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Impunity is in 6th Year in Ampatuan Massacre
IFEX has reminded of the impunity in its 6th year against Ampatuan massacre in which 57 people of whom 32 are journalists killed.
24 November 2015
Peace Journalism Meeting Suggests Alternative Platforms for Peace
“Peace Journalism: A New Ethics, Practice and Education in Journalism” meeting has discussed peace journalism, promoting alternative methods to achieve peace.
23 November 2015
We Speak of Peace Journalism
“Peace Journalism: A New Ethics, Practice and Education in Journalism” meeting in which Rukhsana Aslam and Sevda Alankuş will participate as speakers, and Murat Çelikkan as moderator will be held on November 21 at Cezayir Toplantı Salonu (Cezayir Meeting Hall).
20 November 2015
Epitome of Charlie!
Hoping to see Cavanna documentary soon at a time in which freedom of the press and expression is curtailed, right to receive news obstructed, journalist being pointed as target and detained, magazines pulled off the shelves in Turkey.
17 November 2015
Murat Türker
Samanyolu Broadcasting Group Removed from TÜRKSAT
14 TV channels and radio stations incorporated in Samanyolu Broadcasting Group have been removed from TÜRKSAT platform.
16 November 2015
Hürriyet Apologizes to Erdoğan, Lays Off Two Journalists
Hürriyet daily has laid off two journalists because of the image titled “Curse of Friday the 13th” on hurriyet.com.tr, and apologized to President Erdoğan.
13 November 2015
Zaman: They Came by TOMA for Three Newspapers
Zaman daily headlined police raid against Özgür Bugün.
13 November 2015
Detained Journalist Yağmur Released
Detained Journalist Fatih Yağmur has been released.
12 November 2015
EU Progress Report: Peace Process Must Resume
EU’s Turkey Progress Report has stated that, “Resuming peace process is an emergent necessity”, and drawn attention to escalated political polarization.
10 November 2015
Parliament to Discuss Police Violence on bianet Reporter
Police attempt to detain bianet reporter Kural by handcuffing from behind has been subject to parliamentary question of CHP deputy Tanrıkulu.
7 November 2015
VIDEO - Police: From Now on Nothing will be Like Before, We will Teach it to You
We release the video recorded by bianet reporter Beyza Kural showing police threaten her.
6 November 2015
Detainment Effort by Handcuffing Behind bianet Reporter Beyza Kural
In YÖK protest in Beyazıt, police attempted to detain bianet reporter Beyza Kural by handcuffing behind, Kural was set free by intervention of other reporters around.
6 November 2015
Investigation against 26 Journalist and Columnists
An investigation has been launched against 26 journalists and columnists including Özgür Gündem newspaper Co-Chief Editors Eren Keskin and Hüseyin Aykol with the charge of “making propaganda for organization”.
5 November 2015
SEENPM Holds General Assembly in Tirana
Representatives of fourteen member organisations of SEENPM met in Tirana.
5 November 2015
Trustee Discharges More Than 60 in İpek Media
At least 58 journalists have been discharged in İped Media in which trustee has been appointed, Bugün TV Chief Editor Toros has said “Vast scale of discharges will be seen” as to upcoming days.
4 November 2015
Elif Akgül
Nokta Journal Chief Editor, Managing Editor Arrested
Nokta Journal Chief Editor, Cevheri Güven, and Managing Editor, Murat Çapan have been arrested, and its website blocked with the charge of “inciting public to arm against government”.
3 November 2015
Elif Akgül
Journalists Platform Slams AKP over Liberty of Press
Freedom to Journalists Platform has reacted against police violence and Bugün and Kanaltürk broadcast shut following trustee appointment.
29 October 2015
International Reaction against Trustee Appointment to Media Outlets
While Human Rights Watch likens Bugün TV and Kanaltürk raids to “Fortress attacks in Medieval”, CPJ said, “it shows that leaders of Turkey don’t have even perfunctory respect left for democracy.”
29 October 2015
Map of Media Ownership in Turkey
Economist-journalist Mustafa Sönmez has mapped media ownership in turkey, talked over transformation of media over AKP governorship of 13 years.
29 October 2015
Elif Akgül
Police Break into İpek Media
Police firing pepper gas on the group waiting in front of İpek Media building in Mecidiyeköy have broken into the building.
28 October 2015
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Reactions by Journalist Organizations against “Trustee” Ruling
TGS President Uğur Güç and DİSK Press Labor President Faruk Eren, Kanaltürk TV channel included in Turkish Journalists Association and İzmir Journalists Association have reacted against the ruling to appoint trustee for 22 companies of Koza İpek Holding.
28 October 2015
Elif Akgül
RTÜK Member: TRT Gives Place AKP Far More than HDP
RTÜK member Ersin Öngel drew attention that TRT gave place AKP for 30 hours while it only allowed HDP for 18 minutes in 25 days.
27 October 2015
We Speak with Murat Seçkin as to His Claims about Kabataş Incident and Elif Çakır’s Response Tweets
We have asked Murat Seçkin following his article about Elif Çakır’s responses via Twitter, why he waited till now to explain his witnessing, and when and why he left pro-government Star daily.
26 October 2015
“Kabataş incident was a fiction”, says former Star editor
Murat Seçkin, who used to work as editor for Star daily at the time of Gezi resistance has explained the moment he saw the interview as to the Kabataş incident.
26 October 2015
5 Websites Blocked in a Day
Presidency of Telecommunication blocked access to five news websites in a day.
26 October 2015
Investigation against Zarakolu over being Roj TV Correspondent
Journalist and human rights defender Ragıp Zarakolu has been charged with “being a correspondent” for the interview he gave to Roj TV.
26 October 2015
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Columnist Threatens Woman Journalist Now
Star daily columnist Cem Küçük now threatens CNN Türk speaker Nevşin Mengü. Küçük threatened journalist Ahmet Hakan before.
23 October 2015
Elif Akgül
We are Ashamed
Saying either “PKK is not a terrorist organization” or “PKK is a terrorist organization” is within the scope of freedom of expression.
21 October 2015
Şanar Yurdatapan
Journalist Mehmet Faraç Detained
Journalist and a TV Host, Mehmet Faraç, was detained this morning in Adana province and then released.
19 October 2015
bianet: We Don’t Recognize Broadcast Ban Ruling, Bring it to Trial
We don’t abide by the broadcast ban ruling taken by Ankara 6th Judicatory Court of Peace. We persist using our rights to receive news as citizen and make news as journalists.
15 October 2015
Today's Zaman Editor-in-Chief Released
Today's Zaman Editor-in-Chief Bülent Keneş who was arrested for allegedly insulting the President Erdoğan via twitter has been released.
14 October 2015
Bianet Elected as Council Member of IFEX
Journalist Erol Önderoğlu from bianet has been elected as a management member of IFEX. Berna Akkızal from Initiative against Thought Crime introduced Museum of Crimes of Thought at the same congress.
12 October 2015