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Father Files Complaint Against Vice Governor For Intervening In His Son’s Murder Investigation
Father of Çağdaş Gemik, who was shot to death by a police officer, files a complaint against the Vice Governor for intervening in the investigation of the accused police officer by sending a “secret” circular to the authorities conducting the investigation, defending the officer.
24 December 2008
TESEV Announces Its Report About The Kurdish Problem
The Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV) publishes a report about the Kurdish suggestions to end the Kurdish problem. The report touches upon many dimensions of the problem.
24 December 2008
Kurdish Parliamentarian Says The Conflict May Stop With A Common Call By All Kurds
Democratic Society Party deputy claims that Turkey may recognize Kurds’ democratic rights and the PKK may stop fighting, if all the Kurds make a common call. An agreement has been reached for a common conference.
24 December 2008
Tolga Korkut
Alevite Institute Is Founded
Alevis get their institute to deal with their problems. At the opening ceremony, Ertuğrul Günay, Minister of Tourism and Culture, apologizes to the Alevis for the past Maraş, Sivas and Çorum massacres.
24 December 2008
Opposition Press Prosecuted Differently
Zarakolu, chief editor of the newspaper “Alternatif”, says when it comes to the opposition press, their prosecutions also include the chief editors and this points to a discrimination against them. Zarakolu is on trial for the news that appeared on “Alternatif”
23 December 2008
Turkish Peace Assembly Supports The Apology To The Armenians Campaign
The Turkish Peace Assembly describes the campaign to apologize to the Armenians as a right move in the direction of facing the past. They claim that the citizens did what the state should have done and they accuse the counter campaigns for making living together impossible.
23 December 2008
Romany People Hide Their Identities Because Of The Prejudices
The vice president of the Romani People Culture and Solidarity Association of Didim district on the Aegean coast says the Romany prefer not to reveal their cultural and ethnic identity because of the negative prejudices and therefore their association has become inactive.
23 December 2008
Buket Erbaş
New Research Points To Conservative “Neighborhood Pressures” In Anatolian Cities
A new research lead by Prof. Dr. Toprak of Boağaziçi University shows that the ruling party did not transform the religiously structured conservatism in Anatolia, but fed it.
22 December 2008
Justice Minister Admits Police Officers Must Identify Themselves Ahead Of Time
Minister of Interior Atalay admits that the police officers are under obligation to identify themselves before they are asked. The admission came after another person was beaten by police officers, when he asked them to identify themselves.
22 December 2008
President Files Lawsuit Against Parliamentarian For Accusing Him Of Armenian Origin
President Gül files a lawsuit against Arıtman, the People’s Republican Party deputy, for claiming that his mother had an Armenian origin. The acusation came after he said that the campaign to apologize to the Armenians was within the limits of the freedom of speech.
22 December 2008
Alevite Meeting For The Still Unsolved Maraş Massacre
Thousands of Alevites met in Adana and demanded the prosecution of the perpetrators of the 30 year old Maraş massacre. They sent their questions about the massacre to the President.
22 December 2008
Journalist Özer Does Not Receive The Revised Treatment Of Article 301
Journalist Özer is sentenced under article 301, which restricts the freedom of expression, without the benefit of the examination of the case by the Ministry of Justice, as directed in the latest revision of the article.
19 December 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Politician "Accuses" President Of Having An Armenian Mother
Parliamentarian Arıtman of the People’s Republic Party reacts to President’s characterization of the campaign designed to apologize to the Armenians as a civil campaign allowed by the freedom of expression and accuses him of having an Armenian origin.
19 December 2008
Bawer Çakır
Transsexual Celebrity Acquitted Of “Alienating People From Military Service
Famous transsexual singer Bülent Ersoy is acquitted of the accusation of “alienating people from military service”, which she faced for her words during a TV show that if she had a son she would not send him to the war with the PKK in the east.
19 December 2008
My Right To Apologize
Whether my apology is accepted or not, by the living or by the deceased, I will want to keep doing this until we all accept, understand, share pain, forgive; but not forget till eternity what had happened in 1915.
19 December 2008
Engin Parev
Dead Writer And People Who Cannot Speak Kurdish Sentenced For Speaking Kurdish
The court sentenced Fidan, who was killed four years ago, Erbaş, who was not at the scene of the supposed crime, and Kalay to prison for speaking in Kurdish. Erbaş and Kalay do not even know Kurdish.
