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New Witnesses In The Malatya Massacre Case
Malatya’s 3rd High Criminal Court will continue hearing new witnesses in the Zirve Publication case, in which three Protestants were killed for supposedly doing missionary work. The five suspects, who are under arrest, will present an additional defense.
20 August 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Osman Hayal, Instigator’s Brother In Dink’s Murder, Is In Custody
Osman Hayal, brother of the alleged instigator in Dink’s murder, has been taken into custody, even though he had claimed before that he was not in İstanbul on the day of the murder, but in Trabzon.
20 August 2008
412 Internet Sites And Blogs Protest Internet Censorship
The number of internet sites and blogs protesting the internet censorship in Turkey, court orders banning the sites, has risen to 412. They darkened their pages to warn the authorities and public about the policies that make life difficult for internet publishing
20 August 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Torture Goes Unpunished, Conscientious Objector May Be Sued For Insulting Military
The Military Prosecutor sees no need to file a lawsuit for the bad treatment and torture conscientious objector Bal had to endure. Instead, Bal may be sued under article 301 for insulting the Turkish Armed Forces.
20 August 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Internet Sites Protest Recent Internet Censorship
Elmaaltshift.com has launched a protest campaign against the latest internet banning of the sites such as youtube, dailymotion, and many others. The campaign will last until the midnight of August 20.
19 August 2008
Human Rights Activist’s Arm Broken In Police Search
Administrators of the Human Rights Association’s Adana Branch get into an argument with police officers during a search. One of the activists is pushed down the stairs and his arm is broken. İHD wants those responsible be punished.
18 August 2008
After 24 Years Of Violence, The Kurdish Problem Is Still Not Solved
Bianet interviews figures of different opinion regarding Kurdish problem on the 24th year of PKK's declaration of war. CHP deputy Serter advises sticking to the same method, while writer Orhan Miroğlu urges for recognition of Kursih identity, and human rights activist Ayhan Bilen insists on facing up the past.
17 August 2008
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
Another Conscientious Objectionist Refuses Military Service
Mehmet Ali Avcı joins among conscientious objectionists with a public statement to refuse military service at the Istanbul Branch of the Human Rights Association. Refusing military service is still a crime in Turkey
15 August 2008
Ceyda Ulukaya
“Ergenekon Valley” Activities From BEKSAV
Science Education Esthetic Culture Art Researches Foundation (BEKSAV) launches a two day activity called “Ergenekon Valley”, which intends to shed light on past and not so past massacres, pogroms, murders of intellectuals in Turkey's past by using various art techniques.
15 August 2008
Semra Çelebi
Another Internet Site Is Banned
The censorship against the internet sites is continuing in Turkey. After youtube.com and dailymotion, not the sites of kliptube and gundemonline.com are banned, too.
14 August 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
İHD Demands Investigation Of Human Rights Violations In Bitlis, Siirt, Erzurum Prisons
İHD’s Diyarbakır branch exposes the insults and threats Ahmet Kırboğa was subjected to during his transfer to another prison. They demand investigation of human rights violations in Bitlis, Siirt, Erzurum prisons.
12 August 2008
Peace Assembly To Have Meetings In Diyarbakır, Adana and Istanbul
Turkish Peace Assembly is inviting everyone to its “Turkey Is Meeting For Peace! Democratic Solution For The Kurdish Problem” meeting on August 31, to be held simultaneously in Diyarbakır, Adana and Istanbul.
12 August 2008
Nilay Vardar,Zeynep Güner
Copies Of Daily Birgün Seized For Interviewing A Kurdish Workers Party Administrator
The court seized the copies of daily Birgün for Tahmaz’s interview of a Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) administrator, Murat Karayılan. The accusation is “giving place to the explanations and announcements of a terrorist organization.”
11 August 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Bianet.org And NTV Sued For Reporting About Hrant Dink’s Murder
Police officer Muhittin Zenit, who was on the agenda after Dink’s murder for the telephone conversation he had with one of the conspirators of the murder, Erhan Tuncel, is suing bianet.org and the NTV news channel for damages.
11 August 2008
Police Department Backs Another Trigger Happy Police Officer
Istanbul Police Department described the shooting by police officer Mustafa Atasoy of Cem İnci, while walking, as a gun misfired during an argument between the two. However, it did not explain why the same police officer prevented others with his gun when they tried to help the victim.
