Reactions against Arrest of Journalists
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), People's Republican Party (CHP) and Presidency of İstanbul Bar Association have strongly condemned journalists Can Dündar and Erdem Gül being arrested over "MİT Trucks" news.
HDP: Erdoğan has enforced arrestment to make them pay the price
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) very harshly condemning the arrestment in its statement said, “This step has caused some realities in Turkey to be seen one more time. Judiciary acts as in the service of government and Palace. President [Recep Tayyip] Erdoğan has enforced arrestment to make them pay the price for the news.”
“Those who have been providing moral and material support to groups such as Al Qaeda offshoot Al Nusra, ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), Ahrar Ash-Sham for years are in effort to prohibit debates over these matters. However, these efforts will not be able to prevent these people from being brought to international and national courts”.
CHP: This is retention upon instruction of illegal palace
People’s Republican Party’s (CHP) statement expressing this day has been a dark day for democracy and freedom of the press said, “Dündar and Gül who have been sent to the court for arrest upon request of a so-called legalist who prefers to act as prosecutor of Erdoğan dictatorship, have been arrested by the ruling of a so-called judge who is the protector of the same mindset”.
“Today when Dündar and Gül were arrested within the scope of operation named ‘MİT Trucks Investigation’ is a dark day for freedom of the press. This verdict is not legal, but an illegal retention upon instruction of the person who lives in the illegal Palace”.
Presidency of İstanbul Bar Association
The statement made by Presidency of İstanbul Bar Association said, “This verdict is a blow dealt on people’s right to receive information. Maybe more important thing is that the verdict aims to generate a fear which will influence the elements of making news in future. This ruling is a document that disregards all past gains of freedom of the press, and will be remembered as a dark day in press history”.