Cypriots Call for a "Military-Free Nicosia"

People in Cyprus demonstrated for a "Military-free Nicosia" once more on 19 February. This demonstration became an annual tradition since the first event in 2006.
The event was organized upon the call of the New Cyprus Party. The demonstration moved around the New Gate (Magosa Gate) in the district of Çağlayan as part of the capital of Nicosia. This gate was used as a transition point after the coup in 1974. The group of demonstrators made their press statement in front of the gate.
At the same time, the Initiative for a Nicosia without Military and Transition Points came to the ceasefire line in the south of the divided city to issue a press release.
The demand for a military-free Nicosia voiced in both announcements included the regional withdrawal of the military as well as the withdrawal of the military from the entire island. Hence, the homes and offices left in the buffer zone could be used again and the dividing line could be replaced by locations that unite Cyprus, the demonstrators emphasized.
A withdrawal of the military would open up the ceasefire line and one third of the island covered by the buffer zone to civil use again. This would be important for the democratization and also for daily life from traffic to tourism, from agriculture to cattle dealing and many other sectors of civil life that would be significantly affected, the demonstrators declared.
The participants were carrying banners featuring "Miliatry-free Nicosia, Military-free Cyprus" and "We revolt against occupation". The demonstration was supported by the European Bureau for Conscientious Objection. (HÇ/EÖ/VK)
Sources: Yeniçağ and Havadis newspapers.