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Page 39
Editors-in-Chief on Watch to Testify to Police
The prosecutor hasn’t taken testimony of Mater, Eryılmaz, Altay, Türker, and Balıkçı who face charges of “terrorist organization propaganda” for supporting Özgür Gündem daily’s Editor-in-Chief on Watch campaign.
27 June 2016
Ekin Karaca,Elif Akgül
Journalists from 18 Countries in Solidarity with Colleagues from Turkey
Journalists from 18 countries from Vietnam to Greece, from Ivory Coast to Canada are in solidarity with Özgür Gündem Editors-in-Chief on Watch.
24 June 2016
Beyza Kural
US State Department Spokesperson: Arrests are Follow-Up to Disturbing Actions
US State Department Spokesperson Kirby has spoken as to three people who got arrested for acting in solidarity with the Özgür Gündem daily.
24 June 2016
Message Sent from Arrested Editors-in-Chief on Watch
Three arrested editors-in-chief, Erol Önderoğlu, Şebnem Korur Fincancı, and Ahmet Nesin have sent a message from prison.
22 June 2016
Editor-in-Chief on Watch Can Dündar: ‘Solidarity to the End’
Can Dündar has taken over the duty of Editor-in-Chief on Watch of Özgür Gündem daily on the 50th day of the campaign.
21 June 2016
International Reaction Against Arrest of Önderoğlu, Nesin, Korur Fincancı
Right and press organizations, and the EU have reacted against the arrest of the TİHV Chair Korur Fincancı, RSF Turkey Representative and bianet rapporteur Önderoğlu and journalist author Nesin.
21 June 2016
Reaction from Journalism Organizations Against Arrest of Editors-in-Chief on Watch
TGS, DİSK Press Labor and TGC have reacted against arrest of Erol Önderoğlu, Şebnem Korur Fincancı and Ahmet Nesin who were among the Özgür Gündem daily’s Editors-in-Chief on Watch.
21 June 2016
Özgür Gündem’s Editors in Chief on Watch; Önderoğlu, Nesin, Korur Fincancı Arrested
TİHV President Fincancı, RSF Turkey Representative and bianet rapporteur Önderoğlu and journalist author Nesin have been arrested on charge of "terror propaganda" for joining Özgür Gündem daily's Editor-in-Chief on Watch campaign.
20 June 2016
Probe into 37 Editor-in-Chiefs On Watch of Özgür Gündem Daily
Probe has been launched also into Mater, Üstün, Güç, Eryılmaz, Balıkçı, Kural and Diken joining campaign of Editor-in-Chiefs On Watch of the Özgür Gündem daily.
16 June 2016
Armed Attack on Syrian Journalist in Urfa
Syrian journalist Ahmet Abdulkadir has been exposed to an armed attack in Urfa. Abdülkadir’s journalist brother had also been killed by ISIS earlier.
13 June 2016
Press Organizations React Against Attack on Journalists in Midyat
The press trade bodies TGF, RSF, and DİSK Press Labor have reacted against the attack carried out on the three journalists in Midyat.
10 June 2016
Elif Akgül
Journalist Nedim Oruç Released
DİHA reporter Nedim Oruç imprisoned as of January 7 has been released in the first hearing.
10 June 2016
Journalists in Antep Instructed to ‘Not Make Report of ISIS’
State authorities in Antep have told the journalists to “not make reports making Antep look bad”; WhatsApp group has been formed for news accreditation.
10 June 2016
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Journalists in Antep Instructed to ‘Not Make Report of ISIS’
State authorities in Antep have told the journalists to “not make reports making Antep look bad”; WhatsApp group has been formed for news accreditation.
10 June 2016
News Watch Awarded Günter Wallraff Critical Journalism Award
News Watch has been awarded the Günter Wallraff Critical Journalism Award by Initiative Nachrichtenaufklarung, which has been founded in Germany to draw attention to the news that the main-stream media overlooks.
8 June 2016
Declaration with 105 Signatures for Release of 13 Arrested DİHA Reporters
105 intellectuals, journalists, artists, academics and writers have signed a declaration calling for the release of 13 arrested DİHA reporters.
