Way Paved to Prosecution of Putchists

Three further clauses of the constitutional reform package passed through parliament in the session on 27 April.
A total of 25 articles have successfully passed through parliament so far.
Start of second round scheduled for 2 May
The first round of discussions was finished on 28 April, the second round is expected to start on 2 May. According to the program, the General Assembly is supposed to have finished with the marathon sessions related to the constitutional reform package by Thursday 6 May. The amendments can be summarized as follows:
Supreme Board of Prosecutors and Judges (HSYK)
The amendments of article 159 of the constitution on "Supreme Board of Prosecutors and Judges" (HSYK) was passed with 336 to 72 votes. One vote came out empty.
It was decided to increase the number of regular members from seven to 22 and there shall be 12 deputy members. The HSYK shall consist of three chambers.
There is no change regarding the presidency of the HSYK, which will still be lead by the Justice Minister. The minister will keep his/her place in the Ministry of Justice Undersecretary Committee.
The President shall appoint four regular members from the members of staff of law, economy and political branches of high education institutions, high level executives and lawyers. The Supreme Court General Assembly shall appoint three regular and three substitute members from among the members of the Supreme Court. The State Council General Assembly appoints two regular and two substitute members from the members of the State Council. One regular and one substitute member is appointed by the General Assembly of the Turkish Justice Academy from academy members. Candidates will be elected for the duration of four years and may be re-elected after their term has expired.
Elections shall be held 60 days prior to the expiring of term of the candidates.
Appeals can be filed against the Board's decision of a "vocational ban". Otherwise, there shall be no appeal to any judicial instance against the decisions of the Council.
Economic and Social Council
340 MPs voted in favour of the amendments related to article 166, 69 MPs rejected the proposal.
According to the amendment, the "Economic and Social Council" shall be taken within the scope of the Constitution.
Prosecution of putchists possible
Article 15 is regulating the "Suspension of the Exercise of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms". The provisional article will be lifted. It prevented the prosecution of the coup leaders of 12 September 1980 and those who governed the country afterwards.
The Amendment passed with 336 to 70 votes, one vote came out empty. (TK/VK)
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