35 Years After "Peace Operation" Still No Solution For Cyprus

Northern Cyrus is currently celebrating the 35th anniversary of the "Peace Operation", which was started on July 20 1974 and was resumed between 14-16 August.
Mehmet Çakıcı, chair of the Socialist Democracy Party (TDP), criticized: "For enduring peace a day like this must not be a day of victory for one side and a day of mourning for the other side." The Cypriot press reflected political messages on this day.
What is known in Turkey as the Cyprus Peace Operation was a military operation by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) in Northern Cyprus in 1974 which lead to the division of Cyprus into the northern Turkish part and the Greek part in the south.
Leman Sam wrote for the Yeni Düzen (New Order) Newspaper:
"If only they would leave Cyprus alone, I think if also Turkey would take its hands off Cyprus and released its iron grip, then the Greek people would also loosen up. This issue is not looked at as a problem of the Cypriot people but as a conflict between Greece and Turkey. The Cypriots are being sacrificed in this conflict. Turkey's grip on the Turkish side and Greece's grip on the Greek side seem absurd to me..."
TDP chair Çakıcı pointed out that a satisfying solution for both sides has still not been found although 35 years have passed since Turkey's military intervention.
"Both sides have to show efforts for a happy common future by taking into consideration each other's sensitivities and by learning from the past." Çakıcı wished for his country not to experience days like 15th and 20th July once more.
Gül: Turkish Cypriots cannot be made to pay this deadlock's price
The Kıbrıs Postası (Cyprus Post) newspaper titled with a quotation of Turkey's president Abdullah Gül, saying that "Turkish Cypriots cannot be made to pay this deadlock's price".
In a letter Gül had sent to Northern Cyprus President Mehmet Ali Talat he said, "The Peace Operation carried out by the heroic Turkish Armed Forces guaranteed their own government for the Turkish Cypriots."
Talat: Guarantor states are not debatable
The Kıbrıs (Cyprus) newspaper refers to Talat making clear that Cyprus is not going to renounce Turkey as a guarantor state. The Kıbrıslı (Cypriot) newspaper reported about the celebrations and Cemil Çiçek's visit to Cyprus.
Cypriot Prime Minister Derviş Eroğlu argued that neither the USA nor the EU considered the conditions during the time of the operation.
Ferdi Sabit Soyer, head of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), emphasized that an agreement has to be found which both sides can accept and that the creation of peace should be pushed forward.
Bakoyanni: We support the South's efforts
Foreign Minister of Greece Dora Bakoyanni assured her confidence that a solution for Cyprus will be found, which is in the interest of all Cypriots and which can find acceptance on both sides. "Turkey plays a crucial role. The country will have to contribute with a positive approach to the progression of the Turkish-Greek relationships, which will also accelerate Turkish EU accession procedures."
"The sores that the occupation opened have to be closed again and the Cypriot people should safely live together again in the frame of the EU." Bakoyanni furthermore stated that Southern Cyprus leader Dimitri Hristofyas' insisting attempts for a solution are fully supported by Athens.
"Not operation but occupation"
Turkey based the state operation on Article 4 of the Zurich and London Agreement. Yet, the United States and the European Council recognize the operation as an occupation.
Bülent Ecevit was Prime Minister at that time. The Turkish National Assembly (TBMM) gave the authority to the cabinet to start a general war. Martial law was announced in 14 provinces.
On the morning of 20 July the bombing was started with air raids. After that the TSK continued the attack with parachutes and from the sea, landing at Karaoğlanoğlu beach.
The operation resulted in a new border between northern and southern Cyprus, dividing the capital into Lefkoşa on the Turkish side and Nicosia on the Greek side. (EZÖ/VK/AG)
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