"Armenian Women in Turkey Are Doubly Discriminated Against"
“We are ostracised for being Armenian, and then, as if that was not enough, we are ostracised again for being women."
Karin Karakaşlı spoke at a panel organised by an association of
Turkish-Armenian women. The panel was entitled “The other’s other: Armenian
She was joined by Kayuş Çalıkman Gavrilof, a member of the Armenian Sayat Nova choir.
The panel was preceded by a short film of interviews on “Namus”, sexual honour, shot by the Filmmor Women’s Cooperative.
Difficulties make us question our identities
Karakaşlı spoke about the concept of identity, saying, “Our most beautiful identity is that of a human being. In second place, we need to experience the beauty of a woman’s identity.”
“When everything is fine, we do not question our identity. But when there are difficulties, we begin to question our identity, or even identities.”
Multiple discrimination
Gavrilof said, “When I am asked about being a woman, I don’t know what to say. But when the Armenian identity is concerned, I cannot stop.”
added that women in Turkey faced ethnic, class and gender discrimination,
mentioning the pressures women faced on the hands of men, society, the system
and also other women.
Gavrilof continued, “When I do something, when I try to experience freedom as a woman, my husband tries to take credit for it, saying what a good husband he is. However, it is me who is trying to use my rights as an individual. I do not want this, I want to struggle against this.”
She ended her talk by emphasising the need for women to organise. (SY/BÇ/AG)