Hundreds Of People Showed Their Support For Hayat TV

Hundreds of people gathered for the call of the Association of Intellectuals for Democracy to protest the shutting of Hayat TV. From the Galatasaray Post Office in Istanbul, the group faxed the protest text “Turn On My Television” to the Ministry of Interior, the Supreme Council of Radio and Television (RTÜK) and Türksat A.Ş.
The Association of Intellectuals for Democracy is formed by the Turkish Writers Unions (TYS), PEN Center for Turkey, the Turkish Journalists Union (TGS), the Platform of Istanbul Branches of the Confederation of Turkish Labor Unions (Türk-İş), the Platform of Istanbul branches of the Confederation of Public Employees Trade Unions (KESK), the Provincial Coordination of the Turkish Union of Chambers of Engineers and Architects (TMMOB). Hundreds of people, including representatives from non-governmental organizations, joined the press release organized by the Association of Intellectuals for Democracy to support Hayat TV, which is banned from broadcasting right at the centenary celebration of the end of censorship in Turkey.
“This practice reminds us the coup period”
Writer Adnan Özyalçıner read the press release, accompanied by various slogans.
Özyalçıner said that shutting of Hayat TV was an arbitrary measure.
“That Hayat TV helped another TV station by becoming its voice cannot be true, because Hayat TV does not have this kind of technical capability.”
Özyalçıner reminded that the Justice and Development Party (AKP) had said they were going to “erase the coup makers”, adding that “This practice reminds us the coup period.”
He declared they would continue their reaction until a just solution was implemented.
Bayhan: The Ministry of Transportation and Turksat are trying to form a monopoly
According to TYS’ second president Mustafa Köz, “Shutting of Hayat TV forced us to think again about our situation. This act told us to stick to each other.”
İskender Bayhan, coordinator of broadcasting for the channel, said, “The Ministry of Transportation and Turksat are trying to form a monopoly.” (BÇ/NZ/TB)