Campaigners React To Prime Minister's Words About Apologizing To The Armenians

The very first signatories of the “I apologize” campaign replied to Prime Minister’s words about the campaign.
The campaign was organized with the support of the 200 academicians, journalists, jurists and activists and it intends to apologize to the Armenians for the Great Catastrophe their ancestors, the Ottoman Armenians, had experienced in 1915. The text of the campaign says the following:
“My conscience does not accept the insensitivity shown to and the denial of the ‘Great Catastrophe’ that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters, I apologize to them.”
The number of the signatures has reached 12341.
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan described the campaign as irrational and said, “One who committed the crime should apologize. It is not us. I do not accept it, I do not support it.”
Ağaoğlu: The Prime Minister should not discuss this, but the mentality that killed Hrant Dink
Writer Adalet Ağaoğlu: “What is expressed here is our shame. Erdoğan should tell us why Hrant Dink was killed, instead of this.”
“Racism and Turkism still continue. Since Dink was killed for the same reason and while everyone was aware about the murder plan, these are not the sentences to be uttered. The campaign is the expression of the shame we feel about the mentality that has been alive since the Ottomans.”
Aslım: Erdoğan is acting like an adolescent
Musician Aylin Aslım: “When it suits him he claims the 800 year old heritage, and when it does not suit him he says he did not do it. This is how an adolescent would act and his words about the campaign make as much sense as this kind of behavior does.”
Bora: We apologize for having ignored it
Aksu Bora: “Committing a crime does not always require an act. We are apologizing here for the crime, but for having ignored it, having forgotten it.”
Kardaş: The campaign will open the way to facing the past, to confronting it. This is a matter of conscience. These people are following it their consciences. This will ease Turkey’s position as well. I believe that this will contribute to the job of facing the past.”
Contepe: Prime Minister’s ideology is obvious, his attitude is normal
Co-chairperson of the Greens Party Bilge Contepe: “We have nothing to do with the state. The head of the state may not apologize. We know what kind of ideology and the mistake they are following.”
“I insist that apologizing is very important. We want to live in a democratic country and under equality. Those who live together with many different cultures will eventually have democracy. The Armenians are one of the essential/founding elements of this land. This is why I apologize to them for this injustice they had to endure.”
Ali Nesin: “I apologize to the Prime Minister for the inconvenience I caused.”
Prof. Dr. Ayhan Aktar: “This is Prime Minister’s opinion. That is all I will say.”
Mansur: This reaction indicates how important this campaign is
Actress Lale Mansur: “If the Prime Minister does not want to apologize, it is fine. We apologize for ourselves.”
“These reactions show how right this campaign is. It shows how taboo this subject is. This apology has nothing to do with Armenia, the political parties, the politicians.”
Elçi: I was not surprised
Lawyer Tahir Elçi: “Neither the Kurdish problem nor the other existing problems can be solved before Turkey faces the Armenian problem. The state has so far not taken any steps in connection with this problem.”
“It is not possible to understand Prime Minister’s attitude. He has shown his intent. I do not expect democratic steps from a Prime Minister who tells his citizens to leave if they do not like the way things are. I am not surprised.” (BÇ/TK/TB)