8 August 2008
Parliament Discusses The Special Forces For Keeping Files On People
Democratic Society Party deputy Akın Birdal brought the topic of keeping files on people to the Parliament. He asked Interior Minister Beşir Atalay questions about the matter.
7 August 2008
Tolga Korkut
Hayat TV Is Back After Three Weeks
Hayat TV, which was accused of aiding the pro-Kurdish Roj TV, is back to broadcasting after it resolved the bureaucratic problems encountered in the process.
7 August 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Kurdish Politician Alınak Refuses To Buy His Freedom
Kurdish politician Mahmut Alınak is entering the prison for refusing to pay the fine he received for the crime of “praising the criminals Deniz Gezmiş, Musa Anter, Vedat Aydın, whose names he proposed to give to the streets and parks.
6 August 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
“Ergenekon And Dink’s Murder Case Must Be Combined”
Ergin Cinmen, one of the lawyers of the Dink family in Hrant Dink’s murder case, demands that the prosecutors deepen the investigation of Hrant Dink’s murder using the finds in the Ergenekon case.
6 August 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Police Cannot Humor The Murderer
Istanbul Police Department announce that they are going to file a lawsuit against the newspaper Radikal for carrying a story about Ogün Samast’s pictures taken by them. The reporter says he would be honored to be sued for this.
6 August 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
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Ogün Samast Was With Two Other People When He Killed Hrant Dink
According to a telephone communication revealed by the Ergenekon investigation, there were two more individuals with Ogün Samast when he killed Hrant Dink and Yasin Hayal, the instigator of the murder, was a member of the Great Union Party at the time.
5 August 2008
Another Internet Site Becomes Inaccessible
Youtube, the biggest global video sharing site, has been inaccessible for three months now. Another site, dailymotion.com, is banned, too.
4 August 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Democratic Mass Organizations Protest Güngören Explosions
Leftist Platform consisting of various political parties and non-governmental organizations protested the Güngören explosions, blaming the government not going against the counter-guerilla mentality.
4 August 2008
Bawer Çakır
Prosecutor Says No Need For Special Laws To Protect Atatürk
Beyoğlu Prosecutor Muzaffer Yalçın let go Nuray Canan Bezirgan and Kevser Çakır, who were accused of insulting Atatürk. He says not liking Atatürk will not diminish his value.
1 August 2008
Erhan Üstündağ
Democratic Mass Organizations: The Coup Makers Must Be Tried
Various organizations and political parties make a press release regarding the escalation of violence in Turkey. According to them, Güngören and Kerkük incidents are the result of different counter-guerilla groups settling scores internally.
1 August 2008
Bawer Çakır
Internet Piracy Against Freedom Of Expression Sites Is Taken To Court
The sabotage acts on freedom of expression sites antenna-tr.org and ortakpayda.org, both of which are IFEX members, are taken to the court.
30 July 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
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Assaults And Murders Linked To Ergenekon
In the Ergenekon indictment, the assaults on the State Council and daily Cumhuriyet, the murders of Hrant Dink and Necip Hablemitoğlu, and the Malatya Massacre take big place.
27 July 2008
Criticizing Headscarf Decision Takes Journalist Karaaliğlu To Court
Chief Editor of daily Star Mustafa Karaalioğlu is sued for criticizing the “turban” (headscarf) decision of the Constitutional Court. He is accused of “inciting hatred and hostility”, “insulting” and “instigating others to commit crime”.
26 July 2008
Hundreds Of People Showed Their Support For Hayat TV
Non-governmental organizations, professional organizations and many more people gathered in front of Galatasaray High School in Istanbul to support Hayat TV, which was shut down unjustly and suddenly a while ago
24 July 2008
Bawer Çakır
Parliamentary Inquiry Says The State Could Not Protect Hrant Dink
Parliamentary Human Rights Subcommittee accuses the security units of the state for not taking the necessary steps to prevent Hrant Dink’s murder in its report. It points out to the lack of communication between the institutions.
24 July 2008
Dink Family Goes To The European Human Rights Court For The Third Time
Lawyers of the Dink family are getting ready to go to the European Human Rights Court (EHRC) for Istanbul police chief Celalettin Cerrah’s possible role in Hrant Dink’s murder.
23 July 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Mandatory Religion Classes Continue To Torture
The government insists on not removing the mandatory religion classes. According to Alevi leaders, AKP’s understanding of freedom of belief is limited with the requirements and wishes of its own constituency, the sunni community.
23 July 2008
Erhan Üstündağ