Özgür Gündem Published in Solidarity: “We Will not Give In”

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Özgür Gündem daily, which has been shut down by court order, released four pages with the headline “We will not give in”.
The daily, published in solidarity, appeared in newsstands as a special edition of Atılım newspaper.
"You cannot silence us"
On the back page, it was captioned “You cannot silence us” with photos of the daily’s workers.
In the editorial article issued on the first page, following phrases were used:
“We call all of our friends to repel this attack directed at our daily, and we call our people to look out for their newspaper and free press. We are repeating our unhesitant firm stance, which we have maintained against the February 28 coup that the Islamist media had remained silent about. We persist to stand against the [July 15] coup attempt. We will stand against AKP (Justice and Development Party) coup as well. We’ve never remained silent, you will not be able to silence us.” (EA/TK)