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435 “Though Crimes” in Turkey in 2008
In 2008, 82 people were tried under Article 301, 44 under the Anti-Terrorist Law. Freedoms of press and expression have been damaged by political polarisation, the lack of a solution to the Kurdish issue and the intolerance of criticism.
16 March 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Antakya’s Independent Mayoral Candidate Arrested
Following the detention of fifty people in six different cities on 10 March, eight of them have been arrested. One of them is Çobanoğlu, an independent socialist candidate for mayor in Antakya.
13 March 2009
New Excavation in Silopi: Bones, Hair and Clothing Found
After the find of bones and flannel on 9 March in one well, the opening of another well has revealed bones, hair and clothing.
12 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
Parties and Organisations Protest against Arrests
Parties and organisations have protested against the arrests of members and employees of BEKSAV, ESP, Atılım newspaper and the Güneş Agency.
12 March 2009
Zeynep Kuray
IPI Urges EU Leaders to Prioritise Press Freedom in Membership Talks with Turkey
The International Press Institute (IPI), based in Vienna, has released a press statement urging European Commission leaders to consider press freedom a priority when negotiating with Turkey.
11 March 2009
Search for Remains of Missing Persons Continues in Silopi
In a second attempt, an alleged site of burial utilized by the illegal JİTEM is excavated. Human bones were found on March 9. Investigation could shed light on extra-judicial killings in 1990s.
11 March 2009
14 Years and No Justice in Gazi Massacre
22 people were killed when several gunmen open fire on cafes in Gazi district, where Alevites make up most of the population. "Despite high hopes, Ergenekon case failed to taken on Gazi's initiators," says ÇGD.
11 March 2009
Seven Journalists Targeted and Threatened in One Month
Three journalists were attacked during a DTP meeting in Adana on March 7th. In February, three others were assaulted during protests in Diyarbakır. An MP allegedly threatens a journalist in Tarsus.
10 March 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Darwin Censored at Scientific Council's Magazine
TÜBİTAK, the central council on public science policies, is criticized following an alleged censorship on Darwin in its popular monthly magazine. Science circles react to this "reactionary incident".
10 March 2009
Emine Özcan
Ministry of Education Expects Teachers’ Reports on Racist Propaganda Movie
Despite demands by NGOs to stop the screening of the racist "documentary" "'Sarı Gelin' - The Inside Story of the Armenian Problem", the Ministry of Education is expecting reports on the film from teachers.
10 March 2009
Search in “Death Wells” Has Begun
Reporters were kept away from the wells in the military zone of Silopi where excavations were carried out under the supervision of the prosecution and lawyers.
10 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
Saturday Mothers Meet For 206th Time
Demanding their lost relatives be found, Saturday Mothers met for the 206th time in Galatasaray. This time, they brought the case of Hasan Gülünay, who disappeared in July 1992, to attention.
10 March 2009
"Armenian Women in Turkey Are Doubly Discriminated Against"
Writer Karin Karakaşlı spoke at a panel on “The other’s other: Armenian women”, saying that every identity requires labour and has a price. Kayuş Çalıkman Gavrilof spoke of the need for women to organise.
9 March 2009
Semir Yorulmaz
IPA Urges EU to Support Independent Publishers in Turkey
The International Publishers Association has called on the EU to support independent publishers in Turkey who are being restricted by Article 301 and face financial ruin because of court cases.
9 March 2009
Thousands of Women Marked 8 March in Kadıköy
Women’s Day was celebrated by around six thousand women, many of them Kurdih. Workers and feminists were also part of the crowd.
9 March 2009
Emine Özcan
Malatya Massacre Suspect Günaydin Takes Back Accusation of Incitement
Emre Günaydın, main suspect in the murder of three Protestant pastors in Malatya, has taken back his statement accusing Varol Bülent Aral of inciting him and his friends to the murder.
6 March 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Mayoral Candidate Birdal: "Kurdish and Democratic Voters Will Change The Course of Elections"
Akın Birdal, candidate for mayor’s office in Greater Istanbul, has predicted that many people will be surprised at the local election results, as the media is misleading the public.
6 March 2009
Bawer Çakır
Prosecution Postpones Search for Remains of "Lost Persons" In Silopi
Prosecutor's office in Silopi arbitrarily postpones an excavation at BOTAŞ land, which is a suspected burial place of the extra-judicial killings committed in the 1990s.
5 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
Kurds "Not Fooled" by TRT6
Despite daily Sabah's headliner article, Kurds in southeastern Turkey seems to see state TV's Kurdish channel as a part of the government's electoral campaign, rather than a move towards increasing freedoms.
5 March 2009
Zeynep Erdim
Military Investigation on The Death of Private Leads to Confusion
Local Military prosecutor concludes that private Yuksel, whose death was formerly announced a fatality during a clash with the guerrrilla PKK, had committed suicide in September 2008.
4 March 2009
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Kurdish Politician Sentenced to Plant Trees for Criticizing PM
Mahmut Alınak is condemned by court for his statement against PM Erdogan's visit to his hometown Kars. The court rules that his remarks are "insulting".
4 March 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Four Convictions for “Lightbulb Tayyip” Slogans
A court in Bursa has handed out deferred prison sentences to four people for shouting slogans about Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
4 March 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
ECHR Condemns Action Against Petitions for Kurdish Courses
The Strasbourg court rules for damages regarding the application of 18 university students, who were suspended from university for demanding selective courses in Kurdish.
3 March 2009
Journalist's Murder Case Barred by Statue of Limitations
Two suspects of daily Milliyet's editor-in-chief İpekçi's murder are acquitted as 30 years pass over the incident. Colleagues had protested that İpekçi's death still partly remains in dark.
3 March 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Apology Campaign to Be Investigated
A Heavy Penal Court has overruled the decision of the Ankara prosecution to dismiss proceedings in the case of the campaign of apologising to Armenians.
3 March 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Agos Newspaper Interview with Kürkçü on Armenian Question
Robert Koptaş from the Turkish-Armenian newspaper Agos interviews bianet’s Ertuğrul Kürkçü, following the latter’s article entitled “An apology owed”, published in Turkish on bianet’s website on 19 January 2009.
2 March 2009
Robert Koptaş
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“Turkey Not Abiding by ECHR Decrees”
A conference organised by the Centre for Global Studies at Yıldız Technical University has shown that Turkey has not changed its policies in the aftermath of certain ECHR decrees.
2 March 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Letter from Prison Proves Torture Killed Rights Activist
The court considering the death of activist Çeber has been given a letter written by the deceased and smuggled out of prison by a cell mate. A lawyer for his family believes that this will prove the defendants in the case are lying.
2 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
Retired Diplomats and Generals Urge Solution to Kurdish Issue
A report on “Turkey today and tomorrow” also considers the Kurdish issue. Retired diplomats and generals are quoted as calling for a domestic solution.
26 February 2009
Tolga Korkut
"Zirve Massacre Related to Deep State"
Attending lawyer Ozkan says that the arrest of two more suspects isn't enough to reveal the full picture behind the murders of three people in Malatya, on allegations of "missionary activities".
26 February 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
What Kurdish MP Said in Mother Tongue – Whole Text
Below follows the English translation of the Turkish version of what DTP politician Ahmet Türk said at his party group meeting in parliament in Kurdish.
26 February 2009
AKP Politician Unconcerned with Constitutional Equality for Gays
In the following article, a member of the publishing team of KAOS LG takes issue with an AKP MP's discriminatory attitude towards homosexuals and transsexuals as expressed on television.
26 February 2009
Umut Güner