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PKK Leader Karayılan Calls for End to Fighting
Karayılan says that the PKK will not lay down their arms without anything being offered in return, but he calls for arms to be silenced.
7 May 2009
How Will New Minister of Justice Deal With Article 301?
As investigation and prosecution under Article 301 depends on ministerial approval, a lot hinges on the attitude of new Minister of Justice Ergin.
7 May 2009
ECHR Condems Turkey
Özer was given prison sentences with regard to two articles published in his Çağrı magazine.
7 May 2009
Police Officer’s Court Case against Bianet Continues
A trial against bianet, based on the complaint filed by police officer Muhittin Zenit, is continuing.
5 May 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Another Case Against Author Gürsel
During today's hearing, prosecution demands acquittal of Gürsel. Yet, another case is brought against his latest book on allegations of inciting hatred.
5 May 2009
Ban on YouTube Enters 2nd Year
Activists urge the government to leave content control to citizens and NGOs. Courts can easily ban access to web sites, depending on the law 5651.
5 May 2009
Lawyers Call for Revision of Penal Code and Fewer Arrests
At a Freedom of Expression Conference in Istanbul, lawyers evaluated the legal basis of the protection and violation of freedom of expression in Turkey.
5 May 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
End of Hunger Strike: Call for Democratic Solution to Kurdish Question
The two-day protest hunger strike in Diyarbakır ended yesterday with a call for a political solution to the Kurdish Question.
5 May 2009
Bawer Çakır
More than 400 Detained on May Day
Lawyers say that more than 400 people were taken into police custody on May Day.
4 May 2009
Bawer Çakır
5,000 People on 2-Day Hunger Strike in Protest of DTP Arrests
On Sunday, DTP politicians, members and supporters began a two-day hunger strike in Diyarbakır.
4 May 2009
Emine Özcan
In Three Months 110 People Tried for Their Thoughts
According to the quarterly Bia Media Monitoring Report, 26 people are on trial under Article 301.
4 May 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Armed Left Group DHKC Attempts at The Life of Former MoJ
Hikmet Sami Türk is held responsible for the operations into prisons in 2000, which left 31 inmates and two soldiers dead. Two militants caught, Türk avoids the attack unharmed.
30 April 2009
Bawer Çakır
Journalist On Trial For Dink Murder Book
Nedim Şener of Milliyet daily faces up to 17 years in prison for allegedly disclosing classified information and rendering counter-terrorism forces target in his book on officials' misconduct regarding the killing of his Turkish Armenian colleague.
30 April 2009
Erol Önderoğlu,Emine Özcan
Pro-Kurdish DTP MP Questions Phone Tapping
Hasip Kaplan asks Minister of Justice if 70 thousand court orders for surveillance are legally intact or not. The issue remains controversial as experts criticize lack of effective control.
30 April 2009
Governor Turns Down Union Demands for May Day in Taksim Square
Governor Muammer Güler refused workers applicaation to gather in Taksim Square on 1 May.
30 April 2009
Bawer Çakır
Prison Sentences for 23 Children in Adana
The Human Rights Association has protested against the prison sentences handed down to children who took part in Newroz celebrations.
30 April 2009
Erhan Üstündağ
Peace Activists Support Kurdish DTP
Joining a parliamentary group meeting of the DTP, peace activists expressed their support for the party. In a speech, Mater said that DTP was a necessary partner in a search for a solution to the Kurdish Question.
29 April 2009
Prisoners Protest in Siirt
In Siirt, around 15 prisoners climbed onto the prison roof and shouted slogans.
28 April 2009
Erhan Üstündağ
Father of Murder Suspect Arrested
It took two months for the police to arrest the father of the murder suspect of a young woman in Istanbul.
28 April 2009
Emine Özcan
Intellectuals to Support DTP in Parliament
Around 20 people will join the group meeting of the pro-Kurdish DTP in parliament. The Peace Parliament has called for support of the party, which, they say, “is necessary for peace.”
28 April 2009
Tolga Korkut
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Police Raid Leaves Three Dead In Istanbul
A police officer, a left-wing militant and a child dies during a raid to a in Istanbul. Clashes lasted for six hours. Minister of Interior Atalay said the operation was planned.
27 April 2009
Obama’s Statement on 1915 Keeps Turkey Dissatisfied
The long-awaited statement by the US President on 24 April left Turkish politicians dissatisfied.
27 April 2009
“We Want Gangs, not Children, in Court on 23 April”
The youth union Genç-Sen pointed out that there are 2,433 children currently in prison.
24 April 2009
Nebi Altaylar
Children's Day in Hakkari: One Dead, One Brutally Beaten
In Hakkari, where people are protesting against operations against the DTP, one child has died, and a police officer violently beat another child with his rifle butt.
24 April 2009
Emine Özcan
State Disciplines Kurdish Children in Prison
This article was written by bianet's Erhan Üstündağ on the day of Children's Festival, 23 April. It shows that hundreds of children are confronted with a much harsher side of the state, facing years of imprisonment.
23 April 2009
Erhan Üstündağ
Daily Taraf on Trial for Revealing Classified Info
Newspaper accused of publishing classified information regarding PKK's Aktütün attack, which left 17 soldiers dead.
23 April 2009
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Amnesty International: Refugees in Turkey Deprived of Rights
Amnesty International has launched its report on the situation for refugees in Turkey.
23 April 2009
Bawer Çakır
“Punishment for Peace Call Violates ECHR Case Law”
Two Kurdish politicians have been convicted for a call for peace in which they used the word “guerilla” for PKK members.
22 April 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
“We Don’t Need to Ask Permission to Gather in Taksim”
Trade unionist Okcan says that workers have not and will not apply to Istanbul’s governor for permission to gather in Taksim Square on Labour Day.
21 April 2009
Tolga Korkut
Dink Murder Trial: Samast Arrived Yet Failed To Talk
At the ninth hearing of the Hrant Dink murder trial, triggerman suspect Samast proved uncooperative. Requests by joint attorneys to call high-ranking security officers or merge trials have yet again been rejected.
20 April 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Council of State Attack to be Merged With Ergenekon Case
An Ankara court rules to refer the case to the ongoing Ergenekon trial. One judge had lost his life when a gunmen raided the Council of State in 2006.
20 April 2009
Activists Demand Justice for Murdered Hrant Dink
More than 200 people gathered before the court hearing in Beşiktaş. They once again demanded investigations into allegations of involvement against state and security officials.
20 April 2009