18 December 2008
Investigation Launched Against Calling Imprisoned PKK Leader Respectable
İskenderun Prosecutor launches an investigation against the head of the Iskenderun branch of the Democratic Society Party (DTP), Mahmut Aydıncı. The local newspaper “Demokrat İskenderun” is added to the investigation
18 December 2008
Justice Minister Says The PKK Militants Can Vote In The Elections Too
The Minister of Justice replied to the claim that there were PKK militants in the electoral registers by saying that they could vote if they were Turkish citizens. According to the minister, this way they would get to know them.
18 December 2008
Closing Of The Democratic Society Party May Be Decided After The Elections
The President of the Constitutional Court announces that they are still not close to making a decision in the closing case for the Democratic Society Party (DTP).
18 December 2008
Minority Report Case Goes To Justice Ministry To Obtain Permission For Trial Under Article 301
Since the Supreme Court of Appeals did not give permission to prosecute under article 301 the case in which academicians Kaboğlu and Oran are accused of "inciting hatred and hostility" by writing a report about minority rights, the 28th Criminal Court of First Instance sent the file to the Justice Ministry for permission to try it under article 301.
17 December 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
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Kurdish Politicians Face Prison Sentences For Using The Expression "PKK Guerillas"
Prosecutor Şahin demands prison sentences for the Diyarbakır mayor and the Democratic Society Party representative for describing the Kurdistan Workers Party militants as guerillas. The suspects say they were simply expressing the pain they felt over watching people from both sides get killed in this conflict.
17 December 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Campaigners React To Prime Minister's Words About Apologizing To The Armenians
The Prime Minister criticizes those who campaign to apologize to the Armenians about the Great Catastrophe of 1915 by describing the whole thing as irrational. The campaigners react to Prime Minister’s words.
17 December 2008
Bawer Çakır
Private Radio To Broadcast Non-Musical Program In Kurdish
The Supreme Council of Radio and Television (RTÜK) gives permission to the FM 49 radio to do non-musical broadcasting by allowing a health program aired in Kurdish. However, the radio is waiting for a politically more suitable period to do the broadcasting.
16 December 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
The Campaign To Apologize To The Armenians Starts In The Internet
The campaign to apologize to the Armenians for the insensitivity shown to and the denial of the “Great Catastrophe” has been taken to the internet. The number of the signatures has already risen to 2500.
15 December 2008
Former Kurdish Parliamentarian Goes To Prison For Making A Call For Civil Disobedience
Former Kurdish parliamentarian for the Democracy Party (DEP) is sent to prison again for making a call for civil disobedience. He refuses the chance of getting out of the prison sentence by paying fine.
15 December 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Turkish Journalist Faces Threats In Belgium For Writing Against Nationalist Remarks
Belgian authorities were forced to put journalist Doğan Özgüden under protection because of the violence and lynch threats he found himself facing due to the publications he made in his site against the nationalist comments of Vecdi Gönül, the Minister of National Defense.
12 December 2008
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Activists Hand Out Copies Of The Declaration Of Human Rights To People On The Street
On the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the activists from the Human Rights Association (İHD) handed out the copies of the declaration on one of the busiest streets of Istanbul.
12 December 2008
Bawer Çakır
ECHR Rules Against Banning Newspaper For Publishing Imprisoned PKK Leader’s Statements
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) decides that banning weekly “Yedinci Gündem” for publishing statements from Abdullah Öcalan, imprisoned leader of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) for one week is a freedom of expression violation and sentences Turkey to pay mental anguish damages to two journalists for this act.
11 December 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Writer Defends Himself Against Minister's Accusations In A Freedom Of Expression Case
Writer Temel Demirer defends himself against Justice Minister's latests statements vilifying him. The minister has just recently given permission for the trial of the writer under article 301, designed to restrict the freedom of expression.
11 December 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Protection Of The Violent Police Officers Continue
Although Justice Minister Şahin, Police Chief Cerrah and the police educators say that the police officers should show their identities when asked, the citizens still get beaten up for asking their identities and the authorities still make statements protecting these police officers and file suspicious lawsuits against the victims.
11 December 2008
Tolga Korkut
Journalist Sarısözen Sentenced To Prison For Portraying PKK As The Party Of The Kurdish Revolt
The court sentences journalist Sarısözen for portraying the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) as the party of the revolt of the Kurdish people in his articles and therefore legitimizing its existence. The journalist held a press release to defend his right to portray the PKK in any way he likes.
10 December 2008
Human Rights Watch Leaves The Meeting With The Human Rights Minister Unsatisfied
Kenneth Roth, administrator of the Human Rights Watch (HRW), described his experience with Çiçek, minister of the human rights, during his meeting to introduce his report about the police violence as meeting with a minister assigned to violate the human rights.
10 December 2008
Tolga Korkut