UN: "Cyprus Negotiations Picked up Momentum again"

Alexander Downer, Special Advisor of the UN Secretary-General on Cyprus, announced that negotiations for a united Cyprus have "picked up momentum again".
Following his meeting with the Security Council United Nations Headquarters in New York, Downer made remarks to the press. He conceded that the issue of property had slowed down the process but emphasized his view "with the Secretary-General's meeting on the 18th of November that momentum has picked up again, and it's up to the leaders of course to maintain that momentum in to the future".
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon met both Dimitris Christofias and Derviş Eroğlu, political leaders of southern and northern Cyprus respectively, on 18 November.
The two leaders will meet again on coming Monday (6 December). Another meeting is expected before the end of the year and again towards the end of January 2011. Also UN Secretary-General Ban will be meeting again with both leaders, Downer announced.
Bilateral negotiations were initiated in 2008 in order to create a federation based on two societies, two regions and political equality. These principles were also stressed in the according UN resolution.
Considering the recent slowing down of the negotiations due to the "very complex issue of property", Downer stated that he did not think that the process was going to fall apart. He appreciated its re-acceleration achieved by Ban's meeting with the two leaders. (EÖ/VK)
Click here to read the full remarks of Special Advisor Downer.
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