30 May 2016
EU Award for Investigative Journalism Distributed
EU Award for Investigative Journalism has been granted to Hilal Köse, Canan Coşkun, Arda Akın and Burcu Karakaş.
27 May 2016
Probe into 5 More Özgür Gündem’s On-Watch Editor-in-Chiefs
Probe has been launched into other five on-watch Editor-in-Chiefs supporting the Özgür Gündem daily. Ertuğrul Mavioğlu, Faruk Eren, Ayşe Düzkan who have been subjected to the probe, and the daily’s Managing Editor İnan Kızılkaya testified today.
23 May 2016
Elif Akgül
DİHA Correspondent Nedim Türfen Arrested
With the arrest of Dicle News Agency’s Van Correspondent Nedim Türfent on charge of “[illegal] organization membership, the number of arrested DİHA correspondents has reached 12 and the number of arrested journalists overall reached 36.
13 May 2016
15 Journalists, Columnists Appear Before Judge Over 53 Articles
15 Atılım weekly workers and columnists are being tried on charge of “terror organization propaganda” due to the 53 reports and articles.
12 May 2016
Elif Akgül
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Journalist Ebru Umar Returns to Holland
Dutch journalist Ebru Umar detained over insulting the President has returned to Holland after the international travel ban imposed on her has been lifted.
11 May 2016
bianet Kurdish Goes Online
Those who have contributed to BİA Kurdî going online evaluated this step: BİA Projects Coordinator Evren Gönül, writer Şeyhmus Diken, BİA Kurdî editors Murat Bayram and Yusuf Önal.
11 May 2016
JINHA Correspondent Canözer Sentenced to 1 Year 3 Months in Prison
JINHA correspondent Beritan Canözer detained on allegation of “being feverish” during tracking news has been sentenced to 1 year and 3 months in prison, and supervised release of 5 years has been issued.
10 May 2016
Number of Arrested DİHA Correspondent Reaches 10
The number of arrested DİHA correspondents has reached 10 with the arrest of DİHA Antep correspondent, Mehmet Hakkı Yılmaz. The website has been blocked for the 37th time as its Mardin correspondent Abdulkadir Tugay.
5 May 2016
Letter From CPJ to Çavuşoğlu as to Deported Journalists
Committee to Protect Journalists has sent a letter to Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, urging him to put an end to the oppressions against international press.
5 May 2016
TGS: No Press Freedom in Turkey, No Day to Celebrate
Journalists Association of Turkey in its press statement as to the World Day of Press Freedom, has expressed that there was no press freedom in Turkey and pointed out the importance of joint struggle for press freedom.
4 May 2016
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‘Co-Editorship-in-Chief Campaign’ by Özgür Gündem
Co-Chairs of Association of Free Journalists have shown the first support for the campaign launched by Özgür Gündem daily to show solidarity and defend press freedom against oppressions and investigations.
4 May 2016
Erdoğan’s ‘New Turkey’ Cancels Out Critical Journalism
28 journalists have been put in prison, 15 others and 2 media outlets attacked, 49 taken into custody, action taken against 86 persons including 53 journalists on charges of defaming the President.
3 May 2016
Erol Önderoğlu
Journalist Association: Journalism Has Been Blacklisted
Turkish Journalists Association has reminded of the crackdowns on freedom of the press and expression in Turkey in its statement made for May 3 World Press Freedom Day.
3 May 2016
Detained Dutch Journalist Umar Goes Out of Citizenship of Turkey
Dutch columnist Umar detained in Kuşadası on charge of “insulting President” has taken decision to go out of citizenship of Turkey.
29 April 2016
Cumhuriyet Columnists Sentenced to 2-Year Jail Term Over Charlie Hebdo Cover
Cumhuriyet daily columnists, Ceyda Karan and Hikmet Çetinkaya being tried for publishing Charlie Hebdo cover of the prophet Muhammad, have been sentenced to 2 years of prison.
29 April 2016
Finn Writer Taina Niemela to be Deported
Finn writer Taina Niemela residing in Van has been issued to be deported over “espionage activities” allegation.
28 April 2016