Another 4 Amendments Approved

Another four clauses of the constitutional reform package were passed through parliament as part of the second round of voting on 4 May.
Penalties for civil servants
According to the amendment related to article 129 on Duties, Responsibilities and Guarantees during Disciplinary Proceedings, disciplinary decisions of warnings and reprimands shall be subject to judicial review. 336 MPs voted in favour of the amendment, 71 against, one vote came out empty.
Supervision of judges and prosecutors
The amendment of article 144 on the Supervision of Judges and Prosecutors was accepted with 338 to 70 votes.
According to the provision, the supervision of judges and prosecutors shall be reorganized. Judicial services and administrative duties of prosecutors shall be supervised by the Ministry of Justice; research, investigations and inquiries shall be audited by judiciary inspectors.
Military jurisdiction
The amendment concerned with article 145 on Military Justice was approved by 336 to 72 votes. The new regulation stipulates that military personnel can be tried at civil courts. Civilians shall not be prosecuted at military courts except at state of war.
Constitutional Court
The amendment of article 146 is related to the reorganization of the Constitutional Court. Accordingly, the number of regular members shall increase from 11 to 17 members, the number of deputy members remains the same (four).
The clause was passed through parliament with 337 to 69 votes, one MP abstained from voting and three votes turned out empty. (TK/VK)
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