 2019
Tansu Pişkin
Armenian Patriarch of Turkey Mesrob Mutafyan Loses His Life
Armenian Patriarch of Turkey Mesrob II Mutafyan has lost his life in Surp Pırgiç Armenian Hospital in İstanbul. Speaking to bianet, HDP Diyarbakır MP Garo Paylan has said, “He was a spiritual leader, whom we will always remember.”
8 March 2019
Prosecutor Demands 2 Academics Be Penalized for ‘Aiding Organization’
At the İstanbul 25th Heavy Penal Court, the prosecutor has announced his opinion as to the accusations and demanded that two academics be penalized on charge of “knowingly and willingly aiding a terrorist organization a non-member.”
7 March 2019
Tansu Pişkin
Acquittal for Police Officer Tried for Insulting Discharged Teacher
Being tried for insulting Engin Karataş, a teacher who was discharged as per a Statutory Decree and has been protesting the discharges since then, the police officer has been acquitted based on the testimony of another police officer.
7 March 2019
Ayça Söylemez
Deferred Prison Sentence of 15 Months for 2 Academics
At the İstanbul 36th and 37th Heavy Penal Courts, two academics have been sentenced to 15 months in prison for “propagandizing for a terrorist organization.” The announcement of both verdict has been suspended.
6 March 2019
Tansu Pişkin
One Academic Sentenced to 1 Year, 6 Months in Prison
Başak Tuğ Onaran from İstanbul Bilgi University has been sentenced to 1 year, 6 months in prison. While her prison term has not been reduced since “she did not express remorse”, the announcement of the verdict has been suspended.
6 March 2019
Tansu Pişkin
25-Month Prison Sentence for One Academic, Arrest Warrant for Another
Prof. Dr. L.N. from Sabancı University has been sentenced to 25 months in prison. The announcement of the verdict has not been deferred as the sentence is longer than 24 months. In another hearing, an arrest warrant has been issued for Dr. Yalçın.
5 March 2019
Hikmet Adal
‘Allegations of Abduction/Disappearance Left Unanswered’
İşçi and Arcan from Human Rights Association have spoken to bianet about the families who appealed to them, alleging that their relatives were kidnapped: “We have either received no answer or a single sentence of ‘Examination has been conducted’.”
5 March 2019
Ayça Söylemez
Syriac Associations Federation: Syriac Genocide Should be Recognized Too
Around the world, 46 Syriac organizations, including the Federation of Syriac Associations (SÜDEF) from Turkey, have sent a letter to the President of France concerning the Syriac genocide. SÜDEF Chair Türker has told bianet about their demands.
5 March 2019
Pınar Tarcan
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Musician Tunç Leaves Turkey: 'I Began a Hard Journey'
Musician Ferhat Tunç, who has been given a prison sentence and is being tried in three other cases, has left Turkey, saying, "I will continue to think, speak, produce abroad for a while."
5 March 2019
Curfew in Dicle Lifted
The curfew previously declared in eight villages and their hamlets in the district of Dicle in Diyarbakır on March 1 has been lifted. Turkey’s southeastern province of Diyarbakır has been the city where the highest number of curfews have been declared.
5 March 2019
85-Year-Old Ill Prisoner Bingöl Released
Sise Bingöl has been released on parole after the execution of her 4 years and 2 months prison sentence for "knowingly and willingly aiding a terrorist organization" has been completed.
5 March 2019
Gezi Indictment Against 16 People Including Osman Kavala Accepted
The indictment against 16 people, including Osman Kavala and Yiğit Aksakoğlu, who have been arrested as part of the investigation, has been accepted by the İstanbul 30th Heavy Penal Court. The indictment was completed on February 20.
4 March 2019
HDP: We Are The Own Children of This Country
HDP İstanbul Provincial Organization and Peoples and Beliefs Commission have made a statement for the press to denounce the statements of President Erdoğan, who said, “There is a Kurdistan in Northern Iraq; if you wish, you can go there.”
4 March 2019
Hikmet Adal
'If You Love a Place, You Also Love People Fighting for Freedom There'
Artist Gianluca Costantini's work covers the most important happenings in Turkey since the 2013 Gezi Park protests.
4 March 2019
Volga Kuşçuoğlu
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Court of Appeal Upholds First Prison Sentence of an Academic for Peace
The court of appeal has upheld the 15-month prison sentence previously given to Prof. Dr. Zübeyde Füsun Üstel, an academic signatory to the declaration entitled “We will not be a party to this crime” prepared by Academics for Peace.
4 March 2019
Tansu Pişkin
Constitutional Court Rules Compensation for Maltreatment of Arrested Children
Announcing its judgement on children subjected to maltreatment, battery and naked body search in prison, the Constitutional Court has ruled that the prohibition of ill treatment has been violated and a compensation of 90 thousand TRY shall be paid to children.
1 March 2019
Ayça Söylemez
Curfew in Dicle in Diyarbakır
A curfew has been declared in eight villages and their hamlets in the district of Dicle in Turkey's southeastern province of Diyarbakır as of March 1 on the ground that an operation will be conducted in the region.
1 March 2019
Statement of Solidarity by Students of İstanbul University for Their Lecturers
Solidarity of İstanbul University Faculty of Political Sciences met in front of courthouse for their lecturers sentenced to prison: “We are proud to stand together with our lecturers who have not surrendered despite all pressures and continue their rightful struggle.”
28 February 2019
Hikmet Adal
Statement of ‘Indefinite Hunger Strike’ by Inmates
Inmates who have been arrested on charges related to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and Kurdistan Free Life Party (PAJK) have announced that they will start an indefinite and irreversible hunger strike as of March 1.
28 February 2019
2 Academics Sentenced to 15 Months in Prison
Having their hearings at the 37th İstanbul Heavy Penal Court, two academics have been sentenced to 15 months in prison on charge of “propagandizing for a terrorist organization.” The pronouncement of their verdicts have been suspended.
28 February 2019
Tansu Pişkin