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RSF Calls for Full Investigation
Just before the second hearing of the Dink murder trial, the RSF urged Turkey to investigate the murder fully.
3 October 2007
Second Hearing Brings No Clarity
The second hearing of the Hrant Dink murder trial ended without bringing more clarity into the case. O.S. did "not remember" much, Uzundal accused Tuncel, and Tuncel refused to give names of police officers involved.
2 October 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Suspect Regrets He Killed Hrant Dink
"I wouldn't have killed him if I knew he had a family" regretted O.S. the suspect for killing journalist Dink. Three of the eight detained suspects were questioned by the defense lawyers. The defendants told conflicting stories.
1 October 2007
Erol Önderoğlu,A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
Caricature Brings Prison Sentence!
Caricaturist Muhammet Sengöz has been sentenced to 11 months and 20 days imprisonment for a caricature. This was converted to a fine.
1 October 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Rights Activists Will Monitor Dink Trial
Even if applications to become third-party plaintiffs have been mostly unsuccessful, rights organisations are determined to witness the murder trial.
1 October 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Will Someone Explain Freedom of Expression to Erdogan?
Prime Minister Erdogan has lost his case against journalist Ilhan Selcuk.
28 September 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Despair at Hurdles in Dink Murder Trial
Just before the second hearing of the Hrant Dink murder trial, lawyer Fethiye Cetin lists the hurdles the plaintiffs have faced in trying to ensure a transparent investigation and trial of all those involved in Dink's murder.
28 September 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Article 301: Journalist Bogatekin in Court
Adiyaman journalist and newspaper owner Haci Bogatekin faces a trial for criticising the state.
26 September 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
One 301 Acquittal Not Enough!
Journalist Sinan Kara has been acquitted in one trial under Article 301, but faces three more trials under 301 and 216. Kara has been to prison three times.
25 September 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Clip Praising Murder Had "No Political Aim"
The maker of the controversial You Tube clip featuring pictures of murdered journalist Hrant Dink and his murder suspects has denied any intent to praise the murder.
25 September 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Hakkari Journalist Killed in Van
On Saturday, 22 September, journalist Kasim Ciftci was shot dead in Van. It is not clear whether the murder is related to his profession.
25 September 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Nationalist Singer Accused of Hate Speech
Türüt, a nationalist singer investigated for a song said to praise the murderers of journalist Hrant Dink, gave a statement at Sultanahmet law court yesterday.
21 September 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
RSF Protests Against YouTube Block
RSF has condemned the decision of a Sivas court to block access to YouTube.
21 September 2007
Roj TV Letter Trial Waits for Danish Answer
A trial concerning the letter that 56 mayors sent to Danish Prime Minister Rasmussen will continue after response from Denmark.
12 September 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Dink's Case is "Police Free"
Only four officers are being investigated in Trabzon and Samsun for neglecting their duties before and after the Dink murder.
12 September 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Gündem Newspaper Closed for a Month
The Gündem newspaper has been closed for the forth time for publishing articles by PKK leader Karayilan.
11 September 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Three Journalists Pay for Kandil Feature
"Hürriyet" journalists Karakurt, Tatlican and Kilic will have to pay a total of 60,500 YTL for their feature on Kandil mountain.
10 September 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Journalist Alkan Receives Death Threats
Journalist Türker Alkan says that he has being receiving death threats since the general elections. One email sender identified himself as a policeman.
6 September 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Article 302 Joins 301
Journalist Yetisgen, who was arrested at the beginning of August, is going to be tried for "damaging the integrity of the country".
4 September 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Police Not to Be Questioned in Dink Murder Trial
Although the Istanbul Public Prosecution had posited that Trabzon police officers had "neglected their duties of crime prevention", the Trabzon Governor's Office will not allow the questioning of eight of its officers.
31 August 2007
Tolga Korkut
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WordPress.com Access Blocked
After a complaint made by Adan Oktar, the website WordPress.com has been blocked to access. This is not the first time that a whole site has been closed down because of the content of one item.
27 August 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
A Park Too Much for Activist Ayse Nur Zarakolu
The Diyarbakir governor's office has objected to the naming of a park after deceased human rights activist and publisher Ayse Nur Zarakolu. A court has decreed that she spread "separatist propaganda".
24 August 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Reactions to Erdogan's "Go"
After Prime Minister Erdogan said on television that those who could not accept Abdullah Gül as president should give up Turkish citizenship and leave the country, the CHP, the EU and newspaper columnists have reacted.
24 August 2007
Gökçe Gündüç
Acquittal after Criticising Military Operations
A lawyer and a politician who spoke to Roj TV, the Kurdish satellite television which is not allowed in Turkey, have been acquitted for criticising military operations in the Tunceli area as not solving the problem.
22 August 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
General Staff Rejects Journalist's Analysis
Following the comments journalist Metehan Demir made in an interview in the "Radikal" newspaper, the General Staff has published a press release on its website denouncing his claims as "lies". Demir stands behind his analysis.
22 August 2007
Erhan Üstündağ
RSF: Detention of Journalist Yetisgen Inappropriate
The RSF has denounced the "precautionary" detention of Journalist Yetisgen, who used the expression "northern Kurdistan" in an article in his local newspaper in Gaziantep.
21 August 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
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Three Local Journalists on Trial
Two journalists in Diyarbakir have been put on trial on charges of insulting local authorities in print. A journalist in Afyonkarahisar is being tried for insulting an officer on duty.
14 August 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Journalist Talu Faces Prosecution
The General Staff has filed a criminal complaint against journalist Umur Talu of the Sabah newspaper for undermining relations between ranks and destroying trust in the superiors. Talu had written on demands of common soldiers.
14 August 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Bomb in Ankara Kills Six
A bomb which exploded in a busy commercial centre of old Ankara yesterday evening has claimed six lives and injured 100 people. Experts claim it may be a suicide bomb. Politicians speak of solidarity, while Chief of General Staff warns of more attacks.
23 May 2007
President Sezer Endorses Internet Law
The new law regulating Internet content has been passed by President Ahmet Necdet Sezer. It aims at protecting the public and does not allow criticism of Ataturk. Critics say the law is not effective.
23 May 2007
Weekly Magazine Nokta Tried Under Article 301
The newest trial under the controversial article 301 is that of journalists Ahmet Sik and Lale Sariibrahimoglu for denigrating the armed forces. Journalist Ali Bayramoglu speaks of an increase in authoritarianism.
23 May 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Rakel Dink Receives Peace Prize
The Istanbul Chamber of Doctors has decided to give its Peace, Democracy and Human Rights Prize to the widow of Hrant Dink for her speech at her husbands funeral. Rakel Dink had emphasised peace and brotherhood.
23 May 2007