Transgender Murder in Istanbul

A man has stabbed Dilan Pirinç (28) to death, following an argument at her home in Istanbul, Cihangir. "Pirinç had recently filed a complaint about someone harassing her," her friends told bianet after last night's incident.
According to news reports, a murder suspect is turned in to the Eyüp police by his father. Nevertheless, police officials declined to confirm this information to bianet. Neighbors are said to have reported a fight in Pirinç's house to the police. When officers arrived at the scene, they found her body. When an ambulance failed to show up, her friends arranged for a special service. Pirinç was taken to Taksim Hospital but didn't survive.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights Platform (LGBT Rights) will make a press statement in front of Pirinç's house tomorrow at 01.00 pm.
"Violence towards transgender individuals is on the rise. Without an amendment of the Constitution's article on equality to include sexual orientation and sexual identity, our lives will continue to be under threat," the platform said in a written statement.
"For years now, we have insisted that transgender murders are political murders. A political power which resists to introduce hate crimes in the penal code, which refuses to see demands for constitutional equality in a country where murderers are let off with deductions of penalty in a system in which killing a transgender individual is made such easy deserves to be protested to the end."
Feminist and socialist groups condemned the incident and expressed support. Lastly, Dilek İnce was murdered in Ankara on November 10, 2008.(BÇ/AGÜ)