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Left and Kurds Prepare for Parliament
As 4 June is the deadline for the announcement of parliamentary candidates, most groups have decided on their choices. Groups on the left and the pro-Kurdish DTP are fielding independent candidates in order to overcome the 10 percent threshold.
4 June 2007
Journalist Tried for Leader of the Kurds
The Chief Public Prosecutors Office in Ankara has begun a trial against the owner and editor-in-chief of the montly Climate in Dersim newspaper for describing Abdullah Öcalan as the leader of the Kurdish people.
1 June 2007
Saying Goodbye to President Sezer
Although President Sezers official time in office ended on 16 May, the unsuccessful presidential elections at the end of April have left him in office until a new president is elected. Bianet has taken a look at his life and presidential career.
1 June 2007
Parliament Approves Constitutional Change
The constitutional amendment package which President Ahmet Necdet Sezer had vetoed was yesterday passed by parliament without any changes. 397 MPs took part in the secret ballot, and 370 voted for, and 21 against it.
1 June 2007
TIHV Reacts to Law Enforcing the Police
The Turkish Human Rights Foundation (TIHV) has called for the rejection of the law which would increase the power of the police force. Everyone would be a potential criminal and it would be serious attack against personal freedoms, it said.
31 May 2007
Orhan Pamuk Not in Exile
2006 Nobel litterature prize laureate Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk who took part in the literary festival in Hay on Wye, Wales, said that he does not feel like a writer in exile. His new book will appear in December.
31 May 2007
Pro-Kurdish DTP Supports 75 Candidates
The pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP) has announced that out of around 250 applicants, 75 candidates will be chosen to stand as independent candidates in the upcoming elections. 10 or more women will be among them.
31 May 2007
Constitutional Court Denounces PMs Words
The President of the Constitutional Court, Tülay Tugcu has announced that the court would file a complaint against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan for his comments on the courts decision regarding the presidential election in April.
31 May 2007
Criminals of Thought Came Together
The 5th Istanbul Meeting for Freedom of Expression which took place from 26-27 May at Istanbul Bilgi University ended with a regional forum in which Turkish writers and academics spoke about restrictions.
30 May 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Diplomatic Response to US Airspace Violation
The recent violation of Turkish airspace by an American fighter plane has caused an increase in diplomatic activity between the two countries. US ambassador Wilson called it an accident. The US is surprised that the violation was made public.
30 May 2007
More News from the Election Front
The names of possible independent election candidates from the left are emerging. The left and the pro-Kurdish DTP are collaborating in Western cities. Meanwhile people in the street comment on their experiences of present government and of their hopes.
30 May 2007
Police Regaining Vast Powers
A provisional law which would give the police greater freedoms in searching, using guns, collecting personal information, archiving and using it, has been accepted by the Parliamentary Justice Commission.
30 May 2007
Worries About Internet Censorship in Turkey
The Reporters Sans Frontieres (RSF) has reacted to the passing of a bill on 22 May which foresees criminal punishment for publishing remarks considered insulting to the memory of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
29 May 2007
Missing Witnesses in Return to Life Case
Third party lawyer Ömer Kavili has complained about the lack of transparency in the Return to Life trial, as well as the disappearance of hundreds of witnesses. More than 30 people died when security forces raided prison facilities in 2000.
29 May 2007
Ayça Örer
301 Case against Lawyers on Hold
Five human rights representatives are being tried for a report they wrote on the shooting of a child by security forces. As three of the activists are lawyers, the case has been postponed, awaiting permission of Ministry of Justice to proceed.
29 May 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Left Deciding on Independent Candidates
In order to represent the left in parliament, leftist political parties and NGOs have decided to field independent candidates. Meanwhile the order of parties on the ballot paper has been announced.
29 May 2007
President Sezer Vetoes Constitutional Change
Arguing that the proposed changes to the constitution in relation to presidential elections would bring about a change in system, President Sezer has vetoed the proposed amendment.
28 May 2007
No Article 301 Exists in Europe
Although the government does not cease to claim that European countries have articles similar to Article 301 of the Turkish constitution, foreign freedom of speech activists rejected this claim in the 5th Istanbul Meeting for Freedom of Expression.
28 May 2007
Anthropologists Discuss Europeanness
Turkish and foreign social scientists came together in Istanbul this weekend to discuss the concept of Europe from an anthropological perspective. Also discussed were relations between Turkey and Europe, and the state of anthropology.
28 May 2007
Anna Grabolle Çeliker
Media Speculate on Army Intervention to Iraq
Government politicians comments on a possible military operation in Northern Iraq, and the militarys reply to these comments have created speculation in the media. America has also reacted.
28 May 2007
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Trade Unionist Teacher Killed
The teachers trade union Egitim-Sen has voiced suspicions that the murder of one of its members, literature teacher Deprem Sarikas, last week may be political. Two days before the murder, Sarikas had been attacked by a group with knives.
28 May 2007
Milliyet Cleared of Terrorist Propaganda
Mainstream newspaper Milliyet had been accused of reporting pro-Kurdish propaganda on its website. Newspaper chief and owner were acquitted on 23 May because court acknowledged public interest in the news.
25 May 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Reform on Work Permits for Foreigners
Changes have been made to the regulations for foreigners applying for work permits. Foreign architects and engineers are permitted to work without the approval of professional chambers. The definition of foreigner has changed.
25 May 2007
Journalist to be Retried Under Article 301
Journalist Karaca, who had received a prison sentence converted to a fine in his trial under Article 301, is being retried because there was a procedural error in the court proceedings. The first sitting is scheduled for June 20.
25 May 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
AI Say Human Rights Situation Froze in 2006
Amnesty International comments on the state of human rights in Turkey in 2006 in its world report published on its website yesterday. A lack of progress is noted in areas of freedom of speech, Kurdish rights, domestic security etc.
24 May 2007
Speculations After Ankara Bomb Attack
A man has been identified through DNA and fingerprints as the suicide bomber in the Ankara bombing. As the initial shock over the attack in Ankara on 22 May dies down, there is increasing debate over the perpetrators and repercussions of the attack.
24 May 2007
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Turkish Women Celebrate Feminist Anniversary
The 20th anniversary of the first womens march against domestic violence in Turkey was marked with a new protest meeting and a concert in Istanbul. Women agree that a lot remains to be done. Female intellectuals interpret Turkeys womens movement.
22 May 2007
Ayça Örer
Politics Heat Up as Elections Draw Close
Centre-left parties have agreed to collaborate and attended the last of the Republican rallies in the Black Sea city of Samsun at the weekend. Meanwhile, the left is deciding on independent candidates for parliament.
22 May 2007
Conscientious Objectors Rallied for Peace
Opposition to war and support for imprisoned conscientious objector Halil Savda was expressed in the demonstration on 20 May, organized by The Conscientious Objectors Platform in Istanbul . A speaker denounced the profits made by war.
22 May 2007
More Trials Under Article 301
The trial of three writers of the leftist Ülkede Özgür Gündem newspaper continues. Journalist Hozatli insists on his right to criticise the state. Another trial under Article 301 has ended in acquittal.
21 May 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Homosexuals Fed Up with Media Bias
At the Second International Meeting against Homophobia in Ankara this week, representatives of gay and lesbian NGOs have criticised the medias treatment of homosexual news. As a reaction to sexism, they have developed a regional reporter network.
21 May 2007
Ayça Örer
More Questions in Hrant Dink Investigation
An investigation of phone calls made by suspects in the Hrant Dink case has revealed hidden connections between suspects, a gendarmerie intelligence officer and a police officer. There has not been sufficient questioning.
21 May 2007